I Turned Out To Be a Peerless Expert

Chapter 135: Wenquxing reappears

There was a dead silence in Wenyuan Building.

The back of Ji Xiao's departure was deeply imprinted in their minds. Some people's faces were as deep as water, some were overjoyed, and everyone was silent.

"Actually let him enter the ancient sage stone forest..."

"It's been a long time, no non-royal person has set foot in that place, but this person is still the son of the right minister Ji Lang, that is Zhou..."

"Xiongtai speaks cautiously, just know it now."

"If you really let him write poems on the stone tablet, the Ji family will cover the literary world, and the power will be in the hands of the people, I am afraid that no one can stop it."

The Gonggon princes bowed their heads and talked.

In this ancient sage-sage stone forest, if you can leave poems on it, the royal family will have a great reward, because this is tantamount to raising a sip of literary and Taoism incense for the ancestral temple.

Back then, Chen Yubai carried the stone tablet and flew out, and even shouted out of the city:

"You don't need to wait for the swallows, I will take the stele away!"

If he hadn't written poems on the ancient sages and sages stone forest, the idea of ​​the sage would never allow such behavior.

Undoubtedly, if Ji Xiaozhen wrote the Zhenguo poem, he would have obtained the title of Tianda, and the party that stood on the side of the royal family who questioned him before would have the title of the title pierced with a knife.

It is the legendary "face-slap".

So the officials on the royal family's side are a bit sad.

Who can stand it?

Before Ji Xiao was a waste of iron, he could read a ghost book, and he might not be able to pass the formal test. Now he is ranked first in the partial test?

We become villains when the waste stream counterattacks and slaps us?

The people outside who don’t know the truth have also begun to discuss. If Ji Xiao is really made, the consequences will be disastrous...

Some officials started to get up and leave.

Although this result is unacceptable, it has already happened, and you have to go back and make arrangements first.

Others stayed at the scene and started talking with the people of Ji Dang, hoping to make up for the situation.

The red-robed official with the loudest voice bowed and teased: "My sirs, go out and walk slowly. I won't give it away."

Then he turned his eyes and saw Chen Zhengyang sitting next to him drinking tea.

"Yeah, this is not Da Chen... Oh, brother Zhengyang, you are no longer a doctor of the censorship. It is difficult for you to come to Wenyuan Tower to join in without official status."

"Who are you?"

Chen Zhengyang's temper seems to be much better, and he is completely immune to this kind of yin and yang.

"The official's surname is Wei, and Gu Bailun's brother Gu's brother was tragically seized by an adulterer. He will soon be replaced by the soldier in the military department."

The red-robed official sat down and Shi Shiran poured a cup of tea.

This means that what Gu Bailun did before will be handed over to me in the future. What if you kill a piece of Gu Bailun?

"It turned out to be Master Wei."

Chen Zhengyang was still not angry.

I even want to laugh a little bit.

"Our son Ji will be named Yandu, what do you think of Master Chen?"

The official surnamed Wei asked again with a smile.

It seems that today, I must want to see how this former Yushi popular is declining.

However... Lao Chen has no mood swings.

"Oh, hehe, pretty good."

The corner of Chen Zhengyang's mouth twitched.

I really don't know, Ji Xiao used the plagiarized Zhenguo poem to enter the ancient sage-sage stone forest, only to see what the original author was sitting there.

Are you surprised or surprised?

"Oh, I think Master Chen is nothing more than that. I also hope that you can cheer up and be an official with the court." Hong Pao shook his head and left with a sigh.

Chen Zhengyang looked at the officials present with an obscure light flashing in his eyes.

He silently remembered the faces and expressions of every official.

There is no need to tell the news about Mr. Li, because these people don't need to know so much in advance, and the people of Ji Dang are also there.

There was too much movement, and the fish were scared away.

Today it made him understand that there are still many fish hidden in the mud that haven't come out.


As soon as the red-robed official came out of Wenyuan Building, the arrogant expression on his face gradually returned to calm, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he twisted his beard into contemplation for a long time.

Chen Zhengyang, something is wrong.

He passed through the crowded and noisy crowd outside, and the sedan chair that followed stopped at the door, picked him up and avoided the prosperous place all the way, and went around a few big circles before stopping in a secluded tavern.

It may be due to the great event of today’s autumn test and a town country poem, and basically the people went to see the excitement.

Moreover, this place was originally a remote place, so there was no one everywhere.

The tavern was very deserted, with only one female shopkeeper sitting in front of the counter, with a blank expression on her abacus.

The shop's second child is working hard to polish the tables, chairs and benches that can be seen by the shine, and does not come to greet the guests.


The sound of the abacus beads is very crisp.

Hearing the official surnamed Wei came, the shopkeeper did not lift his head.

"You go out first."

The official surnamed Wei stepped back and sat on the seat by the window, saying: "The shopkeeper, three pots of sweet-scented osmanthus wine."

"How much do you want, this year's or last year's."

The female shopkeeper's voice was hoarse.

"Just two or two, if it's the best brewed in autumn two years ago."

An ordinary civilian does not take him seriously, and the official surnamed Wei is not angry, but a little respectful in his tone.

When the female shopkeeper heard the words, she flicked the bead a few times.

Suddenly, dull rays of light appeared around the tavern, and the pale black aura slowly intertwined into arrays, like a blooming peony, and the open petals enveloped the entire tavern.

From the outside, the tavern has not changed. The two are still sitting in their original postures, and Xiao Er is still busy.

But in fact, this is a dream bubble.

"Mr Mangshan's demon formation really deserves its reputation."

The official surnamed Wei complimented and asked: "Today's autumn test, I wonder how many demon brothers from your ministry got in?"

"The whole three tribes are here."

After finishing her calculation, the female shopkeeper sneered and said: "It's a lot to conceal the sight of Master Youxiang with Young Master Ji Xiao. Even the Yulin army on duty was transferred to the inner city. We came in without disturbing anyone."

"That's good..."

The official surnamed Wei took out a land deed from his arms and said, "Lianxin Tower has already been bought and can be used as your place to stay. The rest of the place has been prepared."

Xiao Er took the title deed and looked at the red robe official's gaze with a cruel look, but before the fierce light was completely revealed, the female shopkeeper opened her mouth and said:

"If it's okay, you can go."


The official surnamed Wei got up, just took two steps, hesitated.

"You must have been told by the right image. If you find that Chen Zhengyang's Wen Palace has been restored, come here to find me, but you should not continue to think about it, otherwise..."

The female shopkeeper smiled and said: "You don't need to do anything, you will die in the mansion from a stubborn illness."


The official surnamed Wei got wet with cold sweat on his back and hurried out.

Looking at his leaving back.

The female shopkeeper gathered up her hair and sighed: "Youxiang, it's so ruthless, who would have thought that Ji Xiao is just a cover, and the Ji family never needs a name."

"Thanks to that idiot, who led Habayashi away."

The Xiaoer sat down with black markings on his face. He sneered and said, "I'm afraid, it's also for the destiny? But isn't this ancient sage in the stone forest only entering Ji Xiao?"

As he said, he shook his head again, "Forget it, the ghost knows what this old fox is calculating."

"Okay, I have done this time, less than this person has done this kind of thing that seeks skin from tigers."

The skirt moved behind the shopkeeper, and several fox tails suddenly stood upside down.

"Let the brethren hide their figures, let's go to Lianxinlou to hand over and wait for the opportunity."


In the small ruined temple.

"What is the order of the 300 Tang poems..."

Li Xuan recalled.

Immediately, the brush covered with ink left a line of writing on the mottled stone slab like a dragon and a snake.

Of course he is not idle and writing so many poems.

Looking at this day, it is estimated that there is still some time to start the exam, it is better to have fun with the concierge.

This is a multiplayer sport... At least there are four talents.

Let Lingyin forget this little white flower, don't make it crooked, what if you marry home and do not do business every day...

"Does this kid really write?"

Cao Tu, who was in black and black hair, also ate the apple clean, reached out his hand unscrupulously and wiped it on the rag jacket, and said in amazement: "Is it actually written?"

The stone stele in the ancient sages stone forest is quite special, it is not a chapter of the town and country, and cannot be left on it. It is the same if it is not written by the author himself, and the writing will fade by itself.

"This kind of calligraphy..."

Cao Tian, ​​with white beard and hair, brightened before his eyes and asked, "This handwriting was created by a later generation? Why have I never seen it before?"

"I haven't seen it before."

Li Xuan squatted in front of the stone tablet and wrote.

That is, the running script brought over from the previous life, except for him, can anyone know it, that's really hell.

This thing is not easy to explain.

"Mister said, this is called running script..."

Su Lingyin explained in a low voice next to him: "It's normal that the two grandpas haven't seen each other, because this is my husband's own writing."

"This word is like flowing clouds and flowing water, not only does not lose the dignified character, but also reveals the unrestrained freehand brushwork, which is extremely beautiful."

Cao Tian came over, examined it carefully, and exclaimed again and again.


Cao Tu mumbled, a little uncomfortable.

This feeling is probably...someone is lying next to your ear, whispering softly:

"My lord, times have changed."

Once upon a time, they measured the world, but now they don't even know the words.

The two masters were touched in the blind zone of knowledge, thinking that they knew everything, but today they experienced the feeling of awkwardness for the first time, just...

Very bleak.

In a short while, a brand-new handed down poem came onto the paper.

Cao Tu also wiped his hands, picked up a pear-like treasure medicine and chewed on it, muttering in his mouth:

"The chaotic strips still haven't turned yellow, they will be mad when they rely on the east wind.

Solve the flying flowers over the sun and the moon, knowing that there is frost in the world. "

With the birth of this poem, a burst of clear light burst out over the ancient sage-sage stone forest, and then the literary energy suddenly turned into a cloud and fell from the sky.

The literary spirit became more and more convenient, falling on the Four Seasons Ancient Road, and a willow forest that fluttered in the wind was born out of thin air, and the roots of the paper fluttered with the wind, turning green and yellow.

Feixu swept into the sky violently, and for a while, it was a little bit shaded from the sun.

However, at the end of the Four Seasons Road, another bit of wind and snow blew away all the catkins.

The Four Seasons Ancient Road is left by poor scholars and can resonate with them. It is definitely a masterpiece of the town's poems.

The two old men looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

Within one day, three Zhenguo poems came out. This is probably a rare literary talent.

Back then, the poor and sour scholar won the title of Poet Master because he composed four quatrains in one day, the first of which is the town, chanting the magnificent scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The so-called predecessors planted trees, and later generations took the shade.

As long as future generations write poetry, they will not be able to pass these four seasons.

The young man in front of him just took a few breaths.

Faster than poor talent!

Cao Tu was also touching his chin.

Although the two uncles were not good at writing poetry, they still understood the deep meaning in an instant.

The implied meaning of this poem seems to be depicting scenery, but it is actually ironic.

Comparing wicker to an insolent villain, with the wind swaying around, two boats with unidentified green and yellow feet, and delusion to use the wind to cover the glory of the sun and the moon with catkins, but I don’t know that winter is coming...

‘This is a satirical poem, but...who is he satirizing? ’

Cao Tu also looked around.

Su Lingyin raised her head cautiously.

Uncle Cao Tian looked up at the sky.

Cao Tu suddenly became clever, and said angrily: "Good boy, so holding a grudge, he actually wrote poems to satirize the old man, so I am angry!"

"Master, what do you think, why am I sarcastic? Eat your pears."

Li Xuan looked back at him strangely and continued to write.

Surprisingly, there is still this kind of check-in.

This old black man may be getting more and more sensitive.

"It's not sarcastic to me..."

Cao Tu also scratched his cheeks, smiled and leaned over and asked: "Then who is your kid, who is so strange? This poem is terrific, enough to be passed down to the world. I don't know if the person being scolded is an honor or bad luck.

Your kid has a lot of grudges, writing a national poem to scold him, how can he offend you? "

"It's not a big deal either."

Li Xuan waved his hand with the brush, and a few drops of ink broke out, which happened to land on Cao Tian's beard.


Cao Tu also snorted.

"Being arrogant by the east wind, you must know that there will be wind and snow after the east wind..."

Cao Tian really tasted something.

What is Dongfeng?

This kid is not like an official, otherwise, she shouldn't let the little girl surname Su grind her ink, either she has a very high status, or she doesn't know it at all.

Others borrowed his Dongfeng arrogance...

Is it possible... it's poetry?

"Didn't your kid be stabbed?"

Cao Tian stroked his beard, his hand was smeared with ink, and his white beard was mostly blackened.

"Sir, with such a tepid temper, I don’t even bother to share it with others after suffering such a big loss. I obviously like the song "Xia Ke Xing" very much..." Su Lingyin raised her brow and hugged it. White knees squatted aside.

"Little girl, do you know? It's better to tell grandpa to listen."

Cao Tu also came interested.

"There is a man named Ji Xiao who misappropriated a good poem from Zhenguo."

Su Lingyin said angrily.

"The last name Ji..."

Cao Tian frowned.

"Huh, don't think about it, it's the **** of the Ji family."

Cao Tu also murmured with the enemy, coldly snorted: "Those grandsons of tortoises, there is nothing you dare not steal, Lian Wenqu..."

Speaking of this, he shut his mouth.

Because Cao Tian was pointing to the west, shook his head slightly at him.

There is a semi-holy statue of the Zhou Dynasty.

"Boy, what's that poem called?"

Cao Tu was still very angry.

"A knight."

Li Xuan replied and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't care very much. You think too much. Am I the kind of person who writes poems and satirizes me?

Poems, I have so many. "

"You kid..."

Cao Tu wanted to laugh, but his eyes suddenly stopped.

After a flash of divine skill, this kid wrote a few more poems.

The old man is a little numb.

Is this so fast?

Is the outside world developing too fast, is Zhen Guo Poem the same as Chinese Cabbage?

It's not finished yet, this kid is still writing there, not only there is no sign of exhaustion, but he even writes faster and faster!

Are you copying it?

anyone there? I report, this kid is hanging up!

Cao Tian looked at the sky.

There are countless different phases entangled above, countless literary spirits are surging, and the wonders are outlined in the four seasons, making it even more elegant.

This is the way of a poor scholar.

According to this posture, poor talents can come out today?

This is beyond the scope of an excellent junior, and even a fairy who is good at writing poetry will definitely not be able to do it.

The educated children may not be able to write good poems, but a bachelor must be able to do it?

At least town poetry, certainly not.

This eloquent Hua Zhang Fei sentence is composed faintly beyond the limit of the season, almost breaking out!

So Li Xuan wrote for that.

The two uncles squatted beside him without any image.

The black robe gnawed pears, and the white robe touched his chin, praising "Wonder" from time to time.

It's just that the old man in the white robe obviously didn't notice that half of his face was dark. He touched his beard and his face with his hand, and the ink spread evenly on his face...

Come to the last stone monument.

Li Xuan suddenly thought.

On top of his head are all kinds of extremely gorgeous aliens, but he is not moved, but closed his eyes.

In the beginning, just write casually.

But now, he feels that he should write a meaningful poem.

Why are you here?


Why study?

For spiritual practice.

In this world, as a traverser, who doesn't want to live forever?

After a few breaths, the two uncles sighed slightly.

What do they think?

How can a young man, even if it is a hidden boss, overcome the poor and the talented in poetry?

too difficult.

Because everyone who writes poetry sees things that extend from the backbone of the poet, how can they not be touched by the slightest shadow.

But soon, Li Xuan finished his writing.

"Bai Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor.

Mistakes in the world's music, rather chaotic.

Ninety-six sages, floating clouds hung empty names.

Heaven and earth gambled and failed to forget the war ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Try the overlord strategy, and Xuan Mianrong.

Time fate is ridiculous, and abandoned travel on the sea.

Learning the sword and turning from the 哂, how can the text be successful.

Swords are not enemies of ten thousand people, and there is a sound of plagiarism from all over the world.


As the pen fell, not only the ancient sages in the stone forest, but also the swallows outside were also shaken, as if what was written in the pen was the supreme road, which was beyond the ability of this world.

"what's happenin?"

"Is it the Zhenguo poem of Young Master Ji Xiao that shocked God and caused a paradox?"

"No... Someone in the ancient sage-sage stone forest has written poems in the past, but there has never been such a movement."

Countless people looked up at the sky.

I don't know when, the sun star has faded away, as if the head was covered with a layer of gauze and black cloth.

Immediately in the sky, thousands of Ambilight flashes, and countless hidden stars are fully manifested.

These stars even gradually converge into a river in the bizarre trajectory, like a brilliant Changhong hanging in the sky.

Immediately, the long river moved.

Rush down, straight into the stone forest of ancient sages!

Just when everyone was shocked and unsure of the reason.

An old man with white beard and hair suddenly knelt on the ground, and said:

"Wenquxing! It's shining again on the land of our country of Yan!"

The old man can still see him in this life, he died without regrets! "

Suddenly, the whole Yan exploded.

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