I Turned Out To Be a Peerless Expert

Chapter 198: I, Li Bairi, don't go whoring for nothing

In Pearl Lane.

A breeze blew open a building on the corner of the street, sending a bit of petals to the inn.

Immediately, the other two figures also appeared in it out of thin air.

The petals rolled upside down, forming a woman with a temperament like the king of flowers. When she gently waved her sleeve robe, the doors and windows closed automatically as if there was no wind.

All the movements of the outside world are all isolated together.

"So cautious?"

Xuan Twenty-One looked at the various styles in front of him, and he could see women with different kinds of beauty in him every time.

Although he dislikes Semi-Holy, who randomly sends people to intervene in the affairs of the Sky Surveyor, he also knows that Wanhua can be ever-changing. As long as she is unwilling, no one can detect her whereabouts. Semi-Holy is the most powerful one. Helper.

Yes, it is a helper. Although the cultivation base is not as good as the semi-sage, the two are equal.

"I know, you don't accept it in your heart. If you have to, I don't bother to intervene in the Sky Surveyor."

Wanhua took out Yu Ruyi and asked the two with a smile: "Do you think the semi-sage's rules are good?"


Xuan Twenty-One, as a Confucian, nodded his head inconspicuously.

The semi-sage controls Wen Dao, and the word "rule" is his biggest killer. Even the ancient sages regarded it as a scourge.

This is why Xuan XXI was extremely jealous of him, and even just forcibly terminated the operation.

"There is a literati who erased the rules and characters."

Wanhua's next words changed Xuan Twenty-One's expression drastically.

"This is impossible!"

Xuan Twenty-one's tone was decisive.

But then, his brows frowned again, as if thinking of something.

"Now I can only find his position through Yu Ruyi, and just now..."

Wanhua didn't finish her words, but directly threw Yu Ruyi out.

Xuan Twenty stretched out his hand in consciousness, then switched to holding it up with both hands.

In an instant, he felt as if his whole body was poured into the mold, as if he couldn't even speak.

At the same time, a force of traction came from the hand.

He finally knew why Wanhua jumped out to stop himself at that time.

"You mean, the person who wrote those four books also came to Lianyungang?"

What does it mean to be able to erase the mark of the word "gui"?

The representative has surpassed the semi-sage from the height of thought and doctrine, so the denial before Xuan Twenty-one was so straightforward.

Because if someone can break the semi-sage in doctrine, then Confucianism will undergo earth-shaking changes, but no one has done this for thousands of years. Even the ancient sages can only nest in a three-square-acre land. Poor experience, looking for a solution.

If there is, there is only one person.


Wanhua hooked her finger, and Yu Ruyi flew back. "Compared to that person, Ao Qing is nothing more than a small fish. Besides, Ao Qing should be with that person too.

So our interests are the same for the time being, you are a smart person..."

"City Lord Wanhua, I was abrupt with the land before 24."

Xuan Twenty-One figured out a lot in an instant, and bowed to salute.

That's it.

He had guessed before that, for the appearance of the four books, Half Saint could not sit on the sidelines, it turned out that he had sent City Master Wanhua to help.

Na Ao Qing had escaped from the country of Yan before. Those four books were also spread from the country of Yan, and Ji Lang collapsed at almost the same time. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

There is a great power, playing with the semi-sage!

"The man's scheming city is so horrible, you should understand it."

At this time, Wanhua changed his body shape again. After the petals dispersed, a plain middle-aged man appeared inside, and her voice became much thicker:

"Everything must be cautious and cautious."

"I'll wait to know."

Xuan Twenty-One did not refute, and he started to change his face by means. The Twenty-Four was convenient. He took off his undergarment to reveal his original appearance, and then took a herb that calmed the blood and qi, and he didn't see the clues. .

The two have heard about what happened in Yandu.

Even the semi-sage suffered a big loss unsuspectingly, so naturally the plan of that person is of course an old monster level.

If they had really made a move just now, it would be tantamount to switching from the dark to the light, losing their current greatest advantage.

Inadvertently falling into the game of power, you have to walk on thin ice and lift up all your energy.

Wanhua nodded and waved to open the doors and windows.

There was one more thing she didn't say.

In fact, just now, it was a good way to let these two patrol guards try, she didn't care about the life and death of these two people.

But the sudden throbbing in her heart made it hard for her to control herself.


In a tavern with a strong coastal city style.

"I do not know either."

Xiangxiang shook her head blankly.

Ao Qing didn't know where he was going, and even this dragon ball was sent by someone.

"Grandfather will not leave without saying goodbye."

Ao Chiyao’s voice was full of worry, “I’m afraid he might have some accident...There are many levels on the road, and I just found out that the strongest at the gate of the city seems to be watching us.”

"Are we being targeted?"

Xiangxiang suddenly became vigilant, as if everyone passing by was not quite right.

But it's a pity that her current cultivation base is still too low, even if she practiced hard during this period of time, and took precious medicine every day to improve her realm, she still stayed at the fifth rank.

So, even if the people around really had problems, she couldn't tell.

"Don't be nervous, wouldn't it be great now?"

Li Xuan smiled freely and looked at the two women who were not very emotional in a foreign country, and said: "Let’s treat this as a trip. Lao Ao should be delayed in his own personal affairs. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t come. At that time, Xiangxiang, based on your own memory, it's okay for us to look for it.

Maybe Lao Ao would have been waiting for us a long time ago. "

From time to time, I walked by Liang Guojiashi on the street, and Lianyungang's law and order was not bad.

Moreover, the monks here seem to be extremely orderly, so they shouldn't have to worry too much about safety issues.

It's not bad to be accompanied by elders...

Xiangxiang seemed to have found the mainstay, nodded gently, and said in her heart: "Sister Ao, Li Xuan has said so, your grandfather should be fine, he should be able to find the Dragon Palace, right?"

"Well, of course I believe in Li Xuan."

Ao Chiyao hesitated for a moment, and then relaxed in her heart, saying, "Every step of Li Xuan's is his own plan. Since he said he is going to sea, let's just do what he wants."

Unconsciously, Ao Chiyao, who has always been strong, has a tendency to become a salted fish.

It's not that she is stupid, but that Li Xuan is a big boss who has no plan to solve everything, and she feels that it is unnecessary to think by herself.

"We can go out to see."

Li Xuan was watching and listening to the discussion around him, with a smile on his face.

"Have you heard? There are many treasures produced in the deep sea recently, and many ships are preparing to leave the port."

"Shall we make a fortune too?"

"Thinking too much, I don’t even have a fifth-grade cultivation base. If you go to the deep sea, a wave will kill you, let alone facing the big monster in the deep sea. The most important thing is to use our strength. It is impossible to travel less than a thousand feet away, so don't join in the fun."

The surrounding monks talked a lot, and they didn't have the coldness as imagined, the immortal wind does not eat the fireworks in the world.

On the contrary, it is not much different from the general public in the restaurant, and it looks very grounded.

Their arrival did not cause too much disturbance in the restaurant. There are usually many people here.

The eyes that gathered were mostly because Li Xuan and the two girls looked outstanding, and the leaves and the little rabbits were very cute, especially the leaves knitting sweaters on the stool.

There is no brainless villain to make trouble.

Both women stepped into the middle realm when they were extremely young, but they faintly focused on the man with a faint temperament, and they were also very young men without any cultivation base. This only shows that this person's cultivation base is so high that no one is present. Able to see through.

Not long afterwards, the little Er, who had a dark skin characteristic of the beach, came to serve the food.

Abalones, lobsters, crabs...This kind of ingredients that are rarely seen in foreign countries, the cooking method is relatively simple.

After all, the best food often only requires simple cooking methods.

"Yeba, thank you for your hard work today."

Li Xuan glanced with satisfaction at the Shiba Inu who was still working hard to knit a scarf, and gave him a big crab.

"Woo! Wang!"

Xiaotian immediately put down the ball of yarn when he saw that he was given a meal.

When I just thought that Li Dana was still a person, I heard Li Xuandao:

"If that's the case, then work hard for you to peel off the shells of these crabs..."


Xiaotian's expression froze~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sloppy.

It's really sloppy. Li Dada shouldn't be regarded as a human being. He is a devil.


Seeing Ye Ye's expression, Li Xuan smiled and said, "Eat, eat."

‘I can’t pick it up...’

The ceiling of combat power Chang Xiaoyu wore a bunny face, two claws grabbed the crab's legs, and pulled Li Xuan's sleeve.

"You really can't help it."

Li Xuan took the crab leg.


After lunch, the sun just hung high, listening to the sound of the distant ocean waves, which made people drowsy.

But Lianyungang has no meaning of tranquility. Several large ships set sail on the coast, heading toward the depths of the sea.

"You guys have a good rest in the restaurant now. I'm very happy to go out and prepare to go to sea."

Li Xuan put the little rabbit in Su Lingyin's hands, and then went out of the restaurant with the tool Gou Xiaotian.

He didn't ask for directions, because it was unnecessary.

Since going out to sea for treasure hunting is the reason why so many practitioners gather here, it is convenient to go directly to the place with the most people.

After a while.

"The uncle is unfamiliar, is it a foreigner? Come in and have fun."

Several beautiful women in front of them waved their handkerchiefs.

The corner of Li Xuan's mouth twitched.

As the saying goes, food **** is also.

If you don't let men GHS, that means if you don't let them eat, people will die if they don't eat, so if you don't let them GHS, it's the same as killing them.

After all, you can eat seafood without going out to sea, and you don't have to take risks.

It seems that the place with the second most people is the right place.

I, Li Bairi, don't go whoring in vain.

Li Bairi, who used to pay for the little prince of Broken Moon Tower, was more or less embarrassed when he escaped today.


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