The Konoha Sannin can be said to be the protagonists of the previous era.

It is also a reflection of the previous generation of the original Class 7.

To put it in a more fantasy way, these three people are all children of fate.

The three holy places in the ninja world selected one from each of these three ninjas from the same class and class.

Myoboku Mountain chose Jiraiya, Shigulin chose Tsunade, and Ryūchi Cave chose Orochimaru.

But among the three, only Jiraiya can be regarded as having obtained the inheritance of the Holy Land, that is, the sage mode.

Orochimaru didn't succeed, as his physical fitness and chakra were not up to par.

If you want to learn the sage mode, you need to have a huge amount of chakra. Generally, it is almost impossible to succeed unless you have a special bloodline, and Jiraiya is an exception.

When he was a child, his talent was very poor and he was the weakest person, but since Myobokuyama took the right path, he has become the strongest among the three ninjas.

Orochimaru did not do it to calm Jiraiya, but he wanted to explore the essence of the sage mode. He wanted to master this senjutsu chakra, which is different from conventional chakra, and this more advanced energy.

So he worked hard to find Libra Jugo, and saw from him how ordinary ninjas can master Senjutsu Chakra.

It's a pity that even though he was expelled from the village by Konoha for doing human experiments, he still failed to master the perfect curse seal mode.

The death rate is too high.

And the side effects are too strong.

This is a forbidden technique, a forbidden technique that erodes life.

Even though he has been trying to improve, he is finally coming to an end. Ordinary ninjas try to steal the power of immortals, and the extremely high mortality rate and strong side effects are the price.

But at this moment, he saw the end of this technique again.

The perfect cursed seal mode is no worse than the immortal mode, no, it is stronger than the immortal mode.

Because the Immortal Mode learned from the Holy Land cannot absorb natural energy and transform Immortal Chakra anytime and anywhere like the psychic beasts in the Holy Land.

The transformation of the human body can only transform a part of the celestial chakra under relatively harsh conditions and activate the sage mode for a period of time.

But the curse seal mode completely overcomes this point. The existence of Zhongwu itself means that human beings can evolve and absorb natural energy independently.

What does this mean? It means that future ninjas can even completely replace the chakra in their bodies with senjutsu chakra.

Xuan has already accomplished this. His current Heavenly Curse Seal mode has minimal side effects and almost no physical or mental erosion.

This is what Orochimaru dreams of, the most perfect curse seal mode, which surpasses the magic of the sage mode.

"It's perfect, this is my ideal curse seal mode."Orochimaru circled Xuan twice and said excitedly.

For Orochimaru, there is nothing more exciting than seeing a perfect jutsu.

"Don't be happy too early."Xuan released the curse seal mode and poured cold water on Orochimaru:"I just got this technique by coincidence. It doesn't mean that I know its principle."

"This is why I'm looking for you. I want you to reverse deduce or perfect the perfect curse seal model based on this blood. Moreover, you cannot leak this technique without my permission."

The last sentence Xuan reminded Orochimaru, but in fact Xuan can still generally trust Orochimaru on this point. Orochimaru has researched and perfected so many forbidden techniques, and none of them have been leaked. This is still guaranteed.

As for Orochimaru Trying to analyze anything from his blood is simply overthinking.

As long as Xuan doesn't tell anyone about the existence of the ninja fragments, no one in the ninja world will know the origin of his power, just like Orochimaru. What was analyzed in his blood was that he actually ignored Xuan Zhen's process of becoming stronger, which was that during these dozens of days, he kept fighting and sparring, which seemed to Orochimaru to be useless. , but for Xuan, it is even more powerful, because he has two more S-level ninja panels.

"There is no problem with this. The Curse Seal Mode is built with Chonggo's blood as its core. There is a violent element in his blood, although that is also the reason why he can naturally absorb the energy of immortals."

"If my guess is correct, your blood at this moment has formed a perfect bloodline that can absorb natural energy, so if the curse seal is built with your bloodline as the core, it should not have as strong side effects as before."

Orochimaru looked very excited. He even explained the principles of the curse seal mode to Xuan.

"One last thing."Xuan didn't care about Orochimaru's excitement, but said in a calm tone:"I will give you a chance to kill the Sandaime Hokage."

"Kill Sarutobi-sensei? Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing:"Hahaha, Xuanjun, you surprise me more and more.""

After laughing for a while, Orochimaru stopped, stared at Xuan's eyes, with vertical pupils like poisonous snakes, and said with a slightly curious voice:"Although I have always wanted to kill Sarutobi-sensei, but I can Do you know why Xuanjun also wants to kill Sarutobi-sensei?"

"I can tell you this, because he prevented me from getting stronger."Xuan's eyes were very dangerous, and he looked at Orochimaru with a half-smile.

There are not so many other excuses, there are many reasons, and this is the most important thing. Xuan has no need to hide this.

If he is asked to give reasons, he There are many things that can be said, such as the decay of the third generation, such as Konoha will only become weaker and weaker in the hands of the third generation, such as the third generation's distrust of Uchiha, etc.

But there is no need, Orochimaru, standing in front of him, surrenders without any doubt. Darkness knows the human heart best. No matter how many excuses and reasons there are, they are just cover-ups.

"I think killing Sarutobi-sensei is a little different from you. I just think it would be too ugly if he continues like this. Orochimaru rarely showed a less gloomy smile:"Of course, defeating the master also means that the disciple has officially become a disciple.""

No one knows whether Orochimaru's words at this moment are true or false, and whether the feelings he reveals at this moment are true or false.

Even Xuan can't judge. Orochimaru may not be the strongest, but he is indeed the Hokage. The most difficult person to understand among them, he is different in the early stage and in the later stage.

No one can guess what he is thinking. The only thing that can be known about Orochimaru is the end of the ninjutsu he is pursuing. And all the truth.

In addition, Xuan can't really see through this man's thoughts.

However, he doesn't need to see through Orochimaru's thoughts. He only needs Orochimaru to do what he says, no matter what method he uses.

"You can leave the village to do the first two things in a few days. Of course, take Kabuto with you. He is the person I have arranged for you. You can contact me through him, and he will also be by your side. Learn some research techniques."Xuan said without any concealment.

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