I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 120 Three sentences that made Shisui dig out his eyes

"...here are the latest comic books and discs."

"This is a game console with a lot of stand-alone games installed. You can play it as long as you have electricity."

Uchiha Hikari demonstrated how to play the game console to the Neko-sage, and then watched the Neko-Sage start to play a little awkwardly.

Hmm...it's a bit clumsy indeed.

After all, it’s a bit awkward to operate PS3 with those cat paws...

After playing "The King of Fighters" with the lonely old cat for a while, and chatting about his current practice for half a night, Uchiha Hikaru finally quit the Dragon Ball world and returned to Konoha Village after a long absence.

It's dawn.

It's still the single-family villa in the Uchiha clan's residence.

Compared to when he left before, things in the house had not changed much. The pillows and quilts on the bed, the books and potted plants on the table...except for a little extra dust, everything was as before.


After staying in the bustling modern society of the dragon world for a few weeks, and then suddenly returning here, Uchiha Hikari felt that the room was a little empty.

"Maybe it's time to raise something at home..."

Uchiha Hikari washed his face in the mirror, changed into a thicker coat, opened the door, and prepared to go out for a walk.

As soon as I left the house, I saw a short figure guarding the door, looking eager to see what was going on.


The person who came was indeed the five-year-old Uchiha Sasuke.

When he saw Uchiha Hikari, the little guy's eyes lit up: "Hey, grandma, are you back? Please wait here for a while, I will go back and tell my father right away... He has something to discuss with you."


Uchiha Hikaru was a little confused, but there was nothing important at all, so he called Sasuke and went to Fugaku's house with him.

Fugaku was obviously used to her disappearing for a period of time and then suddenly reappearing from the clan. After bowing respectfully and saying hello, he started talking about the topic: "Grandma, do you still remember that some time ago, Shisui and the others left the village? Is it about carrying out an investigation mission..."

Uchiha Hikari did have an impression of this matter.

The source of the news is Quan——

Since the Kirigakure attack a month or two ago, members of the Uchiha clan who were sent to the village to perform tasks have been frequently attacked by "unknown persons", and three or four people have gone missing.

For this reason, Konoha specially sent an ANBU team to investigate the situation, including Jiraiya and Shisui.

Originally, this lineup was considered very strong. Let alone detecting intelligence, even fighting a small-scale battle would be no problem.


"... When Shisui and the others were investigating at the border of the Land of Fire, they encountered a premeditated ambush. Among the attackers were not only Kirigakure's seven ninja swordsmen, but also several unidentified strong men. At that time Lord Jiraiya was away, so Shisui had to activate Susanoo in order to protect his other teammates."

When Fugaku said this, his expression became a little complicated: "As you know, that kind of pupil technique puts a heavy burden on the body, so..."

"So, Shisui's eyes were gouged out?"

Uchiha Hikaru immediately thought of this possibility.

Could it be that Shisui's eyes were destined to be dug out? Even if Danzo was gone, someone else would do it?

But Fugaku was stunned: "Huh?"

"That's not true...it's just because of excessive consumption of pupil power. Although Shisui successfully repelled the enemy, his eyesight has seriously declined and is on the verge of blindness. According to the examination results of Konoha Hospital, he may no longer be qualified as a ninja. This profession.”


That is not bad.

If "Other Gods" fell into the hands of Kirigakure or Obito, the situation would be a little troublesome, but being blind... Uchiha Hikari actually didn't matter.

But for the Uchiha clan, this was a bolt from the blue.

After all, with Fugaku deliberately hiding it, Shisui was the only kaleidoscope in the clan. His retirement meant the overall weakening of the Uchiha clan...

"So, you want to ask me if there is a solution to this problem?"


Fugaku nodded: "According to the ancient books of the clan, the kaleidoscope needs to be completed with the eyes of blood relatives to become an eternal kaleidoscope so that it will not lose its light, but you seem to also..."

Uchiha Hikari pondered for a moment: "Take me to see him."

Ten minutes later.

Under the leadership of Fugaku, Uchiha Hikari came to a mansion on the other side of the clan.

Go through the courtyard.

Uchiha Hikaru took off his shoes in front of the corridor and stepped on the wooden floor wearing only a pair of white socks. He walked a few steps forward. After pushing the door and entering the room, he saw Shisui lying on the bed with his eyes covered with gauze and in a somewhat depressed state. . There was also Uchiha Itachi beside him helping to bring tea and water.

"Grandma, you are here."

Hearing the footsteps, Shisui on the bed struggled to get up and salute.

Uchiha Hikaru said a few simple words of courtesy, then motioned for Fugaku and his son to go out, and then got straight to the point: "I already know roughly what happened, and now you have two choices. First, according to what the doctor at Konoha Hospital said, from now on Use the kaleidoscope again to exit the ninja sequence.

Second, get a new pair of eyes. "


Zhisui was stunned: "You mean...find a tribesman and transplant his eyes to me?"

"It's not a transplant, it's your own eyes."

Uchiha Hikari took out a fairy bean from his arms: "This thing is a magic medicine that can cure all injuries. Even if the eyes are dug out, they will grow back. But I have not tried it on the Uchiha people, so I can't guarantee it. These eyes are still kaleidoscopes, and there is no guarantee that their vision will be restored...

To put it bluntly, this is a risky experiment. Do you want to try it? "

"Growing a new pair of eyes...can this kind of thing be done?"

Shisui was a little surprised.

But Uchiha Hikaru's tone was very firm: "I can do it if I say it."


After a long time.

Shisui nodded: "Okay."

Next, Shisui personally dug out his eyes, put them in a container with nutrient solution, and then ate the sensu beans.

Uchiha Hikaru, who was sitting next to him, saw with his own eyes that the flesh and blood in his eye sockets gradually filled up, and finally turned into a new pair of eyeballs and reappeared.

"How about it?"

"...The vision seems to have recovered, but..."

As his pupils activated, black magatama appeared in Shisui's eyes.

"Tsk, has it dropped so much..."

Uchiha Hikaru was a little disappointed.

She originally thought that if the newly grown eyes were still kaleidoscopes, she would go to Fugaku to discuss it. She would provide fairy beans and let Fugaku dig out the eyes as long as they grow, and artificially create dozens of pairs of kaleidoscopes, so that everyone in the clan could have one pair. ...It seems that I am simply overthinking it.

But at least...

"Shall I take these eyes away? Just treat them as a reward for helping you restore your eyesight. Is that okay?"

After obtaining Shisui's consent, Uchiha Hikaru stuffed the container containing Shisui's eyes into his pocket.

For Shisui, these eyes that were about to go blind were no longer useful, and might even become a disaster because of the remaining pupil power in them. But for her...if Dr. Breeve's research makes progress in the future, maybe the genetic defect of these eyes can be corrected, upgraded to an eternal kaleidoscope, and then found a trustworthy person to install it.

A pair of eternal kaleidoscopes with "other gods" abilities are still very valuable.

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