I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 123 Grandma's

miles away.

Along with the slightly rotating vortex of the air, Obito's figure appeared again.

Not far away, Black Jue, which looked like a pitcher plant, also emerged from the ground.

"How about it?"

"...There is no problem with Beilihu. Next, we will go to negotiate with the group of people from the Kingdom of Ghosts. Have you found the whereabouts of their leader?"


Black Zetsu paused for a moment, and then added: "By the way, Obito, some interesting things have happened in Konoha recently. The leader of the Roots, Shimura Danzo, escaped from prison and has been classified as an S-class rebel ninja. …Would you like to have some contact with that guy?”


At the mention of this name, Obito's eyes flashed with a trace of disdain, but he still responded seriously: "I remember that the death of Nagato's former companion must have something to do with Shimura Danzo, and he pulled him to join the Akatsuki organization. Nagato There should be clear opposition there, right?”

"That's true. But everything Danzo is now is thanks to Uchiha Hikari. He must hate Konoha and the Uchiha clan deeply now, and he can be one of our helpers in destroying Uchiha.

As for Nagato..."

Black Zetsu paused: "You can promise him that after completing Madara-sama's plan, Danzo will be given to him to do as he pleases."

——In Madara’s plan, Nagato is certain to die. So this promise is just a blank check.

Obito and Black Zetsu both knew this.

After a short silence.

Obito nodded: "Okay, you and Bai Jue will continue to observe first, and I will try to convince Nagato and the others. If there is no problem on both sides, let's go see him."

The words fell.

The two figures disappeared again.

The third day after meeting Shisui.

Uchiha Hikaru finally fulfilled his agreement with Fugaku, gathering the juniors of the Uchiha clan together and taking the time to watch their talent show.

Zhishui, rice fire, weasel, spring, six flowers, seven solids...

It’s time to say it or not.

Itachi's fancy shuriken throwing technique looked really exciting. Let’s not talk about whether it’s strong or not, but the visual effects are really impressive.

While watching, Uchiha Hikari opened the Sharingan without revealing anything, and completely copied this talent, preparing to show off in other worlds in the future.

Until a group of juniors finished their performance.

Uchiha Hikari thought for a moment and commented one by one.

With her current attainments in Ninjutsu, she is still qualified to evaluate and correct the clan members, including Shisui, from a high-level perspective.

The end.

Uchiha Hikari called Shisui over alone again and asked a few questions about the latter's eye power.

"...To report back to Grandma, I have indeed recovered some eye power in the past few days. If it takes a while, I should be able to return to the level of three magatama...but kaleidoscope is a bit difficult."

Zhisui bowed and said in a respectful tone.

Hearing his response, Uchiha Hikari pondered for a moment: "Then... what if this is the case?"

While speaking, Uchiha Hikaru leaned slightly from the wicker chair, put a finger on Shisui's forehead, and then secretly activated the "Eight Thousand Spears" to inject a ray of eye power into his body. During this process, the black two magatama in Shisui's eyes trembled slightly, and then began to rotate. When the pupil power increased to a certain limit, a third black magatama suddenly appeared——

Three magatama!

However, when Uchiha light continued to inject pupil power, this change gradually stopped, and the expected kaleidoscope did not appear.

"...It seems that the kaleidoscope cannot be restored by simply injecting pupil power."

"Maybe you need to experience some emotional stimulation like when you first started it."

Uchiha Hikaru was wondering if he should try Itachi's play style, and pressed Shisui's head to show him "Uchiha Clan Extermination Night.avi" thousands of times...

But it doesn’t really matter.

It is true that Shisui's strength in the three-magatama state is lower than in his heyday, but he is still at the level of an elite jounin. In theory, he can still rely on Susanoo to temporarily fight against the Kage level.

——Judging from the original plot, Susanoo's pupil technique does not rely heavily on the eyes. As long as it is successfully used once, even if you are blind, you can still rely on the remaining pupil power chakra in your mind to continue to activate it. For example, Uchiha Madara has done this.

Shisui in another timeline also had the record of opening Susana with one eye.

"...The pupil power I left in your eyes is enough to support a battle using Susanoo. Just in case, I also left two transfer seals Amaterasu. The default trigger condition is to see A man wearing a black and red cloud robe.”

Uchiha Hikari moved his finger away and warned lightly: "However, with your pupil skills, you may be able to break the transfer seal and trigger it actively. When I am no longer in the clan, the safety of the Uchiha clan will be left to you. ”

"I will follow my grandma's teachings."

Shisui nodded solemnly.

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand, and called Quan and others over, trying to inject pupil power one by one.

After a series of experiments.

She came to several conclusions:

First, the Sharingan that has been opened but degraded for some reason can be restored by injecting pupil power, but it can only be restored to three magatama at most.

Such as Shisui.

Second, injecting pupil power into a normal Sharingan may promote advancement or keep it unchanged, depending on the person. The reason may be related to the degree of pupil power development, emotional accumulation, and physical fitness of each person. The higher the comprehensive quality in all aspects, the greater the chance of advancement.

For example, Inahori and Izumi, both of them successfully opened three magatama in this experiment.

Third, even if the number of magatama remains unchanged, after she injects pupil power, the ability of ninjutsu will be slightly improved.

For Uchiha Hikaru, this is just an attempt to verify his thoughts.


Fugaku and others were stunned.

"Grandma, you can help people advance the number of magatama of Sharingan?"

"Is this the 'reward' that Grandma mentioned before?"

"Well, Grandma, I have been stuck at the second magatama for a long time. Do you think I can..."


Uchiha Hikaru glanced at the last person who spoke, thinking that you are an old man in your fifties. According to the average age of ninjas, you are already half buried in the ground. Why are you still following me to join in the fun...

But since the misunderstanding has been formed.

She simply followed the intentions of these tribesmen and lied without changing her expression:

"As you can see, I do have a secret technique that can enhance the potential of Sharingan, but this secret technique consumes a lot of energy and cannot be used frequently."

"If there are still people among you younger generations who can perform as well as Shisui and Izumi just now, I can give you the same reward depending on the situation."

It is true that it consumes a lot of energy.

After all, the pupil power injected into Shisui and others by the "Eight Thousand Spears" was all drawn from Uchiha Hikaru himself, and the amount was even greater than the total pupil power of an ordinary Mangekyo.

Only she, who has a recovery physique, can sustain such consumption, and now she only feels a little sore in her eyes, and she should be able to recover after a nap later.

"Speaking of which, Kikyo's spiritual power has recovered. Let's take some time to go to the world of the child to have a meal in two days, and then ask her to help "purify" the evil thoughts again..."

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