I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 145: The Next Generation of Dragon Bone Essence

A moment of silence.

Yuan Zhisheng carefully read the items on the list again, then carefully considered his tone and slowly spoke: "Bai... Miss Uchiha Guang, the things you listed on the list are indeed products that have been invented by human society, but..."

"There is a small problem."

Yuan Zhisheng tapped the paper a few times: "A considerable number of these instruments are not available in Japan, and we may need to contact manufacturers in Europe or America directly. Even if the negotiation is successful, the price will probably be quite expensive..."

This is normal.

The most expensive part of scientific research is experimental equipment.

Especially the high-precision equipment that only a few manufacturers are capable of making and is only used in national institutions or cutting-edge laboratories, the price is often an astronomical figure. Moreover, the subsequent training and maintenance costs may be much more expensive than the price of the equipment itself.

Conservatively estimated, it will take billions of yen to complete the purchase.

This is incomparable to buying a few comics.

Although the Snake Eight Families are financially strong and are the shadow emperors of the Japanese underworld, it is not easy to use such a huge cash flow in a short period of time.

What's more...

Uesugi Yue had just returned to the Snake Eight Clan not long ago. If he wanted to use this amount of funds, he might have to inform the other family heads...

Gen Chisheng seemed to be worried that Uchiha Guang, as the "Dragon King", lacked common sense in human society, so he explained it in detail.

"... You don't have to explain it in such detail, I can understand it."

Uchiha Guang waved his hand.

She really didn't calculate it carefully before. Now think about it, the total price of this batch of instruments is indeed not a small number. The Snake Eight Clan can definitely take it out, but it will take some time, and it may affect other industries of the family, and even arouse the dissatisfaction of some people.

——If it was Su Enxi, it probably wouldn’t matter, after all, the latter is someone who can raise 100 million US dollars for Lu Mingfei in a minute...


"I know this request is a little excessive, but I still hope you can help as much as possible, in exchange..."

Uchiha Guang thought about it, took out two universal capsules from his body, and opened one of them:

"This medicine is a serum inhibitor made by someone I asked. It can effectively stabilize the blood ratio of mixed-bloods and prevent them from getting out of control... It should be useful for those "ghosts" in your family. You can take it back and study it to see if it can be mass-produced."

The so-called "ghosts" refer to the mixed-bloods whose bloodlines are out of control in the Eight Snakes.

Eri is actually a "ghost", but because she has been kept in captivity and protected since she was a child, her temperament is relatively stable, so she has not become a fierce ghost.

Theoretically, since the serum inhibitor can work on her, it should be the same for those "ghosts".


Uchiha Hikaru opened another capsule: "This thing is no longer useful to me. Take it and see if you can make a few alchemical weapons."

As the sealing technique was released.

A pile of bloody corpses appeared in this wooden room.

Hard spine, blue-black scales, thick claws...

Even if it is only a part of the complete corpse, it can be seen how majestic its owner was when he was alive.

That's right.

This is the corpse of the dragon bone spirit!

The dragon bone spirit is quite large, much larger than the Ten Thousand Snakes. What was taken away by Dao Daosai before was only his main body, and a small part of the corpse was left, which was collected by Uchiha Hikaru.

Originally, she hadn't figured out how to use this part of the corpse, and even considered whether to try to dig out the meat and roast it, but now...

"If it can be made into a weapon, remember to leave one for me."

Compared to Uchiha Hikaru's understatement.

After a moment of stunned silence, Gen Chisei stood up from the sofa and looked forward with a horrified look: "What is this?!"

"The corpse of a pure-blooded dragon?!"


"Yes, it's a dragon!"

At the same time.

The dozen white coats sitting in the main control room also stood up from their chairs.

There were already several medical teams responsible for monitoring around Eri.

After the appearance of Uchiha Hikaru, the suspected "incarnation of the White King", this medical team, which was originally used to observe the health of "Tsukuyomi", was rapidly expanded, and its responsibilities were also increased to study the origin, temperament and preferences of "Miss White King", and her relationship with "Tsukuyomi".

In order to better complete these tasks.

Almost every one of these medical staff has a copy of "Naruto".

The Snake Eight Clan even spent money to build a studio for Masashi Kishimoto, and selected several members with comic talent from the family to serve as his assistants, and then constantly tried to "awaken" Masashi Kishimoto's memory of entering "Nibelungen".

I don't know if she was awakened or not, but the plot of "Naruto" is starting to get weird...

And now.

With the reappearance of Uchiha Hikaru, the medical team quickly got into work.

"By analyzing the two lists made by Miss 'White King', we can tell that she is studying the human body structure. Last time she observed the surface through H comics, and this time she wants to observe the inside through medical instruments..."

"The so-called 'serum inhibitor' may be made from her own blood. After all, according to the classics, the blood of the Dragon King can be used to help the hybrids stabilize their bloodline..."

"The corpse she took out now is likely to be a third-generation species... no, even a second-generation species!"

"From the length and size of the claw, it can probably simulate the body shape before birth..."

Amidst a heated discussion.

Someone raised his hand: "Is it possible that the two requests made by the 'White King' lady are unrelated, and she just wants to see something bitter..."

"Shut up, how can you use human thinking to guess a Dragon King?"

Another person refuted sharply.

The person who raised his hand whispered: "But there have indeed been Dragon Kings who like bitterness in history, such as Attila, the Hun King more than a thousand years ago..."


The main control room was quiet for a moment, and then a new round of discussion began.


Uchiha Hikaru didn't know that his image as the "White King" had become more stable because of the appearance of the Dragon Bone Spirit's corpse.

She was now making another request to Yuan Zhisheng: "There is one more thing.

I need a legal identity and passports from all the major countries in the world. This should be easy for you, the Eight Snake Families, right?"

I have been working overtime these days, and I only have time to write after I get home every day, so the updates are relatively late. I will resume the normal update time after I am done with this period. Please forgive me...

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