I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 147 Uchiha Hikaru's new identity

After the first batch of experimental equipment is properly placed.

Uchiha Hikaru once again returned to the world of dragons, and lived a leisurely modern life for a few days.

how to say……

Although he has been to many worlds, when it comes to eating, drinking and having fun, Uchiha Hikaru is willing to call the dragon world the strongest.

Even the Dragon Ball World, which has the highest attainments in the field of science and technology, only has a lot of black technology products. But when it comes to the entertainment industry, it is actually not much better than the Ninja World, and it is far less developed than the Dragon World.

At Uchiha Hikaru's request, the Sheqi Hachi family sent two computers over and asked her to take Erashi with her and play online games for several days.


Uchiha Hikari also took the time to play StarCraft and found an ID called "Mingming" on the global player rankings.

Hmm... it should be Lu Mingfei.

For a moment, Uchiha Hikaru had the idea of ​​applying for a small account to tease Lu Mingfei, but he quickly gave up. After all, she's not that bored or nauseous yet. Moreover, Lu Mingfei was more experienced in pretending to be a girl to tease men, and his little chubby cousin was amused to the point of being stunned...

Compared to StarCraft, Uchiha Hikari prefers World of Warcraft. In just a few days, he has taken Eri up to dozens of levels. With the super eyesight and hand speed of a ninja and an emperor-level hybrid, he can win in the game. Create quite a reputation.


Since she herself had never turned on the mic and Eriyi could not speak, her friends in the game believed that the two of them were the studio's power trainers.

During this time, Minamoto Chisheng came to visit Eri Yi several times, and Uesugi Koshi also took the time to visit once.

Until this afternoon.

The father and son came together and put a large package of documents and developed photos on the coffee table.

"Miss Guang, here are the photos you requested, as well as your new identity. Please take a look."


Uchiha Hikaru took a brief look at the stack of photos, nodded with satisfaction in his heart, and said softly, "I'm so good-looking."

Then he turned his attention to those identification documents——

Her new name is "Kurosawa Fengse". She was born in Bunkyo District. Her parents are folklorists. She fell off a cliff at a place called Rishang Mountain a few years ago and died. She has been left alone since then. Because she had a bad heart since childhood and was frail and sick, she took a break from school after graduating from junior high school and went home to rest. A distant cousin named Yumi Sakurai often came to take care of her...

"This Sakurai Yumi is from the family. Her phone number is written on the back. I have already told her that she will try her best to cover you.

In addition, this credit card is common in mainstream countries. You can use it first and the family will help you repay it. "

Yuan Zhisheng explained one more sentence.


Except for the name "Kurosawa Aiyo", which makes Uchiha Hikaru feel a little weird, other aspects are fine.

"Well, Miss Guang, are you planning to go out for a visit recently? Do you want someone to accompany you?"

Yuan Zhisheng said tentatively: "If necessary, Sakurai Yumi can serve as your guide."

"No need."

Uchiha Hikaru shook his head, and then glanced at Minamoto and Uesugi who were slightly nervous: "I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I won't mess around in the human world. Even if I cause anything, I won't It involves you."

"Miss Guang, you misunderstood, we are just worried about your safety..." Yuan Zhisheng quickly added.


Uchiha Hikari turned his head and glanced at the clock on the wall, and waved his hand: "It's almost time, I should go download the copy, you can do whatever you want."


After dinner that day, Uchiha Hikaru went online to order a ticket to China.

She can actually fly directly over with the Wu Kong Technique.


After all, this is a modern society, and various radar and satellite monitoring systems are well established. If it is seen or detected by something during the flight, it may be a troublesome matter.

It is better to follow legal procedures.

Eriki had just put her previous "photo album" in the photo album, held it in her arms, and came closer to take a look. After hearing Uchiha Hikaru explain the concept of "flight", she was a little ready to move. .

"Next time, I'll take you with me next time I go out."

Uchiha Hikari comforted him softly.

Her trip this time was not for fun, but because she had serious things to do, and it was not convenient to bring Eri Yi with her. Besides, it is one thing to bring Eri to the "Nibelungs", but it is another thing to bring her to other countries. It might attract the attention of some people with ulterior motives.

For example, Herzog, the families of the secret party, and some guys hiding in the dark.


After looking at the time again, Uchiha Hikari closed the web page: "It's very late, go and have a rest. If something happens here while I'm away, just tell me in the chat group."


Eriki nodded obediently, then took off her coat, returned to the bed and lay down, looking at her longingly.

Uchiha Hikaru walked over, got into another quilt next to Eri, and turned off the lamp: "Go to sleep, good night."

Early morning two days later.

Uchiha Hikari got on the flight to BJ.

The seat next to me was a girl in her twenties, who looked like she had just returned from a trip to Japan and brought a large suitcase with her. The girl was obviously a little surprised when she saw Uchiha Hikari taking the plane alone.

"Little sister, are you traveling alone?"


"That's amazing. I never even left the province when I was your age."

The girl stretched out her hand with a smile: "Let me meet you, my name is Wan Boqian."

"Oh...my name is Kurosawa Aiyo."

Uchiha Hikaru shook hands with the girl and said lightly.

"Hey, can you speak Chinese?"

"Taught myself a little bit..."

Next, the two briefly chatted for a few more words. Wan Boqian took out a bag of potato chips, opened it, and handed it to Uchiha Hikari: "Want to eat, Enshi?"


Uchiha Hikari took a potato chip and put it into his mouth, but his heart moved quietly.

Wan Boqian is not an unknown person. She is a character who appeared in Dragon 2. She is a grade 04 student of Kassel College. She started working as an executive specialist after graduation. She has a spiritual spirit called "Bloodline Jie Luo". Its function is to detect dragon blood descendants within a certain range.

Because of this, she found Fenrir's hiding place in the original plot with Executive Commissioner Gao Mi, who had a crush on each other. and was eventually buried there.

did not expect……

The first person related to Cassel that he met in the dragon world was actually her.

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