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Chapter 159 Dragon Bone Knife and Crescent Moon Sky Blade

“…This is it.”

Bulma controlled the helicopter and landed in the open space in front of the sword forging shop.

Uchiha Hikaru jumped down from the hatch first, and then turned back to help Bulma and Kikyo who were walking down the stairs carefully.

It can be seen.

Tadaosai was a little unhappy that she did not come to pick up the sword at the agreed time.


Appearance is justice.

When Uchiha Hikaru, who looked like a thirteen-year-old beautiful girl, sincerely apologized for being late, and Bulma also helped to persuade him in a soft voice for a while, Taodaosai stopped being angry and invited them to the backyard, and then lifted the white cloth covering the knife.

“This is it.”

What came into view was a four-foot-long slender straight sword.

From the handle to the hilt, and then to the blade, the whole body was silver-gray.

The upper half of the blade was engraved with two winding dragon-shaped patterns, like two dragons around a pillar guarding the center of the blade. A thin blood groove runs through the gap between the two dragons, outlining a straight line.

How should I put it? The appearance of this sword is more delicate than Uchiha Hikaru expected.

After all, Totosai doesn't seem to care much about the appearance of the sword. Inuyasha's Tessaiga looks ugly. Later, after opening various messy forms such as red Tessaiga, Hades Tessaiga, etc., it became more handsome...

"Speaking of which, what are the characteristics of this sword, old man?"

Uchiha Hikaru looked at Totosai with a little expectation.

The Dragon Bone Spirit was a big monster that had fought against Inu no Taisho. Even if it was sealed for hundreds of years and became a little desolate, the sword forged from its bones should also have some special properties like Tessaiga.

"...This knife is made of the spine and teeth of a dragon bone spirit. After forging, it is tempered with its heart and blood, so that the dragon bone spirit's demonic power is sealed in the blade to the maximum extent. Although it looks ordinary on the surface, once awakened, it will show amazing sharpness."

Dadaosai introduced a few words and raised his chin: "Go and try it, pick it up. It may hurt a little the first time."


What the hell is it a little painful the first time...

Uchiha Guang muttered in his heart, but still walked forward and grasped the handle.


The moment his palm touched the handle, Uchiha Guang felt a few tiny bone protrusions pricked his palm, and then saw a stream of bright red blood gushing out, flowing along the dragon-shaped pattern, and then into the blood groove.

A dark red light quietly lit up.

This seemed to be a signal.

The next moment, Uchiha Guang felt the knife in his hand tremble faintly, like a dead person suddenly starting to beat his heart.


It "came alive"!

Accompanied by a dazzling red light.

The four-foot-long blade of the dragon bone knife began to grow larger and longer, expanding and stretching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just ten seconds, it changed from the original slender straight knife to an oversized straight sword with a length of more than two meters and a width of nearly twenty centimeters! Even the handle of the knife stretched out, forming the shape of a dragon claw, wrapping Uchiha Guang's hand holding the knife inside!

In this process.

There was also a vigorous demonic power emanating from the dragon bone knife, turning into a layer of dark red halo, lingering on its blade. A strong sense of oppression burst out at this moment, covering the surrounding area of ​​dozens of meters.

"This is..."

Uchiha Guang frowned slightly and glanced at Dao Daosai next to him.

With the character of this old man, since he agreed to help forge the knife, it is impossible for him to set up a trap to plot against her.


Just now, for a moment, she seemed to see the knife in her hand transformed into a fierce dragon, like a pocket-sized dragon bone spirit.

"This is the characteristic of this knife."

Dadaosai said with a little pride: "You can think of it as a living knife, or a dragon bone spirit sealed in the shape of a knife. With the blessing of spiritual power, its strength is enough to resist the wound of wind, and no matter what kind of damage it suffers, it can recover and regenerate in a very short time...

It can even condense a powerful sword energy and swing it out like a demon energy bomb."

In Daodaosai's narration.

Uchiha Guang took a deep breath, held the sword with both hands, and casually made a sword-swinging action.

This picture looks a bit strange.

After all, she is only about 1.6 meters tall, and the blade of the dragon bone knife is longer than her...But the next moment, a crescent-shaped sword energy burst out from the blade, plowing the ground all the way and cutting into the bushes dozens of meters away!

Shua! !

As the sword energy passed, trees that could be hugged by several people shook and fell down, and boulders several meters high were blown into pieces in the middle... As far as the eye could see, a half-moon-shaped vacuum area tens of meters long was formed in the air, and everything in the area was crushed to pieces!

Theoretically, Uchiha Hikaru's own "Hundred Eight Sections·Heavy Artillery Slash" could also achieve such a powerful slashing effect.


She didn't call on chakra and energy now, but just injected a ray of spiritual power into the blade according to Totosai's instructions.


This half-moon-shaped slash made Uchiha Hikaru unconsciously think of a trick:

"... Crescent Moon Sky Strike?"


Tadaosai turned his head and seemed to think for a moment: "Is this the name of the move you just thought of? Crescent Moon Sky Strike... It sounds quite suitable for this move."

"But the power of this knife is more than that.

The shape and power of its blade are linked to the total amount of spiritual power you inject and the texture. The more spiritual power you inject, the greater the power. In addition, the size, shape, density, and quantity of the sword energy you swing out... can also be changed through repeated training.

Its ultimate potential may not be inferior to that of Tessaiga, but how much you can dig out depends on you."


Uchiha Hikaru slowly withdrew his spiritual power, and saw that the dragon bone knife in his hand returned to the state of a four-foot straight knife. The bone spurs on the handle softened and the touch became soft and solid.

——The previous action of piercing the skin and sucking blood was probably similar to a master recognition ceremony, which only needs to be performed when it is used for the first time.

In short...

Uchiha Hikaru was very satisfied.

"As expected of Mr. Totosai, you are indeed skilled. Thank you."

Next, Totosai took out the dozen or so pieces of armor made of dragon scales.

These are relatively ordinary, with only two basic abilities: "hard" and "recovery and regeneration". In addition, according to Totosai, these armors have a certain ability to deform, so if the body shape does not change much, they can still be worn.


There is also a small problem.

Uchiha Hikari is now close to 1.6 meters tall. As a girl, her height may not change much, but it is hard to say about her chest circumference.

After all, she is still a little lotus, and it is very likely that she will grow to B or C after one or two years of development...

But there is no need to consider these things so early.

At the moment.

Uchiha Hikari roughly estimated the size, and after feeling that there was no problem, he handed over the half box of jewelry agreed in advance to Totosai.

Then he and Bulma and others found a place nearby, threw out the universal capsule house, and went in to try it on.

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