I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 176 Lan's Request

Uchiha Hikaru stayed in this small town for a few days.

While studying the several imperial tools he got this time, he waited for the gentry to send him money.

Speaking of which...

Imperial tools are very particular about "compatibility". Only people with the right compatibility can use it smoothly, otherwise not only can the power of the imperial tool not be brought into play, but it will also cause a great burden on the body.

After some attempts, Uchiha Hikaru confirmed that he had a good compatibility with "Shangri-La" and "Moonlight Liwu".

Among them, the air blade swung by "Moonlight Liwu" was several times stronger than that swung by Yanxin in terms of length and lethality. It seems that the performance of this thing is not as bad as she imagined, mainly because the previous owner was too weak.

"Quick Throw Ranma" has a good compatibility, but Uchiha Hikaru thinks it is useless and plans to give it to anyone as a toy.

As for "The Earth is Shaking"...

Uchiha Hikaru's first impression of this imperial tool was actually not bad.

But she estimated that she might not have the potential to debut as an idol. This microphone-shaped imperial weapon could not exert its due power in her hands. After forcibly trying it several times, her throat became hoarse. Fortunately, she recovered her physical condition quickly and recovered as before.

"Maybe... can this thing be given to Bulma to try?"

--The original owner of "The Earth is Roaring" Cosmia is a witch singer dressed as a bunny girl, and Bulma has also had several experiences of dressing as a bunny girl, and seems to like singing. Maybe this thing will have a higher affinity with her.

By the way...

Cosmia has started to follow Uchiha Hikaru these days and serve as her loyal dog.

Compared with the other members of "Wild Hound", this singer's killing sin is the lightest, and it is the level of being able to be killed or not. Uchiha Hikaru happened to have something to ask her, so he held back a little and did not kill her directly like Sheila and others.

"Cosmia, come here."

Uchiha Guang hooked his finger.

Cosmia, who was standing not far away, immediately lowered her head and came closer like a pet dog, looking at her respectfully: "Master Guang, I'm here, what do you want?"

"Have you been to the imperial capital?"

"The imperial capital?"

Cosmia was stunned for a moment, and responded cautiously: "I went there once before I met Sheila a few years ago, and I am quite familiar with it... If you want to go there, I can help you find the way."

"Well... Come with me there in a few days and help me find a place."


Uchiha Guang was looking for the address that Sheila mentioned.

She had seen several pictures of the appearance of that place in Sheila's memory, but the specific route was a bit vague, and there were no obvious landmark buildings around. With someone familiar with the situation in the imperial capital to help, it should be faster to find it.

"By the way, do you have another person in your "Wild Hounds"?

Uchiha Guang suddenly asked.

"Yes, there is also an alchemist named Dotya. Her alchemy can transform humans into dangerous species. She has done many human experiments before, and her own body has also been transformed in this way... In addition, her imperial weapon is a 'blood collection' shaped like teeth, which can be installed in the mouth to improve strength and self-heal by sucking human blood.

Dotya's character is the most cautious among us. Maybe she sneaked away when she saw you take action last night."

Cosmia sold her former teammate thoroughly.

"I understand."

Uchiha Guang nodded, not caring.

In the original work, this Dotya was also very cowardly. She was the last one to die in Sheila's group. Maybe she is now sneaking back to the imperial capital to tell Ernest about Sheila's accident.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, she will have to confront that old thing sooner or later. In her heart, Ernest is already half dead, and even the "Supreme Imperial Weapon" of the little emperor can't keep him.

"Master Guang, these are the treasures found from those wealthy families."

Inside the governor's mansion.

Lan and the female governor came to the courtyard where Uchiha Guang was staying temporarily, pointed at the dozen boxes in front of them, and said to her.

"... So many?"

Uchiha Guang was slightly startled.

She originally thought that this was just a small town, and it didn't look very prosperous, so the wealth that could be looted should be limited.


Ten boxes of gold and silver were actually collected?

This number is almost equivalent to the property of the Bull Demon King in the Dragon Ball world next door.

Even the wealthy people in such a small town in the central region are so rich, so how rich should the great nobles in the imperial capital, especially Minister Ernest himself, be?

On the other side, Lan's expression was also very complicated.

As a teacher, his life resume is actually very simple. So far, half of his time has been spent in school, accompanying students and colleagues. Although he occasionally heard some rumors about nobles and gentry, he always felt that those things were far away from him.

Until that tragedy happened.

He was dragged from heaven to hell, and his peaceful life was completely shattered.

And then...

The appearance and destruction of Xila and his party, as well as what he saw and heard during the "house search", all gave him an unprecedented impact on the worldview he had formed over the past 20 years.

For the first time in his life, he began to desire power rather than knowledge.

Facing these unworthy guys, moral preaching is meaningless. Only with absolutely powerful power can they change.


The same as the girl in front of me.

"...Lord Guang."

Lan swallowed and spoke a little nervously: "With all due respect...can you please give me some advice on what I need to do to gain as much power as you?"


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows lightly: "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"...I just feel that many things in this world are not as simple as I thought before."

"It takes more than ten years to educate a child into a talented person, but it only takes one day to destroy them. Those domineering nobles never understand and do not bother to understand the sorrow of the people at the bottom. They only exploit them unscrupulously. And enslaving people, even taking human lives for fun... This is so unfair. "

"I don't want what I experienced to happen to others again. So..."

"Please teach me."

Lan bowed deeply and spoke sincerely.


Uchiha Hikari was silent.

She had a pretty good impression of Lan. After all, this guy was one of the few people in the empire who had a conscience. During this period, he also tried his best to help her with the housekeeping and accounting. Logically speaking, he should be rewarded.

She thought about it seriously: "It's impossible to have power like me. But... I can indeed teach you something."

"Have you ever heard of 'qi'?"

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