I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 272 Gundam vs Dragon


Uchiha Hikaru was slightly startled, then burst into laughter.

She was still thinking about what excuse to make up to explain the origin of "Gundam" to Xia Mi, but she didn't expect that this little dragon girl's imagination was quite strong. The "spiritual" authority of the White King corresponds to the ability of "fantasy embodiment"... It is indeed quite reasonable.

And in this way...

Even if she took out the somersault cloud, the Senzu beans, the imperial tools, and even the Nine-Tails, Xia Mi probably wouldn't find it strange.

"Let's go~"

At that moment.

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand, and then under the envious gaze of Eri and Xia Mi, he boarded the cockpit of the "Strike Freedom", and then controlled the mecha to take off, and spread five pairs of blue and black huge wings on the river bank, like a huge bird, flying towards the "Moniach" several kilometers away.


At this moment.

The "Moniach" was already in chaos.

Two hours ago

Professor Mans, the person in charge of this operation, braved the heavy rain, dived under the river, opened the gate of the "Bronze City", and let Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki go in to explore.

In the process.

Jiude Aki was bewitched by the statue in the "Bronze City" and fell into a state of confusion. She first took the initiative to cut off her lifeline, and then activated the city's defense mechanism, causing her and Ye Sheng to be trapped in it. For this reason, Mans had to send an urgent request for help to the headquarters of the college.

If no miracle happens...

Then Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki will probably be trapped to death in the "Bronze City", or even worse.

"... How long can they hold on?"

In the cockpit, Professor Mans looked solemn.

"... Ye Sheng's 'snake' can still maintain communication, and I don't know how long it can last. The principal has ordered the headquarters to support the interpretation of the map of 'Qingcheng City', but no news has been received yet. All we can do is wait."

Selma responded.

"... Damn it!"

Mans clenched his fist and smashed it on the operating table, looking regretful.

He had experienced the Greenland Sea incident ten years ago, and he knew very well how dangerous dragons were. Although he was ready to sacrifice himself when he found the "Bronze City", he was still unwilling to do so when he really faced this situation.

Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki had very little oxygen left. It was extremely difficult to complete the operation of cracking the map and evacuating in such a short time. Death was almost a foregone conclusion.



Selma's voice sounded: "A map was sent from the headquarters, saying that it was cracked by the S-level freshmen of the academy..."

Before the words fell.

The voice of the first mate also sounded from the other side: "Captain, an unidentified creature appeared behind the ship... I'm not sure if it's a creature. I can't describe its appearance. You may have to come and see it yourself."


Although he was a little confused.

Mance still walked out a few steps as he was told, and then looked in the direction of the first mate's finger. The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, with an expression of horror: "What is that...?!!"

At this moment.

Everyone on the deck of the "Moniach" saw a huge black shadow, flying at a low altitude, approaching this side quickly from the heavy rain.

As the distance got closer, its shape gradually became clearer from blurry - it was actually a huge red and white mecha, streamlined, like cast steel and iron, with five pairs of blue and black wings on the back, and a wingspan of 20 to 30 meters when spread out, which looked extraordinary.

"Are you kidding?!"

Mance opened his mouth with an expression of disbelief on his face.

As an old professor over 50 years old, he had not seen the Gundam series, so he did not know the origin of "Strike Freedom".

However, he still had some idea of ​​what this huge monster in front of him was -

Mecha? !

Could it be something made by those crazy people in the equipment department?


Mance first subconsciously thought of the Equipment Department, but immediately realized that something was wrong - someone in the Equipment Department might want to develop this kind of thing, but it is impossible to make it without the principal knowing, and it is even more impossible to send it out without informing him, the person in charge of the operation. At this time, appearing in this place, I am afraid it can only be...

"A masterpiece of dragons?!"

The King of Bronze and Fire, have they evolved to this level? Hand-rubbing mecha? !

"Captain, what should we do?"

Selma asked in a low voice.

Mance simply thought about it for a few seconds and made a decision. He spoke quickly: "...Bring the 'key' here, continue to rescue Ye Sheng and Aki, and start the firearms system on the ship at the same time. Once it moves, open fire immediately!"


On the other side.

Uchiha Guang sat in the "Strike Freedom", using the six screens in the cockpit to observe the slightest movement in all directions around him, and his mind was like lightning.

"... Is this tall and thin guy Professor Mance?"

"He looks ordinary..."

"They should have sent people to sneak into the 'Bronze City' and are waiting for Shude Aki to come up with the brass can?"

"Hmm... The shadow of more than ten meters long scanned by the infrared detector underwater is probably the third generation Samson."

Although the "Strike Freedom" that Uchiha Hikaru is currently driving is modified from the mass-produced mecha of the Red Silk Army, Dr. Gro has installed a lot of equipment on it, and the infrared scanner is just one of them. The real killers are the weapons assembled inside it.

In addition to conventional artillery shells and missiles, torpedoes aimed at underwater targets can also be loaded in the weapons and equipment storage room of this mecha.


Just for a short while, Uchiha Hikari stayed and watched.

The underwater "Bronze City", thanks to the efforts of Mance and others, began to make a deafening roar, as if it had gone berserk. Samson, who was hovering there, also began to swim faster, ready to attack Ye Sheng and the two who escaped from the exit.

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru finally locked onto the target. After taking a breath and confirming the situation, he pressed a button next to him.

"Combat mode...activate!"

With the button pressed.

The shell of the "Strike Freedom" began to flip slightly, and machine guns and cannon barrels were set up on the "Strike Freedom", pointing towards the turbulent water. After a brief period of charging and aiming, the ammunition that had just been loaded in the barrel fired out! !

this moment.

Six miniature torpedoes tore through the air within a few seconds, and then broke through the surface of the Yangtze River, heading straight towards the shadow of the dragon under the water!

Bang bang bang——! ! !

Huge white water splashes exploded on the river, splashing up to a height of more than ten meters! Under the water, large areas of bubbles also emerged, and then spread in all directions!

Facing sudden shells.

The dragons at the bottom of the river showed incredible flexibility. Their long bodies drew an S-shaped trajectory underwater, trying to avoid the impact of torpedoes. But these torpedoes seemed to have eyes, they deflected slightly at the bottom of the water, and continued to chase it like maggots attached to their bones!

boom--! !

In a flash of lightning, two torpedoes hit the dragon first and exploded!

Then there are the remaining four.

As the explosion occurred, numerous bubbles were set off under the river surface. The red fire had already turned the river into a bright red color, and the sound of the explosion was covered up by the nearly 100-meter-deep water curtain. The people above don’t really hear it at all.

Just ten seconds later, before the bubbles completely dissipated, a huge black shadow rushed straight into the air along the turbid water!

Wow! !

There was a huge sound of water!

At this moment, Uchiha Hikaru and everyone on board the "Monyah" saw an incredible black shadow breaking through the water, rushing straight into the sky with unparalleled power. Reflected by the lightning in the sky, that shadow The black shadow moved as fast as a wild dragon, directly rising to a height of nearly thirty meters. Then its long tail curled up, hooked one of the wings of "Strike Freedom", and then yanked downwards!

Strike Freedom stumbled.

Then it stopped again in mid-air.

"... quite strong."

Uchiha Hikari was sitting in the cockpit, operating the remote control lever with both hands and narrowing his eyes slightly.

The power from Samson is nothing short of amazing.

Although Uchiha Hikari reacted quickly and stabilized his figure immediately, the previous wrestling between the two sides still caused the mecha's energy to be consumed rapidly, and it dropped by several percentage points in just a few seconds. Moreover, the shell of the mecha also began to tremble slightly, letting out a faint whine of overwhelming force, as if it was about to break at any time.

in this case.

Uchiha Hikaru continued to hold the remote control lever with one hand, and pressed the fire button again with the other hand, controlling the cannon barrels on both sides of the mecha to deflect the muzzle, and then fired again at the dragons that were close at hand. !

boom--! ! !

Another volley!

Samson, who originally tried to bring down the "Strike on Freedom", never expected that his action would fail miserably.

Being in mid-air with nowhere to rely on, it only had time to loosen its tail before its livid scales were pressed down by two micro-missiles, and it fell directly into the water from mid-air, and then there was a violent explosion around it. And it itself was surrounded by heavy smoke!

After a few seconds.

Several more shells were fired to catch up!

In an instant, the explosive fire turned the water surface red, and countless bubbles and white smoke curled up on the water surface. Under the water, there was a light like molten steel flowing slowly, as if it was close to boiling.

At this moment.

The people on the "Monyach" were already stunned:

"No...is it a misunderstanding? Why do you feel like this mecha is here to help us?"

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