I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 103: The Hyuga Clan's Counterattack

Hyuga Soujia.

In the quaint and dark room, all the elders of the Hyuga Clan's family looked a bit ugly at this time, and Sarutobi Hiru-slash was still extremely sophisticated, and he took the opportunity to strike directly, it was really quick and ruthless.

As the head of the clan, Hinata Hyuzuke cast a blank expression on the treacherous and cunning Third Generation, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry Third Generation, the Hinata Clan will give Konoha a satisfactory explanation for the matter in Yunyin Village."

Even at such a moment, Hyuga Hyuzu still maintained the dignity of the ancient family, and did not lose the slightest bit of wind. After seeing this, the Third Hokage shook his head and held the pipe in his hand.

"Okay, I'll try my best to delay it for a few more days, but it's been a month, so I'm afraid it won't last a few days."

As the not-so-high figure of the Third Hokage left, the elders of the Hinata Clan immediately frowned and spoke.

"What a third generation, not only deterring Yunyin Village, but also wanting to take the opportunity to beat our Hyuga clan."

"What is he Sarutobi? He was not a third-rate thing in the Warring States Period, but now he is riding on the head of our Hyuga clan. Damn it."

"Why didn't the Sarutobi clan have the guts when the village was built, but now it's so powerful, there is one Hokage, and I want to make another one."

The patriarchs of the clan were also very angry. As old-fashioned and arrogant, they have always been superior to others. If the Uchiha has that kind of proud character, then the Hyuga clan is superior from the bottom of their hearts.

Hyuga is completely a wealthy family who shut themselves in the clan land. In the clan land, they are the heavens here, the rulers of everything, and the branch family is their servants.

As the patriarch, Hyuga Hyuzu looked at the grievances of the elders, and he also had a flat face, "Since the third Hokage wants an explanation, then our Hyuga clan will give an explanation to the third generation. There was a friction, and it was rumored throughout the village that our Hyuga clan caused the trouble."

"What do you want to do, Rizu!" After seeing Rizu's indifferent appearance, an elder immediately lowered his voice and shouted in a deep voice.

At this time, it was obvious that Hyuga Hyuzu would not bow his head for the dignity of his Hyuga clan, so he chose to fight back.

"Perhaps Nisato is right, but we can use another person."

"What's the meaning?"

It seemed that everyone was looking at the oldest elder, and the elder of the clan family smiled indifferently, "Sarutobi Hiruzen is indeed a good method, but he has forgotten that the dignity of a wealthy family is never to be trampled on." , Do you really think everyone is his third-rate Sarutobi clan?"

"The branch family has always assumed the responsibility of protecting the main family. Now it's not the right time. The day's difference happens to be able to replace the day's foot. This is the explanation of our Hyuga clan!"

When hearing this sentence, Hyuga Hyuzu, who has always been calm, changed his face and said directly angrily: "Nizai can't go!"

Swish, with a pair of eyes looking over, Hyuga Hyuzu is under the pressure of everyone, staring at everyone, "I am the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, and Hyuga is my younger brother, I will never allow it!"

He couldn't change the fate of the caged bird, so he could only accept it all, but he absolutely couldn't let his own brother die instead of him.

However, the elders of each clan were full of indifference, "Hizuka, you have to remember that you are the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, and you are responsible for the rise and fall of the Hyuga clan, and Nisashi's destiny is to protect the existence of the clan."

"That's right, the division was born to protect the clan."

"Let Nishi go, and see what Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to do then."

Hiruza Sarutobi wanted to take the opportunity to beat the Hyuga Clan, but he didn't realize that the Hyuga Clan didn't have nothing to eat, so he directly thought of a strong counterattack method.

Once the Hyuga Clan handed over their own people, the fire would be thrown on the Third Hokage, one life for one life, our Hyuga Clan took out the life of the head of the family, you as the Third Hokage, do you think it is enough? If that wasn't enough, Hinata continued to send the corpses over.

In a word, as the Third Hokage, you have the final say. It can be said that the anti-shogun method of the Hyuga clan is extremely powerful, and it hits the vital point.

It can be said that a master's tricks are fatal.


Hyuga split up.

Although the quaint house is not as majestic as the clan's, it still exudes a long-lasting atmosphere.

With a sting, when the sliding door opened, a member of the branch family who was in the room immediately showed joy when he saw the person coming.

Some of them who were nervous even opened their eyes secretly. After looking around, they said in a deep voice, "Master Risai, there is no one watching nearby."

It was Hinata Risai who walked in, looking at the four confidantes in the room, the once dead Fenjiabai's eyes became a little more excited at this moment.

"The plan has changed and needs to be implemented in advance."

Looking at the four people, Hinata Hinata lowered his voice and said, but the four of them were startled when they heard it, but one of them said excitedly: "Master Hinata, we can't wait any longer."

"Let me tell you how the mission is going."

Hyuga Hizashi has just returned from the Zong family, and his heart is full of anger and resentment at this time. If he had been before, he might have had to accept his fate, but now he has a new choice. For his own children, for the future of the separated family, he will fight hard a handful.

"Master Nissai, in order to prevent the news from leaking out, everything under the Jonin in the village was carried out in secret. Don't worry, the seal was secretly set when the other party was unconscious and sleeping. At this time, they themselves did not know that the bird in the cage had been captured. It's sealed."

"It's just that some members who are performing missions in the Land of Fire and those who are sitting on the border cannot be contacted. After all, it is easy for news to leak."

"It's easy to talk about children and women, and there is almost no omission, but we didn't dare to act rashly for some undetermined Junin levels."

Listening to the reports of the four, Hinata Hizasa nodded under great pressure, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, tomorrow, in the name of the clan clan meeting, all the jounin from the branch families in the village will be called to gather at night, and we will make it clear when the time comes. If you are willing to join us, we will directly help him seal the bird in the cage. If you are not willing to return to the loyal clan, subdue it first, and start an incident in the middle of the night!"

"So anxious?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed, but Hinata Hizashi suppressed the worry in his heart, and now he had no choice but to let go.

"The Zong family has already started to suspect, and we can't wait any longer. If we succeed in the uprising, the Zong family members who are outside the branch family will never dare to do anything, because all the birds in our cages have lost their effect."

"Once the Zong family really takes action, it will be the death of the family. The people of the Zong family will not be so stupid, so the members of the branch family outside are safe. As long as we succeed in the incident, we will send people to seal all the birds in the cages of the members of the branch family. From now on, Hyuga's fate as a caged bird will end in our generation!"

End the fate of the caged bird!

When these words echoed in the ears of the four Hyuga branch families, tears of excitement flowed from their white pupils. Their hearts had long been silent and they chose to accept their fate. They said they had found the seal that sealed the bird in the cage, and at that moment they were shocked to find that their hearts were not dead, they were just locked by the fate of the bird in the cage.

At this moment, they are no longer living for themselves, but for their offspring, to end the fate of family separation.


Under Konoha's peaceful atmosphere, there are turbulent waves. The three generations of Hokage sitting under the command can be said to have brought into full play the old and spicy methods that have been in power for so many years. The elite mobilization in Konoha's territory cannot escape the eyes of other big countries, let alone this time. I didn't hide it, I just made it clear that if you dare to come to Yunyin Village, I, Konoha, will dare to fight.

With the sophisticated means of the third generation of Hokage, it can be regarded as a wave of prestige for the frontline Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

In Muye Village, there is also an undercurrent. The civilians all think that peace is coming. After all, the matter in Yunyin Village is a disturbance at the top, and it will not be involved in the civilians. Otherwise, it will not end well if it gets bigger. After all, this can be regarded as a diplomatic game between the two countries.

The three days are fleeting, and these three days are also the time for the Zong family to give Hyuga daily errands. After all, the other party is also the younger brother of the head of the Zong family, and even the head of the branch family.

The setting sun is about to fall, and the afterglow reflects the leaves red.

In the old-fashioned and oppressive Hyuga clan's land, in the Hyuga Hinata's mansion, the two brothers sat together looking at each other.

The two brothers are silent. Although there are clans and separate families, the two brothers grew up together since they were young, and even fought together on the battlefield. Although their relationship is somewhat deformed in this deformed world, the brotherhood has always been None of them dissipated, but they were well hidden by the two of them.

"Tonight is the deadline."

Hyuga Hyuzu looked indifferent, as if he was talking about something insignificant, and Hyuga Hinata on the opposite side also nodded calmly after hearing this: "Got it, tomorrow morning."

Hearing such an answer, Hinata Hidezu took a sip of his teacup calmly, "You still haven't changed at all, you never lie."

Hinata Hinata with a straight face was holding a teacup, when the tea in his hand was suddenly startled by this sentence, he was almost rude.

However, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Hyuga and Hiso said calmly: "Brother, I don't understand what you mean."

Hyuga Hyuzu didn't say anything, he drank the tea in the cup calmly, put down the teacup calmly and lowered his head, and said slowly: "Perhaps the time is too tight, your people showed a flaw at night."

When Hinata Hinata heard this, he almost couldn't maintain his mentality, but he still held back, but Hinata Hizuru lowered his head and sighed faintly as if he didn't see it.

"Maybe the Hyuga clan is really corrupt. The resentment between the main family and the branch family has accumulated for hundreds of years. Do you know how much I wish I was a branch family instead of you, but after becoming a father , Looking at Hinata, I am suddenly glad that I am the clan."

"At this moment, I suddenly understood the origin of the resentment between the main family and the branch family, but Hinata's hundreds of years of deep-rooted thoughts have already penetrated into the bone marrow, and it is not so easy to break."

While talking, Hyuga Hyuzu slowly took out a scroll from his arms, and when he raised his head, he rarely showed a smile.

"Richai, you have protected me for so many years. This time, let's take it as my fulfillment of my brother's obligation. I have also studied the bird in the cage, but there is no way. Maybe you will succeed this time. This is some of my personal savings. The soft boxing secret technique mastered by the Zong family, don’t think about it when you go there, take care.”

At this moment, the two brothers seemed to have returned to the battlefield where the flames of war were raging. At that time, it seemed that there was no distinction between the main family and the branch family. The two brothers were full of firm belief in the encirclement.

There were complex emotions in Hinata Hizai's eyes. He knew that his actions had been discovered, but his elder brother chose to conceal it.

"Brother, I want to ask you, if the bird in the cage has not been cracked, would you!"

Although the words were not finished, the two of them clearly understood what they meant, and Hyuga Hizuru nodded firmly without any hesitation: "I will! Because I am Hinata's patriarch and even your brother, if I die , there will be a new Hinata patriarch, and Higashi, you are still separated, and Neji is also, the fate has not been broken, only when I am the patriarch can I protect Neji and Hinata."

Obviously, it was his own brother who admitted that he would watch him go to die, but after hearing this answer, Hinata Nichizai was not disappointed at all, but smiled instead.

"Then why now?"

At this moment, Hyuga Hizai already had the answer in his mind, but he still wanted to hear his elder brother's answer.

"Now I see an opportunity to break the fate of the bird in the cage. I don't want Neji to resent the main family in the future. The resentment between the main family and the branch family will end in your generation." Hinata Hinata said calmly while getting up slowly.

When the neighbor walked to the door, Hyuga Hyuzu suddenly paused, and said quietly: "Nizai, will you still protect me in the future?"

The two of them didn't look at each other, but under the invisible sight, there seemed to be a gleam of light in their eye sockets.

After hearing Hizuru's abrupt question, Hinata Hinata snorted coldly with rare disdain, and with a faint sigh of disappointment, the sliding door slowly opened.

"After the family is separated, I will no longer protect the clan. If I still fight on the battlefield, I think I will protect the elder brother as a younger brother."

The hoarse voice echoed in his ears, and at this moment, the staid Hinata Hinata, who never smiles, looked at the sunset and showed a sincere smile.

"If that time really comes, I also want to protect my younger brother as an older brother. This feeling is really comfortable."

The footsteps gradually receded, and there seemed to be an abyss between the two Hinata brothers separating them, but there were vague smiles on both of their faces. At this moment, they were no longer the main family and the branch family. But elder brother and younger brother.

In the silent room, Hinata Hizashi suppressed his complicated emotions in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice: "You heard it."

When the sliding door of the compartment in the room was pushed open, two figures inside were revealed, they were the Jonin of the Separation Family, and at this moment, both of them silently looked at their Separation Patriarch.

"heard it."

The relationship between the main family and the sub-family is very complicated. They are blood brothers, but because of the system of the main family and the sub-family, there is an uncontrollable rift between them.

After so many years, there is resentment, but there are also Hyuga Nyizashi and Hyuga Nyza who still retain the existence of brotherhood. After all, this is a ninja world. Under the protection of countless divisions, the clan is not a cold-blooded animal. Especially watching his own brother desperately protecting himself.

Although there is a bird in a cage, their blood is also hot, and there are countless people in the Zong family who watched their own brothers protect themselves and then collapsed and regretted after death.

The grievances and grievances of the Hyuga clan's clan and branch families are full of complications. This is the enmity between brothers. They envy the brotherhood among civilians, but they are also proud of their origins.

The child’s A flow happened to be my A X﹏X. Don’t worry about saving the manuscript. Fortunately, otherwise, I really need to write a sick code, but I really don’t have the energy to check the typos. When the author is ready, I will change it immediately. Sorry in advance.

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