I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 107 Sarutobi! You will regret this!

With the sun rising in the early morning, Konoha's atmosphere today is a bit uneasy.

I saw that the densely packed ninjas did not go to pick up the task or train in the morning. Instead, they all piled up on the roof or on the poles, exactly like the sparrows gathering in the early morning, causing the sparrows in the sky to squeak angrily. These ninjas are ninjas who have taken their place.

"It's moving, where are these Hinata branch families going?"

There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd, and countless figures looked at the office building of the police department. They saw densely packed people from Hyuga's family walking out slowly, and at the same time, there were personnel from the police department to maintain order.

"At the order of Mr. Oshemaru, the Deputy Minister of Roots, all the members of the Hyuga branch went to the new station."

A group of ninjas came out to maintain order, and even led this group of Hyuga Separatists towards the edge of Konoha. For a while, countless curious Konoha ninjas jumped on both sides to watch.

After all, this is a big event. The ninja world has never seen such a big event. The wealthy family actually split. This big melon made the boring ninja full of curiosity.

Uchiha Ye looked at Kakashi with a serious face, and shouted: "Kakashi, you are now ordered to go to Hokage's office building and report everything that happened here to Hokage-sama."

The leader of the Hyuga branch, Hyuga Hizashi, shouted solemnly after seeing it: "Kakashi, please report to Hokage-sama, the Hyuga branch is ordered by the root to station in the new residence."


Hinata Hisashi's loud bang was no less than whispering to a ninja with keen five senses. Countless people stared wide-eyed, good guy, this melon is eaten.

"Sure enough, I knew that someone must think that the caged bird of the Hyuga clan is too cruel."

"That's right, Hokage-sama is kind enough."

Countless civilian ninjas who didn't know the seriousness of the matter still complained about the division of Hinata, and some lamented the kindness of Hokage, but they didn't know that following Hinata Ninja's loud drink, some ninjas in the dark immediately turned pale after hearing it. big change.

Bad thing!

The mighty Hyuga branch family was escorted by countless escorts and ninjas from the same village who watched the fun. Although they were embarrassed, they could accept everything compared to freedom, and they arrived at their new residence in half an hour.

When the group of Konoha ninjas who watched the excitement saw the new residence of the Hyuga branch, they were all shocked. Isn't this the place of the Uchiha clan?

At this moment, many people are full of pity for Uchiha, good guy, this hand is beautifully played, not only splitting the Hyuga clan, but also planting such an elite group in the Uchiha clan, and even occupying other people's land.

Sure enough, when such a thing happened, many people saw the angry Uchiha patriarch leading the elders straight to the Hokage office building.

While watching this lively scene, Uchiha Yoko's eyes were full of smiles, but he still shouted righteously: "The Seventh Division is ordered by Vice Minister Nebe to help Hinata settle down."

It can be said that most of the Seventh Division of the Police Department are followers of Orochimaru. There are not many ninjas in Uchiha, so they are all ordered to perform tasks. Anyway, they are not occupying their own land, so let him alone.

"Xiyan, hurry up and buy food. The people from Hyuga's branch are all packed lightly. I'm afraid we will run out of food today."

"Yes!" Uzuki Xiyan was in a daze at this time, she still couldn't understand what happened, let alone her, Konoha's countless ninjas were in a daze at this time.


Naruto office building.

Uchiha Fugaku and the elder Uchiha Setsuna rushed into the Hokage conference hall angrily, and they heard the elder's angry roar before they entered.

"Shimura Danzo! You bully people too much!"

At this time, countless jounin gathered in the conference room, all of them looked down at this scene, good guy, this big melon has been eaten since last night, and it is not over now, exciting.

Facing the old man Uchiha Setsuna who opened the door and scolded him as soon as he came in, Shimura Danzo got up angrily and stared at one eye and shouted: "Presumptuous! This is the Hokage meeting room, not your Uchiha clan!"

"Danzo! You don't need to be fucking nonsense, what are you, when are you qualified to distribute the Uchiha clan land to the Hyuga branch?"

"Then Uchiha Ye directly took the order from your roots, you explain to the old man!" At this time, the elder Uchiha Setsuna was old, but under the rage, countless jonin took a step back, this fiery old man was obviously here The complaint came.

I saw Elder Uchiha Setsuna holding the root order in his hand, walked to the meeting room angrily, slapped the table heavily at the third Hokage, and glared: "Three Hokage! Can you give me a reasonable explanation, what? Is it time for Nebu to intervene in Uchiha's affairs? He even directly ordered us Uchiha to cut off a piece of land for the Hyuga Clan?"

At this time, countless jonin in the conference room looked at Shimura Danzo after hearing this, especially the major families who were already dissatisfied with the roots, and at this moment they took the opportunity to show their faces.

It is too much for you to domineering and bully them. Now you are so blatant to first split the Hyuga clan, and then let the branch family turn around to take advantage of the Uchiha clan. This is simply killing two birds with one stone. This plan is simply dead.

"Danzo! Why, even as Hokage, I don't even know the root tune!"

Just when Danzo was full of grievances, after seeing the order in Uchiha Setsuna's hand, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage, was also angry, and turned his head directly to Shimura Danzo, roaring angrily.

"Me! Sarutobi you!" At this moment, Shimura Danzo is really indisputable, because the transfer order is true, isn't the transfer order of Nebu Vice Minister Orochimaru also your Nebu, and you can escape responsibility?

Aggrieved! When had he, Shimura Danzo, been so aggrieved? It was nothing more than passing by the third generation of Hokage back then.

And the third Hokage is also angry. You Danzo said earlier that you planned Hyuga's split. Why is he still making so many moths? The mere messenger of the land of thunder is nothing. He never paid attention to it, but it was just a trick It's a trick, he's just using it secretly as an excuse to beat Shimoyuga's family. (In the comics, Raikage once said that Konoha is extremely strong in Hinata)

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu also looked at Danzo with dissatisfaction, they are not fools, all of this is the method of Orochimaru, but who made Orochimaru is your root now, you Danzo will not be blamed Who recited it? Orochimaru is not in the village now.

"Elder Shan Na, this old man will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation, how do you think?"

After reprimanding Danzo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned his head and looked at the elder Uchiha with a look full of sincerity. This sentence directly put Danzo on his back and became a good person.

Elder Uchiha Setsuna naturally knew that the high-level F4 was wearing a pair of trousers, but right now he could only snort coldly, and in order to express his dissatisfaction, he stepped back and sat cross-legged on the ground, "Okay, today I hope Lord Hokage can let Shimura Danzo Give Uchiha a satisfactory answer."

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku also stood up. Compared with the anger of the elder Setsuna, he looked calm, "Master Hokage, Uchiha Ye took this order and sent it directly to me. It is even more righteous." Words say that this is an order, not a negotiation, and the Uchiha clan doesn't know about it at all, but for the sake of the stability of the village, Uchiha can only watch helplessly as the Hyuga family settles in."

"Uchiha is Konoha, and the Hyuga Clan is also Konoha, but this kind of big event has already involved our family!"

Obviously Uchiha Fugaku also expressed his strong dissatisfaction, Sarutobi Hiruzen also had a very headache at this moment, and he also glared at Danzo with hatred.

Not enough success, more than failure, you!

"Master Hokage, the Hyuga Clan in the village is now in a state of preparation for war. This matter has reached an extremely dangerous point. One mistake will cause a civil war between Konoha's Hyuga clan."

"That's right, the Hyuga Clan and the division are the Hyuga Clan's own family affairs, we shouldn't be involved in the first place, but right now!"

The people of the major families expressed their dissatisfaction one after another. This time, even Inokacho showed a tentative expression of dissatisfaction. After all, Nemo can now dare to plan to split the Hyuga clan. Apart from Uchiha, Konoha There is no one who dares to say that it is better than the Hyuga clan. If this root is done a few more times, several of their families can bear it.

At this moment, the door was pushed open again, this time with more force than Uchiha just now, and the door directly slammed into the wall.

When everyone looked over, they saw Hyuga Hyuzu and Hyuga's Great Elder walking in with gloomy and angry faces, and everyone shut up at this moment.

Now that the Lord has come, this matter is not small.

"Master Hokage! Didn't the envoy of Thunder Country want the blood of the Hyuga clan? Now the old man and Hyuga's patriarch are here, so hand us over. If it's not enough, the clan still has a lot of Hyuga clansmen, it's not enough! Then let's do nothing. Yeh’s Danzang senior management should also hand over the branch family, so as not to be wronged after the war starts and say that our Hinata family caused it.”

Good guy, the start is a crit attack, now that the Hinata clan is like this, what does the elder care about, he opened his mouth after entering the door, and glared at Sandai and Danzo two people.

At this moment, when the elders of the Uchiha clan saw Elder Hyuga, they were immediately happy, but they pretended to be angry, and directly stared and cursed: "Hyuga clan, you can't manage the division by yourself, let the division take over Our land, this time you Hyuga Clan must give this old man an explanation."

The two old men who were holding back their anger confronted each other in an instant. The great elder of the Hyuga clan was aggrieved, and he immediately cursed when his mentality collapsed. up.

"What does the matter of the separation have to do with the old man? If the old man can manage the separation, the old man will let the branch go to the Shimura clan! Go to the Sarutobi clan! If you have the guts to find trouble with Danzo, stop talking to the old man here. Crooked."

"Danzo! You're so ruthless! You actually managed to crack the caged bird of our Hyuga clan, you're amazing! I admire you!" Elder Hyuga, who had beaten Uchiha, turned his head and looked at Shimura Danzo again, with an angry expression on his face. Another thumbs up gesture.

"The centuries-old inheritance of our Hyuga Clan has died in the hands of this old man today. Haha, Shimura Danzo, you just want to beat our Hyuga Clan. Tell me how many ninjas you are short of. I will bargain with you for a price, and the old man will jump off the Hokage Building!"

"You Danzo just open your mouth, no matter whether you want money or people at your root, don't worry, this time the Hyuga Clan will no longer have a bird in the cage. If you go to your root, you can cast the spell seal casually. If you think it's not enough, the Hyuga Clan The old man and the Japanese foot can join, isn't it just to become a dead soldier of your group, come on, just say it."

This day, the elders of the Hiyuga clan fired all their firepower, and almost all their anger poured out. At this moment, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu both chose to remain silent. The wealthy clan of the family is broken, and they cannot be allowed to vent. .

All the jounin here showed fear when they looked at Danzo. Although they knew that Genbu would use unscrupulous means, but this time it was too ruthless. At the same time, they looked at the Hyuga clan with pity and compassion.

This is the worst thing to be cheated, the family is gone, almost a family civil war.

"Shimura Danzo! From now on, this old man decides to relieve you of your root position! Root is temporarily supervised by Anbu!"

Seeing that Elder Hinata had finished venting, Hinata Sarutobi, the third Hokage, also looked full of anger. He got up and slapped the table angrily. He didn't know how many times he slapped the table today. He directly squirted at Danzo up.

"Me! You!"

Shimura Danzo's exposed eye was covered with ferocious bloodshot eyes, looking at everyone angrily, he was wronged! He is aggrieved! But what the hell should he do?

"Sarutobi! You'll regret it!"

Seeing that Danzo Shimura was still unwilling to hate him at this time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was also angry, and he slapped the table and shouted: "Danzo! This old man is Hokage!"

Shimura Danzang, who is so angry, can't refute it. Today, on this day, he has been wronged more than his mother's entire life. When he was angry, he thought of Orochimaru, and then looked at Hiruzaru Sarutobi's righteousness Glaring at him fiercely.

Immediately Shimura Danzo's teeth were itchy with hatred in his heart, good you Sarutobi, both of you master and apprentice are not good people, Orochimaru went to the border in the name of not being in the village, and actually did such a thing directly, and let him take the blame In the end, the Hyuga Separation became a force in his hands.

Both the master and the apprentice are of the same trade, the old one blamed him, and now the young one is doing the same.

well! Sarutobi, you master and apprentice are ruthless enough, the old man will not let you go!

Shimura Danzo, who was full of anger towards Sarutobi and Orochimaru, a pair of mentors and apprentices, slapped the table with a dark face and chose to leave the conference room.

"Danzo! You have been dismissed from the root position!"

As soon as he walked out of the door, he heard Sarutobi's angry shout again, Shimura Danzo almost passed by after holding his breath, and shouted angrily, "Old man, go home!"

Shimura Danzo, who walked out of the Hokage meeting room, was suddenly blown by the cold wind, and instantly regained consciousness. At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and a burst of anger appeared in his exposed eye.

Okay, the old man said why all of a sudden the scapegoat came, so it was all your schemes by Sarutobi.

He really didn't know that Orochimaru secretly studied the caged bird, but what about Sarutobi?

I'm afraid Sarutobi knew all this long ago, but he chose to acquiesce, just like what he did at the root. After the incident, Sarutobi directly appeared on the stage to be a good guy, but he was the one who took the blame.

This Sarutobi got a divided Hyuga clan, and with the resentment between the Hyuga clan and branch clan, it would be good if there was no fight.

A wealthy family second only to Uchiha was directly split in half, falling to the same level as Inokacho, and could no longer pose a threat to Konoha.

It seems that Orochimaru has got Hyuga's branch as a power, but Sarutobi knows that he is going to deal with Orochimaru soon, good guy!

Everyone is a pawn on the chessboard, and only Hiruzasaru Sarutobi is the one who has the last laugh.

After thinking of all this, Shimura Danzo suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and turned his head to look at the upright and awe-inspiring Sarutobi Hiruzen in the conference room, thinking secretly in his heart, monkey! Is this how you became Hokage, but I won't admit defeat!

Thanks: 5,000 starting coins from the "Runny Glass" brother, and 100 point coins from the "Salted Fish Transforming Dragon" brother.

Thanks to all the brothers for their support, your viewing of the genuine version is the source of motivation for the author.

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