I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 116: Thunderstorm Qilin


Toad Ken turned around and knocked away the incoming dagger with the huge steel fork in his hand, and taking advantage of this gap, Uchiha Ye also hurriedly jumped on top of Wan Snake's head, and at the same time shouted: "Wan Snake !"

This time, Wan Snake was not as aggressive as before, and his huge body let go of Toad Bunta directly, and retreated directly behind him. At the same time, Uchiha Ye just finished his seal.

"Ji Lai, you bastard!"

After ten thousand snakes entangled him with great strength and loosened, Hamo Wentai's flushed face was panting heavily, and at the same time he was furiously yelling at Zilaiye. Although I like to brag, you don't know that I can't do this A stinky snake, even let me really challenge this stinky snake.

"Bunta!" Jiraiya hurriedly exclaimed the moment he saw Uchiha Yejie's seal, but the next moment Gama Bunta was about to take a breath, his huge body staggered suddenly, and he fell to the ground with a bang with an unstable center of gravity.

Tudun·Yellow Spring Marsh

The ground instantly turned into a sticky swamp/swamp, and Toad Wentai sank directly into it with an unsteady center of gravity, and even lay down in the swamp in a state of embarrassment. two words.


Jilai also watched Hamo Wentai show an awkward smile after falling into the swamp, careless, but Hama Wentai was furious at this time, raised his head and glared at the little ghost on the head of Wan Snake in the distance and roared: "Little ghost!"

When has Toad Bunta ever been so embarrassed, even when he teamed up with Jiraiya to fight Orochimaru, he has never been so embarrassed. Today, he lost Toad and lost his hair.

"I'll go! This kid's chakra doesn't want money!"

At this moment, Zilai couldn't help but exclaimed, and saw Uchiha Ye on top of Ten Thousand Snakes in the distance showing an evil smile, his body had already turned into a mud clone, and the real Uchiha Ye was at the edge of the swamp , came out from the hiding of a big tree, but his hands had already finished the mudra, and he took a deep breath in his chest, and the flames spewed out of his mouth in an instant.

Fire Escape · Dragon Fire Art

A large number of chakras were highly compressed to form a huge fire dragon roaring out, and five huge fire dragons were sprayed out in one breath, completely sealing off all angles of Toad Bunta from bottom to top.

"Damn it, this brat knows the fighting habits of this immortal."

Jiraiya yelled angrily, this brat's fighting style is completely knowing his information, he is preemptive almost everywhere in ninjutsu, and he even knows his fighting style very well, it is obvious that this must be the masterpiece of Orochimaru.

Although Zilai was frightened and angry, there was calmness in his eyes. It is obvious that he would not lose his composure after seeing strong winds and waves, but this is his exaggerated nature, and he secretly frowned and analyzed in his heart. The power seems to have increased the strength and speed of this kid, and this feeling seems to be similar to the natural energy of the fairy mode, but it is different, more manic, it should be caused by the instability of the natural energy controlled in this way.

I have to say that Orochimaru is really a genius. Just when Ziraiya was thinking wildly, Toad Wentai, whose limbs were almost sunk in the swamp at this moment, roared angrily: "Ziraiya!"

Damn, these five huge fire dragons have blocked it in all directions, and if you don't help it, it will really go back to Mount Miaomu.

"Wentai, use oil!"

Under Jiraiya's loud laughter, he didn't feel threatened by the ninjutsu in front of him at all. Instead, he shouted loudly, under the tacit trust of both parties, Gama Bunta spit out a large amount of oil from his mouth almost like a conditioned reflex, and Ziraiya After finishing printing, he spit out fire.

Fire Escape · Toad Oil Flame Bullet

The overwhelming flames appeared like a waterfall, directly submerging the fire dragons. If the fire dragons were huge rocks, then the combination of Jiraiya and Gama Bunta's fire escape ninjutsu was a waterfall.

The powerful impact force directly caused the five-headed fire dragon to be shifted, and it flew towards the sky through the waterfall-like sea of ​​flames, bypassing Wentai at an angle.


However, the monstrous waterfall of flames invaded, and Uchiha Ye turned into a flash of lightning and ran towards the direction of Wanshe as early as after releasing Ninja.

"Thousand snakes!"

Uchiha Ye yelled loudly, and when the grumpy Wanshe saw this scene, although it was the first time for the two to cooperate in combat, they seemed to have a tacit understanding, and Wanshe understood each other's meaning almost instantly, but The irritable he still cursed: "Little devil, I want two hundred sacrifices this time."

There happened to be a huge pool beside it, and I saw Wan Snake's huge and thick tail slamming on the pool as fast as lightning. Under this huge force, the pool instantly splashed down and formed a short-term water waterfall barrier .

chi chi~

Under the collision of water and fire, there was a huge chirping sound in an instant, accompanied by a huge fog.

This scene happened to be seen clearly by Konoha Ninja who was coming in the distance, and countless people watched this scene in shock.

"This is! Is this the battle between the three ninjas!"

Shock! It was almost the first time for countless ninjas to see such a land-shaking ninjutsu duel. It was a battle that completely changed the landscape.

"No! It's not Oshemaru-sama, but Oshemaru-sama's disciple Uchiha Ye is fighting with Jiraiya-sama!"

It was obvious that there were sentient ninjas among the crowd, and they were even more shocked when they noticed the combatants in the distance.


Many people exclaimed in shock, it was Uchiha Ye! It is simply terrifying that the disciple of Master Orochimaru can fight Master Jiraiya to such an extent.

The destructive power of a Jonin-level battle is already extremely large, but to change the landscape, it requires a huge amount of chakra. Or this destructive power can only be achieved with the help of psychic beasts.

For example, the combined ninjutsu of Jiraiya and the psychic beast Fire Escape · Toad Oil Flame Bullet is a huge ninjutsu that changes the landscape. In terms of power range, it has surpassed the ordinary A-level ninjutsu, and it is not as good as the S-level ninjutsu. , but it is a super existence on the battlefield. This is a kind of ninjutsu that is completely born for large-scale wars.

The amount of Chakra in Jonin is not much. In the anime, Hatake Kakashi once said that his Chakra amount can only release Chidori four times a day. Don’t look at Kakashi’s lack of mana, but it depends on who he compares with. Normally, Kakashi has a lot of chakra.

Moreover, Kakashi's Chakra is not a lot, but it has been consumed by Sharingan, which makes it impossible to continue to be in a full blue state.

Uchiha Ye's current chakra amount is almost seven times that of Kakashi, and at the same time, coupled with the blessing of the first state of the curse seal of the sky, although it is not in full state, after the natural energy enters the body, it also increases his ninjutsu release power.

Orochimaru also knew the disparity in the amount of Chakra between the two from the beginning, so in view of the huge Chakra consumption of summoning Ten Thousand Snakes, Orochimaru chose to help summon.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, a total of releases have been released: Huo Dun · Haohuo Que B-level, Helix Wan A-level, Hidden Shadow Snake-Hand C-level, Earth Flow Wall B-level, Shuriken · Shadow Clone A-level, Chidori A These ninjutsu are B-level, Fire Escape·Haolong Huozhijutsu.

Although two of the fire escape ninjutsu are B-level, they require a lot of chakra, and they have been in the thunder escape chakra mode. At this time, Uchiha Ye's huge chakra amount is almost bottoming out.

"Little devil, how much more chakra can you have!"

Gama Bunta and Gama Ken are left and right, and Sannin Jiraiya, who is high above him, is also looking solemnly at the figure in the distance that dissipates with the mist. Shang Xia was already profusely sweating, he dodged a stone just now and pierced the corner of his brow at some point, and the blood left behind made him unable to open one eye.

The surrounding landforms are simply unsightly, there are traces of the war everywhere, and kerosene burning in the woods, one by one everywhere.

"Little ghost, at this age, you are already very strong." Looking at the disciple that Orochimaru took in, Zilai couldn't help but show admiration and couldn't help nodding. The amount of chakra is huge, the ninjutsu is superb, but extremely Good at ninjutsu, as for illusion!

Thinking of this, Sangouyu Sharingan, who was looking at the little ghost in the distance, couldn't help shaking his head and said: "If this little ghost grows up, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Dark clouds slowly covered the sky, as if foreshadowing the event that happened to Konoha. A group of Konoha ninjas who came from a distance were full of shock. They had already seen the landform after the war at this distance, which was not ordinary at all. Tolerance can cause it.

Jiraiya, who wanted to know all the truth, looked at Uchiha Ye who was about to bottom out in the distance, and laughed directly: "Little ghost, you are very strong at this age, can you tell me about Orochimaru now. "

Regarding what Orochimaru said when he fought against him, although he didn't think longevity ninjutsu was possible, he couldn't say anything about Orochimaru's ninjutsu. As for cruelty? Jiraiya smiled wryly, how could a ninja have the right to say cruelty, but if he did something to a ninja from the same village, he would have crossed the bottom line.

Yoshiha Uchiha, who was half-squatting on top of Wanshe's head in the distance, was panting heavily, looking at Jiraiya in the distance, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, revealing a sneer.

"Master Jiraiya, you want to know the truth? Hehe, I can tell you the truth, but I'm afraid you won't dare to face all this."

When he said this, the distrustful sneer on Uchiha Ye's face immediately made Jiraiya frowned, and he showed a confident smile with his arms around him, "Haha, kid, don't worry, I am the Toad Immortal Ziraiya. "

The funny Jiraiya frowned when he said this, looked at the Konoha ninja who was coming from a distance, shrugged and showed an indifferent smile.

"If Orochimaru wants to escape, I won't be able to catch up. It's just to see that you, a brat, can be valued so much by Orochimaru."

Obviously, Jilai also seems to be five big and three thick, but there is definitely a thick and thin existence. From the very beginning, Jilai also had other thoughts. For example, it is obvious that something happened to Orochimaru now, and he can also analyze the information just now. come out.

It should be something similar to Bai Fang, which caused an extremely bad impact on reputation, so when facing the little ghost Uchiha Ye, Jiraiya also chose to enlarge Shemaru first and leave by default.

Similarly, this kid's strength has been recognized by Jiraiya, and he is secretly relieved. There are many ninjas in Orochimaru's direct lineage. If something really happens, then this force will probably be cleaned up, and the village will lose at that time , so he needs a leader who can just replace the existence of Orochimaru.

Take over this force, not to mention anything else, at least make sure to keep it first, so that Orochimaru has a chance. Jiraiya's idea is very simple, if there is a problem, he will definitely help his companions, and this team will be used at that time, but unfortunately he really didn't expect Orochimaru to be so decisive.

"Jiraiya, there seems to be something wrong with this brat."

Toad Wentai, who has been in Mt. Miaomu all the year round, obviously sensed something, and suddenly raised his head to look at the gathering dark clouds above his head. An inexplicable pressure emerged in his heart, and he felt fear.

Following Hama Bunta's reminder, the moment Jiraiya raised his head, his eyes gradually became dull, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't help being shocked and said: "Little~ brat, you!"

In the distance, Uchiha Ye slowly stood up on the head of Ten Thousand Snakes, revealing his proud and strong body, surrounded by electric arcs, as if the God of Thunder came into the world. There was a smile.

"Master Jiraiya, this is a ninjutsu I developed under the guidance of Teacher Oshemaru. The thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, I don't know how you, one of the three ninjas, can avoid it."


At this moment, Jiraiya swallowed nervously, his face full of unprecedented solemnity, looking at Uchiha Ye in the distance, he knew that he had underestimated the other party.

"Little devil! Tell me the truth about Orochimaru!"

At this time, Zilai still has not given up. He must know the truth about Orochimaru. The current situation in the village is already a word of pursuit. If he is not careful, the prestige accumulated by his friend over the years will completely disappear. This is what he doesn't want to see.

He didn't want to see the village do too much. As long as Dashewan had a chance to turn around, he would definitely not let go.

"Master Jiraiya! The truth is that Mr. Orochimaru, the ninja of Mudun, has researched it. The village has to restart the Mudun project. At the same time, it has handed over the research and development of two forbidden techniques to the teacher, and sent countless ninjas for human experiments. You know Yes, but later it was discovered that there were ninjas from the village, and the teacher asked us to put these fellow villagers in prison secretly."

Listening to Uchiha Ye's narration, Jiraiya's face was extremely ugly, it turned out to be like this, why didn't Orochimaru object! No! In other words, the third generation of teachers participated or acquiesced in this. He remembered the situation of the fourth generation of Hokage, and suddenly he fell silent.

At that time, he also agreed with Sandai's political philosophy. Konoha needed stability, but he sided with his apprentice Minato, as did Sandai. In the end, Orochimaru failed.

Now! Abandoned by the village again, the teacher's abandonment, and the temptation of longevity, Dashewan chose to stand on the sidelines. If the village and the third generation choose to support him, then he will move forward, if he gives up! Then cut everything!

Jilai also understands Orochimaru's heart, but it is precisely because of this that he is even more anxious. Orochimaru can really do anything.

"By the way, I visited the Third Hokage some time ago, and put the scroll of the report on the use of village ninjas secretly by Genbu in the gift, and then the gift I got in return was the signature ninjutsu of the Third Hokage, as you have seen. And!"

Speaking of this, Uchiha Ye showed a cold smile, "There seem to be many people in the village who want Mr. Oshemaru to disappear."


This information shocked Jiraiya, and at the same time, dark clouds rolled in the sky.

Thunder Dun·Kirin

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