I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 170 I am Sesshomaru!

Konoha tent.

"Uchiha Ye, this is your identity."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke handed over a secret scroll, Uchiha Ye looked at his identity solemnly, couldn't help but nodded with a smile after that.

"The special jounin of Konoha, the land of fire, is a descendant of a fallen samurai aristocrat. He is proficient in swordsmanship and medical ninjutsu. He participated in the human experiment of Konoha Orochimaru last year, and then directly killed two Anbu members who came to hunt him down because of his involvement. Defect."

Listening to Uchiha Ye recounting his identity information, Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded silently, "Yes, outsiders are speculating about Orochimaru's human experiments, and when you appear, you will attract the attention of others. The intelligence capability is not enough, so Da Nin Village is qualified to detect your situation, so that you can gain a foothold as quickly as possible."

Looking at his own information, Uchiha Ye couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, "It's good, the arrangement is reasonable, especially the human experiment last year, tsk tsk, it really deserves to be called Anbe, it's almost perfect."

After all, he also participated in the human experiment of Orochimaru, which can be said to be seamless.

"But what is the ultimate goal of the mission? I think I should be able to know at this time, right?"

He didn't believe that such a solemn mission was only for the purpose of spying on intelligence, as well as some interests in the Land of Vortex. After all, the Land of Fire had the most fertile land.

Sure enough, Sarutobi Shinnosuke fell silent and said slowly: "There is news about a magical weapon from our Konoha village."

"Shenbing?" Uchiha Ye couldn't help showing curiosity. It is not that there are no magic weapons in the world of Naruto, but there are definitely not many, such as Kusanagi Sword, Ten Fist Sword, Uchiha Uchiha Fan, etc. What is it that deserves the attention of the village?

"It's the divine weapon used by Lord Hokage of the first generation. The second generation of Hokage disappeared after being ambushed in the land of thunder. Recently, some news appeared in the country of vortex for unknown reasons, so your goal is this divine weapon. This is Information about this divine weapon."

After Sarutobi Shinnosuke handed over a blueprint, the corners of Uchiha Ye's eyes twitched after seeing it. He seemed to remember that the first Hokage Senjujuma used a big sword in the battle with Uchiha Madara.

"I won't say more about what this magic weapon represents. The village doesn't want to fall into the hands of other villages, so this is your real goal."

Under Sarutobi Shinnosuke's dignified expression, this is a great contribution to him. After all, if he can recover the magic weapon of the first generation of Hokage, it will definitely improve his prestige.

After Uchiha Ye heard this, he was even more thoughtful. Sure enough, there were quite a few spies in Uzumaki Village, so why did he send him there again? It turned out that it was for this.

"It means that after I exposed Konoha's identity as a traitor, some ninjas from big countries wanted to investigate and even master Konoha's secret human body research, so these people would secretly contact me, and even my samurai noble status, the first Hokage's It can be said that the great sword is attractive to me or it can be exchanged."

Uchiha Ye nodded secretly. It has to be said that this identity is extremely perfect, and the personnel of Orochimaru's human body research are full of attractiveness, enough to attract some people to investigate and even trade. After all, there is no village that will not be attracted to Konoha's human body research .

Under the status of a samurai nobleman, it is reasonable and reasonable to be curious about the great sword of the god of the ninja world.

Therefore, he didn't have to secretly use the great sword to investigate the first Hokage, and no one would doubt it if he showed it directly. It really deserves to be Konoha Anbe, and the identity arrangement is completely reasonable and reasonable.

"Since he is a descendant of the warrior nobles, although he is in decline, there must be some. I think Mr. Shinnosuke should understand this truth."

Uchiha Yeruo had a deep expression, Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn't react for a while, but when he slowly reported a series of items that need to be used to disguise his identity to Uchiha Ye, his face began to turn green .

"Lonely samurai aristocrat, then my Kusanagi sword can't be used for the time being, so I need at least one precious samurai sword, or even a few. After all, I am playing a descendant of a samurai noble who has a strong pursuit of magic weapons .”

"There is also a noble background, needless to say about words and deeds, but you must have matching luxurious yet tough clothes, and precious samurai armor containing chakra metal, otherwise you will not be able to meet my identity. , the armor must be at least high-quality, otherwise my identity will not be able to gain a foothold at all."

"There is also money. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and a lonely nobleman is also a nobleman, far beyond the reach of others. Money must be sufficient. In a word, everything for food and clothing must be set according to my identity. I think this is inevitable for a samurai who wants to revitalize his family."

Good guy, following Uchiha Ye's requirements one by one, Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded in satisfaction at first, but then his expression gradually became stiff, and even finally his eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched, good guy, are you sure you are not Are you here to pluck the wool? But even though he was muttering in his heart, he still tried his best to meet the other party's conditions.

"You said that Anbu has all the preparations, although there are some deficiencies, but it doesn't matter. I have two precious swords in my collection, and as for the armor, I will now inform Anbu to send it through spiritism, but your image needs to be changed. "

After Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded in agreement, Uchiha Ye also nodded solemnly. As the saying goes, he still has this professional ethics of using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, or this is the basic professional ethics of all ninjas.

"Don't worry, but the transformation technique is easy to be exposed when the chakra is unstable, and this time it is also a hidden spy mission. My medical ninjutsu can do all of this."

The extremely professional Uchiha Ye nodded solemnly, and then Sarutobi Shinnosuke sighed helplessly, he quickly contacted the secret and quickly prepared the things needed by the other party's identity. He knew that some people's identities needed to be invested in advance for latent tasks. For example, spies with identities such as businessmen and nobles, but the demands of such damn things are too expensive.

Looking at the departing Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Uchiha Ye sneered in his heart. As the saying goes, the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. Who told you to prepare me for noble status? If I don’t know how to take advantage of the opportunity, You are ashamed of my identity, and besides such a dangerous task, you must not provide any funds.

"The descendant of a lonely noble warrior, what kind of personality should he have? His personality is cold and arrogant, and he seems to despise all arrogance, but he has a kind of paranoia towards the strongest warrior in his heart. He wants to become a powerful warrior and rejuvenate the family, that is to say, the personality that pursues strength. !"

Looking at himself in the mirror, Uchiha Ye frowned and began to think about it. The temperament of a noble man who pursues power, and the character design dominated by samurai, so the character design should be ruthless. After all, human experiments were added for strength. A picture of a character gradually emerged from the scene, which seemed to fit perfectly.

"The most direct and simple way to change a person's appearance is to start with hairstyle and temperament."

After having the picture and the imitated person in his mind, Uchiha Ye immediately began to stimulate the hair follicle cells of the scalp with medical ninjutsu. First, the melanin was suppressed, and the black hair visible to the naked eye began to turn white, and then Chakra was accumulated. The pale hair color began to gain luster, turning into a head of silver-white hair, and then under Chakra's continued blessing, it began to grow visible to the naked eye.


"These are all you need, you see if they fit."

Shinnosuke Sarutobi who had just walked in was stunned, and saw that in the airtight tent, Uchiha's image had undergone earth-shaking changes, or changes in hairstyle and temperament, and it was impossible for the two people to overlap together.

She has long silver-white hair, a noble blue moon seal on her forehead, two red demon lines on her left and right cheeks, and hexagonal plums floating on her white kimono. The aristocratic temperament is vividly expressed from the inside to the outside.

After all, the arrogance of the Uchiha clan has already been carved into the bones, so it's easy to be cold-faced.

In just a short moment, Uchiha Ye turned into an imposing nobleman, a cold and arrogant noble son with a deadpan expression and taciturnity.

"Ye, you dress up like this." Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn't help but give a thumbs up, but there was also a sense of jealousy in his heart, it's useless to use the village's money to pretend to be a nobleman.

However, the makeup on the face seemed to be familiar, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke showed a look of surprise in an instant. The Inuzuka clan likes to color their faces, and most of the Uchiha clan are representatives of aloofness. combination of those.

After watching the image in the mirror change drastically, Uchiha Ye said calmly and coldly: "My current name is 'Sesshomaru'."

With this background, and he is pretending to be a spy, his image will change drastically, and he might as well change his face. After all, the hidden mission of a spy is still very dangerous. Fortunately, this time he didn't sneak into the five major countries, otherwise he would be really afraid of being stabbed in the back.

And since you want to pretend to be a descendant of a nobleman, anyway, the money is not for nothing.

"Sesshomaru?" After hearing the name, Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded directly, and then said in a deep voice: "Yes, the information made by your Anbu will not be revealed casually, I think you should understand."

Ye Uchiha naturally knew this. As one of the participants in the human experiment, the village directly shouted all over the world? Then the fool also knows that there is a ghost in it, but this kind of dark situation is only in line with the human design, and I don't want to leak information.

But with the appearance of Uchiha Ye, someone will dig deep, and then the spies in the village will show their feet. It has to be said that they can kill two birds with one stone, and they can also strictly investigate the spies in the village.

The word 'wan' represents strength and bravery, and the word pill represents momentum, which sounds very deterrent.

Then Uchiha Ye picked and picked, and with a cold and arrogant look, he finally picked out the clothes that met his satisfaction. It was covered with an exquisite armor, which represented the identity of the samurai family.

Then a white furry shawl represents the aristocratic temperament, lined with a set of white cherry blossom pattern clothes, and immediately matched with Uchiha Yoko's ruthless expression now, which perfectly interprets what is called a noble descendant.

"You really are."

Seeing Uchiha Ye's attire, Sarutobi Shinnosuke was satisfied but at the same time felt a pain in the flesh. This is really plucking wool. After all, to perform latent missions, both identity and attire need to be perfected.

Needless to say about identity, there is naturally Anbu, which can be equipped with conditions. Since you want to play a nobleman, you must have aristocratic temperament, which is not lacking in the Uchiha family, especially the etiquette inheritance of the wealthy nobles for hundreds of years. It is engraved in the bones, and this is what ordinary ninjas need long-term practice to achieve.

Uchiha Ye doesn't have to worry about this at all, it's the armor clothes, which are really wool.

Armor is excellent equipment among warriors, it contains Chakra metal, not to mention the shawl, and this set of clothes.

"I am now the samurai nobleman Sesshomaru of Konoha Renin."

Uchiha night, no! Now it should be said that it is Sesshoumaru. At this time, Sesshoumaru looked at the other party mercilessly, and he was completely different from the former Uchiha Ye.

From head to toe, it is impossible to distinguish, noble and ruthless temperament, a head of silver hair, if he did not know all this, Sarutobi Shinnosuke would not be able to distinguish at all, and it made him sigh, "Ye, no! It should be Sesshoumaru." Yes, sure enough you are a born ninja."

After finishing speaking, Sarutobi Shinnosuke directly took out a scroll, and suddenly stamped on the scroll, the smoke of spiritism dissipated in an instant, and a pair of katana swords shining with cold light appeared in front of his eyes.

There are not many, only eleven, but they are definitely treasures, all of which are forged from the best materials in the world, comparable to magic weapons.

"Well, these are all treasured by Anbu."

Regarding the weapon made of chakra metal, Sarutobi Shinnosuke also showed pain, fearing that the opponent would pluck the wool again, but when he saw that the opponent had picked two, he gave up and continued to take it, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief .

One is a traditional slender samurai sword, the blade is light and at the same time exudes a faint silver light, which can maximize the power of drawing the sword and slashing.

The other should be said to be a sword, exuding a strong hostility, it is obvious that this is a weapon that can kill countless people. Similar to Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword.

The ninja world has a tradition similar to that of the island country. There is no distinction between swords and swords, such as Konoha Ryu Kenjutsu, but samurai swords are used.

"I need at least tens of millions of taels of funds."

Sesshomaru said coldly and indifferently, which immediately made Sarutobi Shinnosuke want to scold people. It was the first time he saw him who was so arrogant even asking for money, but he was really aggrieved. He even secretly swore in his heart that in the future, in the character design of spy hidden missions, Absolutely not to be of noble origin, at most minor nobles, otherwise the initial investment alone would be too large.

"The total funds for the mission are only 8 million, and I have more than 10 million here, I will add some for you!"

However, before he finished speaking, Sesshomaru calmly took all the money from the other party's hands, and put it in his pocket calmly under the other party's stunned expression.

"Tomorrow I will secretly land from the west coast. The secret department will keep my identity a secret. At the same time, let the village keep an eye on the existence of spies. Don't give up this good opportunity."

At this moment, it seemed that he was the commander. Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded aggrievedly, and he felt ruthless in his heart. This time, he was bleeding so much. If he didn’t take this opportunity to investigate the spies carefully, he would be sorry for his loss this time. .

It is also the goal of this mission that is too important to him. The great sword of the first Hokage is more meaningful than anything else.

I accompanied my child to the parent-child sports meeting today. I was so tired that I didn’t have time to check it. I will check it again tomorrow when I get up.

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