I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 185 Give You A Bone-Cracking Kiss

"Shimura Danzo!"

Tsunade gritted her teeth and chanted the name, at this moment her eyes were filled with endless anger.

If others don't know, can she still not know? A few old guys in the village, the three generations are still Hokage bathed in the sun, but Danzo hiding in the dark is different, they just don't care at all.

And all of this is really in line with Shimura Danzo's character, using the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope to manipulate the conspiracy behind the scenes.

damn it!

At this time, Tsunade had obviously lost his mind, and Uchiha Ye remained silent, and he was not afraid to check what he said, because even if the truth was found, he would know it was true.

Danzo really has Sharingan. As for whether there is a kaleidoscope of Sharingan, I didn’t say this. What I said is that Danzang has Sharingan.

The truth is never afraid of verification, but no matter how perfect a lie is, it will be exposed one day.

"The village! Unexpectedly!"

When Terumi Mei heard about this huge conspiracy, she also showed anger. She was more angry because of the policies of Wuyin Village for so many years.

"It's no wonder that since the fourth generation of Mizukage came to power, the policy in Blood Mist has become more and more harsh. The entire Wuying Village, and even the entire Kingdom of Water, have rejected Blood Successor ninjas. At first, I thought it was because the Blood Successor family had too much power. It turned out that this It's all to weaken Wuyin Village!"

It is obvious that Terumi Mei also imagined this huge conspiracy, and her guess is also correct, the people behind the scenes really hope that Wuyin Village can play a dog's brains.

"You brat!"

Tsunade, who had calmed down, raised his head to look at Uchiha Ye's young and stern face. The other party was only very old, but he was carrying so much darkness and kept moving forward in secret.

Facing Tsunade, Uchiha Yato hid all his previous feelings again, lowered his head and said hoarsely: "Princess Tsunade, the Uchiha clan is in a precarious situation now, Senju and Uchiha, who created Konoha, have the responsibility to protect village."

"But the darkness of the village has covered the sky with one hand. Princess Tsunade is a sannin. If something happens to the village in the future, you are the last hope of the village, the hope of resurgence."

When Uchiha Ye said this, sadness appeared in the pupils of Uchiha Ye's eyes, and he made a seal with one hand lightly, a small snake was channeled out, and then crawled in front of Tsunade and spit out a scroll.

"This is the number of high-level family members in the village and all the important positions of the Sarutobi clan, as well as the three pig-deer-butterfly clans who are helping tigers. These are my preliminary investigations. I have no right to investigate some secret units."

As Uchiha Yoko's hoarse voice echoed, Tsunade slowly opened the scroll with a gloomy face. At this moment, she realized how shocking these ordinary investigation records were.

One or two positions are fine, even a dozen or twenty are fine, but the surnames under the densely packed job list are either Sarutobi or the Zhuludie clan, or the tribe of a few old bastards in the upper echelons.

This dense job list filled with hundreds of people may not be obvious to others, but as Tsunade who will become the Fifth Hokage in the future, she can fully understand it.

This is a shocking investigation report. The important positions exposed in the entire Muye Village are all controlled by the clansmen of these old guys, or the families of the followers.

For example, the teachers in the school are better on the surface, at least there are many ordinary civilian ninjas, but in terms of logistics, they are all Sarutobi.

This is still on the bright side, as for the dark side, Tsunade’s scalp tingles when he thinks of this, the power hidden in the dark, the dark side, the roots, it’s better to say that it’s the high-level private armed force, which is even more shocking than the bright side .

Now I come to a conclusion that the entire Konoha is firmly controlled by the old guys at the top, and of course there are fish that slip through the net, such as the police department! This unit has been free from the center of power since the creation of Konoha.

"There are many passionate people in the generation of the village."

Although Uchiha Ye didn't say it clearly, he also made it clear that there were no objections in the village, but his voice was quiet.

boom boom boom~

After watching this shocking report, Tsunade gritted his teeth in hatred, and the scroll was crushed into pieces by brute force in Yu's hands.

The fragments of the floating scroll fell into the bonfire and turned into little flames and disappeared. Although the report was burned, everything was unforgettable.

"I need to go back to the village!"

Just when Tsunade was angry, Terumi Mei on the other side calmed down, with a determination in her eyes. As Kirigard, she absolutely didn't want to watch her village go to the abyss.

"Go back? What can you do?"

Facing Kamimei's firm expression, Uchiha Ye directly laughed at himself, raised his head and shook his head, pointing at himself: "I! The genius of the Uchiha clan, the captain of the seventh unit of the police department, and a disciple of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, In the face of all these general trends, there is still no resistance.”

"What do you have? Returning to the village and dying in vain? Or do you just want to let yourself not regret it?"

Facing Uchiha Ye's ridicule, Terumi Mei felt a complex emotion of sympathy for each other, both of them were powerless to change everything.

"What about you? I died in vain when I went back, so why did you go back to Konoha?"

Uchiha Ye was stunned by Terumi Mei's anti-general, his eyes were a little blurred when he looked at the two, and he muttered to himself: "Yeah, why didn't I choose to leave."

Even so, Uchiha Yehou smiled wryly at himself, "Because I am Uchiha, I can't just watch the village fall into the abyss, I want to change all this, so I decided to carry the banner of change, I know there will be bloodshed along the way, even among my own."

"But I don't regret it. Too much innocent blood has been shed in the village. The lesson of Bai Fang and Orochimaru, and countless young children died on the battlefield in World War Three. I would rather bear the eternal infamy, and I will change all of this." , I don’t want our descendants to bleed fearlessly.”

Seeing Uchiha Ye's increasingly determined expression, even when he talked about change, he showed unprecedented firmness.

When Tsunade saw this scene, the blurred color in his eyes flashed away, and then he waved his hands annoyedly: "It's all for rights, I don't care about these things, what do you like."

Facing the darkness of the village, Tsunade chose to avoid it. Isn't she avoiding the village by staying away? A mature ninja with a firm will is not so easy to change.

Looking at Tsunade who was a little irritable, Uchiha Ye was not disappointed, but there was a touch of relief in his eyes, as if he was relieved.

But with such a look on his face, Tsunade was even more irritable, "You brat dared to talk about reform, you should take care of yourself first."

She hates this kind of concern, obviously everything between them is fake, but knowing it, for some reason, she becomes more and more irritable.

What does the kid's relieved look mean? Don't want her to be involved in this vortex? care about her?

Who is she? She is Konoha's Sannin Tsunade Hime, and she was worried about by a brat.

And Uchiha Ye saw Tsunade's intention to avoid, not only did not dissuade, but also did not win Konoha to join his power to change the corruption, but looked at Terumi Mei pretending not to see it.

"Ming, you are already a traitor now. When you go back to the village, don't say whether you can change your identity as a traitor. Just say how many people will believe the conspiracy you said? And how many years has Mizukage been manipulated? Accumulated How much power? If you do this, it will cause turmoil in the village, even!"

She didn't say the last words, but everyone is not stupid. The shadow of a village has been manipulated. After so many years, how many people can believe her words? Not only is he in danger, but the village may also experience great turmoil.

It is no exaggeration to describe it as a mantis arm as a car.

"Ming, I think what you are doing now is to keep the fire in the village. You can use the big sword shark muscle as a handle to secretly threaten the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, unite the blood succession forces that are gradually disappearing in the village, and at the same time contact the reliable people in the village. High-level or Jonin."

"You are the fire of hope for the village, instead of putting all your hope on one blood."

Uchiha Ye spoke out the plan with some hesitation. Although what he said was good, his embarrassing appearance was his selfishness that could be seen by individuals.

He didn't want Terumi Mei to take risks with his own body, his blood was loyalty and bravery, but what happened after the same blood was poured out? I just left one that I don't regret, and it is also a way to avoid it, and I don't care about the funeral anymore.

Obviously, it is to give her a suggestion, so that she should not blindly use this idea of ​​evasion to die in vain, but will it be a political novice who can become the Fifth Generation Mizukage in the future?

Terumi Mei has two kinds of blood successors. In the hometown of Wuyin Village, the country of water, which rejects blood successors, not only managed to survive safely, but also overthrew the regime of the former Mizukage. To put it bluntly, it is a coup.

She definitely has brains, and she definitely doesn't lack means. It can only be said that she is still young and perhaps immature, but she lacks neither of these at all.

Looking at Uchiha Yato's appearance, as if he was a Konoha ninja but was giving advice to the enemy ninja, under Terumi Mei's cold cheeks, a complicated warm current rose in his heart.

The feeling of being cared for seems to be that there is no one in the village except her parents in her memory.

The crackling bonfire was burning, and the belly of the sky gradually began to turn white.

After a night of rest, the three of them seemed to be avoiding, avoiding their previous illusions, not because they dared not admit it, but because they all had their own missions and responsibilities.

"Okay, when I master this shark muscle well, my strength will be greatly improved by then."

After daybreak, Terumi Mei glanced at the cave calmly, as if she were a wave ninja, so maybe there would not be so much pressure.

Terumi Mei, who had the sword shark muscles behind her back, stood up and bathed in the early morning sun, with long brown curly hair crossed, and her right eye was covered, revealing the alluring emerald green eyes.

At this time, Terumi Mei stretched a little and slowly got up, looking at Tsunade who was still pretending to sleep with her eyes closed, she smiled indifferently, and turned her head to look at the man in front of her.

Immediately, Terumimei smiled sweetly, stretched out her palm dignifiedly and teased: "You will settle the score next time that you stabbed me twice."

Uchiha Ye showed a bit of embarrassment, and slowly stretched out his hand to hold Bai Nen's jade hand. In an instant, the two seemed to have some telepathy, and slowly walked out of the cave.

The two seem to have forgotten everything, but they cannot be together because of their different positions. We are both adults and mature in thinking, so we can only keep all our emotions in our hearts.

"Ye, if I'm just an ordinary civilian, you are an ordinary blacksmith."

Looking at the early morning sun, Terumi Mei showed a smile and muttered to himself intoxicatedly, while Uchiha Ye who was on the side heard it without any hesitation, bowed his head and said in a deep voice: "Then I will hold your hand, As you once said, in white wedding dress for you!"

Before Uchiha Ye could finish speaking, Terumi Mei suddenly showed a playful giggling smile, turned his face to Uchiha Ye's nervously, and said with a teasing laugh: "Uchiha's handsome guy, you won't take it seriously Bar."

"We were all acting before, fake, ninja is deception, did you forget the first lesson of this ninja school? Or is it that you are a genius?"

With a height of 1.74 meters, Terumi Mei has an unusually tall figure, with fair and tender skin, especially now that the two of them are looking at each other face to face, and they can even smell each other's breath.

Looking at each other, Terumi Mei showed a playful and mature smile on his face, as if he had forgotten everything.

With a cry, Terumi Meimei's pupils dilated instantly, the smile on his face stiffened, a shock appeared in his eyes, and then there was a panic, and an experience that he had never felt before came from the corners of his pink mouth.

Moist! It seems that there is still a trembling in the heart!


Uchiha Ye left directly, with a determined look on his face, his blessing seemed so cheap.

However, Terumi Mei was in a daze, stretched out her slender jade hands to caress the corners of her pink lips, then showed a look of disbelief and strength, and teased with a strong and calm voice: "Send you a heart-wrenching kiss, so handsome Men don't forget me."

After finishing speaking, Terumi Mei showed a sexy smile and waved her hands casually, as if she turned the embarrassment just now into initiative, she is a character that refuses to admit defeat.

She also knows that the relationship between the two is fruitless, so it is best not to let him sprout in the seed stage.

The moment she turned around to leave, Terumi Mei's mature and charming cheeks were blushing, and at the same time, for some reason, she slowly stretched out her tongue to lick the remaining breath at the corner of her mouth.

Her eyes were a little blurred as she reminisced just now, as if she wanted to keep the feeling just now in her heart, Terumi Mei opened her eyes casually. As a person of faith, she needs to change her village.

"Hey, the little ghosts are gone. What are you looking at? Now, shouldn't it be time to talk about what you didn't finish last night?"

Standing outside the cave and looking at the long-disappeared figure of Terumi Mei, Uchiha Ye was a little dazed. He also had the taste of remembering just now, and finally smiled self-deprecatingly.

Sure enough, the highest level of acting skills is to let himself into the play. When he parted, he knew that the historical trajectory had changed, and he could no longer predict what Terumi Mei's future would be, so a touch of worry arose in his heart.

But he also did not stop the opponent's choice, just like him, what he had to do was also full of thorns.

Suddenly, after a bold voice came from behind, Uchiha Ye looked back and saw the golden figure.

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