I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 197 Konan Nagato

The Sarutobi Shinnosuke incident was not publicized. After all, this incident would only affect the morale of Konoha, but this incident also made the relationship between Konoha and Yunin Village even worse.

The country of the vortex.


Under the blowing of the sea breeze, Uchiha Yoro on a merchant ship showed a free and easy smile and waved his hands to say goodbye to Uchiha Shisui and Hatake Kakashi and his party.

"Brother Ye, take care."

Uchiha Itachi, with an immature face on the merchant ship, followed behind his teacher. This time he will follow his teacher back to the village.

When the merchant ship drove down until the Uzumaki country became a black spot in sight, Uchiha Ye sighed a little melancholy, while Uchiha Itachi on the side showed a puzzled look.

"Mr. Ye, are we going back this time?"

The thoughtful Uchiha Itachi showed a suspicious look, Uchiha Ye looked sideways at the calm Itachi, his immature face showed a mature and calm expression, but it gave people a sense of no disobedience, as if the other party was born like this.

In the end, Uchiha Ye raised his head and watched a cold wind blowing by. He squinted his eyes and enjoyed the temporary tranquility, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

"This is the task of returning to the village. Remember to burn it after reading it."

A scroll was slowly taken out of his arms and handed to Uchiha Itachi beside him.

After the dark green scroll was slowly opened, the seal on it had already been released. This was a mission issued by the third Hokage himself, defined as S-rank.

S-level missions are missions whose seriousness is related to state-level confidential matters. The work content may be to participate in wars, assassinate important people, and transport confidential documents at the invitation of other countries. The reward is more than one million taels.

One Eye Ten Lines After reading the mission scroll, Uchiha Itachi's immature eyes showed a look of shock, and then the scroll in his hand was lit with fire and burned to nothing in the wind.

The two were silent for a while, and Uchiha Yoru said softly after a while: "Itachi, do you have any doubts about this mission."

Although Uchiha Itachi is not very old, his calm mind is definitely second to none, and he directly expressed his thoughts in a concentrated voice.

"Mr. Ye, the radical faction under the command of the Fire Nation daimyo is becoming more and more powerful, especially the Fire Temple is one of the most important forces of the daimyo besides Konoha, the voice of the radical faction in the Fire Temple will affect the interests of the village. "

The S-rank mission this time is very simple, and that is to assassinate Ji Kong, a monk in the Temple of Fire. There is information that the other party was invited to prepare to leave for Daming Mansion in half a month.

Seeing Itachi's understanding, Uchiha Ye smiled and shook his head and said, "Itachi, what is the meaning of this matter? Can you see it?"

Uchiha Itachi was a little silent, but he still expressed his conjecture in a deep voice.

"Mr. Ye, this is the village's trap for the Uchiha clan. Once Uchiha is involved, the Uchiha clan will be feared by the daimyo. The village wants Uchiha to be isolated and helpless."

Listening to Uchiha Itachi's analysis, Uchiha Ye nodded with a chuckle, "Yes, your speculation is very good."

"The village has already freed up its hands, so there is a plan to strengthen defenses and even weaken the Uchiha clan. Once Uchiha participates in this matter, then Uchiha will have no external force."

In the Land of Fire, the Uchiha clan has been almost isolated in the village. If they want to find foreign aid, the only place to go is the Daming House of the Land of Fire.

Three generations of Hokage's means are not without viciousness, one move is fatal.

He, Uchiha, got rid of a radical monk, the elder of the Temple of Fire, who was a radical for Konoha, but a loyal believer for his daimyo.

In particular, the identity of the monk Dikong is not simple. In the Temple of Fire, his seniority is completely at the level of an elder.

Once Uchiha does this, the daimyo will hate Uchiha to death.

The young Uchiha Itachi has experienced too many things, and he has seen through the darkness and corruption of the village. He couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart when the border has not yet stabilized and the village's corrupt senior officials have started to fight among themselves. Angry and sad.

"Clean up your clothes. From now on, you and I will be wandering ninjas. The tasks in the village must be completed, but we can't let Uchiha become famous."

The confident Uchiha Ye showed a confident smile on his face, while Uchiha Itachi on the side was attracted by this charm.

Under the setting sun, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on Uchiha Ye, as if covered with a layer of rays of light, Uchiha Itachi was in a daze watching this scene.

Kakashi Hatake is the front-line commander and Shisui Uchiha is the deputy on the Konoha side of Uzumaki, which can be regarded as a face-saving project for the Uchiha clan.

As for Uchiha Ye, he was ordered to go back to the village to recuperate, and he gave enough face.


Under the wind and snow, the world returned to tranquility, only some small towns still exude a prosperous atmosphere, and the villagers of other villages hid in their houses one by one, relying on the stored grain to survive the cold winter.

Pamphlet Street.

A bustling town in the Land of Fire, the location of this place is a transportation hub, with frequent businessmen coming and going, and countless materials are flown and transported from here.

Such a location has also created the prosperity here. Even under the wind and snow, this town is full of prosperity. There are many merchants' carriages driving back and forth on the street.

"Itachi, your body restricts your current chakra, but at this age your chakra is far stronger than your peers. I will teach you a powerful ninjutsu after returning to the village, but now, you Still continue to practice chakra control."

Two figures, one big and one small, walked on the street. Facing his teacher's honest teaching, Uchiha Itachi nodded respectfully and said, "I understand teacher."

For Uchiha Itachi, he is the genius of the family, he has been responsible for the family since he was born, some people praise him, but few people care about him.

His teacher's concern for his body caused a warm current in his heart.

Itachi Uchiha deserves to be called a genius, and it is beyond description to understand it at one point, so it should be said by analogy.

Regarding Itachi's talent, Uchiha Ye couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He really deserves to be a genius who can join Anbe at the age of eleven and open the kaleidoscope at the age of thirteen.

Teaching a genius is indeed the most worry-free thing.

"Teacher, according to the information, the target should pass by at the end of the month, that is, before the end of the year."

The two stepped on the snow and made creaking noises. Uchiha Ye squinted his eyes and nodded after hearing this: "You don't have to worry about this, Itachi. What we are doing now is waiting for the target here, and then Interception, but what happened to the target before that."

When he said this, under Uchiha Itachi's eyes, his teacher looked at him with a meaningful smile, and he thought of something in an instant.

But Uchiha Ye nodded with a smile and said: "That has nothing to do with us, but a problem with the village's intelligence."

"Let's go, now our identities are Rangin arranged by Anbu, or Rangin who has mastered medical ninjutsu. Before the target comes, we will naturally continue to do what this identity should do."

In this way, two figures, one big and one small, came to a hotel, and then they stepped into this ordinary hotel.

"Mr. Ye, you are here."

In an ordinary room, Uchiha Ye and Itachi entered the room, and one of them walked towards them and said softly, obviously this was not the first time they had come.

She has light blue-purple short hair with ball hair, a light blue paper flower on the right side of her head, light orange pupils, delicate face, light purple eye shadow, and lip studs on the bottom of her lips.

A tall and cold girl with a height of 1.7 meters walked slowly, looking at the two of them and talking.

Although it was not the first time we met, Uchiha Ye still couldn't help but secretly sighed, it was really a wonderful fate, I didn't meet Big Fat Sheep Tsunade in Banchu Street, but I met this one.

"Xiao Nan, you're being polite, it's just a fair deal for a fee to treat the wounded."

Facing the girl in front of him, Uchiha Ye did not move in the slightest, but calmly and silently pretended to be the essence of Nanami who had experienced vicissitudes.

That's right, the so-called girl in front of me is Xiaonan, the white tiger angel of the Akatsuki Heavenly Group, and no one expected to meet her here.

At this moment, there was a coughing sound in the room, Uchiha Ye calmly told his follower, Itachi, "Itachi, stay on guard outside."

"is teacher."

Itachi Uchiha observed the house calmly. Although it was not the first time he came, he was still so cautious. After confirming that there were no traps, he went out and hid in a hidden place to be on guard.

This scene did not escape Xiao Nan's eyes, but all this was normal and cautious for her. After all, Lang Ren was outside, and the careless one had already been lying on the cold ground.

"Mr. Ye, my elder brother has recovered a lot after your recuperation recently."

Also pretending to be Xiao Kuni Ninja who was injured during the escort mission, Xiao Nan looked grateful, and secretly rejoiced that after so many years, he finally found a ninja with good medical ninjutsu, at least Nagato's health began to improve .

Entering the room, I saw a skinny Nagato with red hair slowly raised his head. His red hair covered his eyes so that he couldn't see clearly, but when he saw someone coming, his indifferent face showed a rare easy.

"Mr. Ye."

The identity of Uchiha Ye is a wave ninja who masters good medical ninjutsu, and the identities of Konan and Nagato are also wave ninja. Both of them hide their identities, but it happens that one needs treatment and the other needs treatment. It just happens to know medical ninjutsu.

"It's best not to move your body right now."

Uchiha Ye quickly entered the role, and under the collision of Nagato and Konan's calm eyes, the secret Payne Rokudao had long been hidden in every blind spot, and now Uchiha Itachi can't find it.

"This is the reward for this time."

When meeting Xiaonan, he slowly took out a generous reward, Uchiha Ye showed relief when he saw this scene, and there was also a rare smile on Xiaonan's cold face.

In Xiaonan's eyes, the other party has not had bad intentions after so many treatments, and he is greedy for money, so he has completely won her trust, but it is only limited to his identity and trust, and he has not lost the precautions he should have.

After receiving the reward, Uchiha Ye sat directly on the head of the bed, and the light green medical chakra in his hands began to check Nagato.

"The burns on both legs are quite serious. It is obvious that this is caused by the detonating talisman, and it has not been too long. At the same time, you should have used ninjutsu with extremely serious side effects for a long time. This time it caused the current situation."

Although it's not the first time I've heard it, but every time Uchiha Ye talked about the cause of the injury, Nagato and Konan couldn't help feeling that there were two knives.

Uchiha Ye squinted his eyes and checked Nagato's body, then shook his head and said: "Your body is so weak, but I can feel that you still have strong vitality in your body. I have to say that if you are not injured, I'm afraid you Definitely a powerful ninja with a strong reputation."

Regarding Uchiha Ye's emotion, Nagato was not moved, after all, the other party would not know that he was already known as Akatsuki in the ninja world.

Neither side knew the other's identity, they only knew that the other's name was Ye.

"Still the same, I will use medical ninjutsu to speed up your cell repair, but only in active cells, your legs!"

Uchiha Ye couldn't help shaking his head when he said this, and this scene made Xiao Nan on the side couldn't help asking: "Is there really no other way?"

"Xiao Nan." Facing his own legs, Nagato had already resigned to his fate, but Xiao Nan has never given up over the years.

Looking at Nagato's eyes, Xiaonan felt a little lonely in his eyes.

And watching this scene, Uchiha Ye thought secretly. Although Nagato's legs were crippled in the original book, it was impossible for the other party to ignore him before, and he must have given up because he could not be treated.

Obviously, Nagato, who has mastered the eyes of reincarnation, has already made Obito in the dark afraid, so he watched with cold eyes, making Nagato miss the best chance for healing.

As mentioned in the original book, Nagato was assassinated by Hanzo during World War Three, and the timeline should be at the end of World War Three.

Looking at Nagato and Xiaonan, Uchiha Ye showed a look of hesitation, and this scene naturally did not escape the eyes of the two, Xiaonan couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, I don't know if Nagato's legs are What's the problem?"

Looking at Konan, who is now in full bloom, Uchiha Ye shook his head and said: "It's not a problem, but it's been too long, and there is no chance of healing."

Although Uchiha Ye said so, but with the hesitant eyes just now, the clever Xiaonan naturally thought of something, and suddenly showed a touch of determination.

In her heart, as long as there is hope, she will not give up, after all, her current companion is only Nagato.

"Mr. Ye, Nagato is my companion, as long as there is hope, I will never give up."

I saw Xiaonan looking at Uchiha Ye solemnly, and said in a concentrated voice: "I am willing to pay a generous reward, and it will definitely satisfy my husband."

For the sake of talking, Uchiha Ye looked at Konan's promise, and even Nagato, who had long since given up on the bed, couldn't help but flicker a little fluctuation.

After all, there is no one who doesn't want to stand up, especially if he once had it, he will cherish it even more after losing it.

Normal updates will resume from today. If there is no major event, it will be updated twice a day.

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