I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 257 Watching him banquet guests and watching his building collapse

Konoha, Hokage Building.

"I can understand Sand Ninja Village, but what do Yan Ninja Village and Cloud Ninja Village mean? They should stand firmly on the side of peace, how can this be!"

Uchiha Ye in Hokage's office got up angrily, slapped the table vigorously, and kept reprimanding him.

Hearing this Uchiha Fifth Hokage's reprimand, all the Konoha ninjas working in the entire Hokage building, who came to receive tasks or report tasks, fell silent.

Pairs of big eyes looked at small eyes, although it was not once or twice, but they still felt a little hot.

At this time, Uchiha Ye in the office was still unconscious, and patted the table angrily.

"Damn it, tell me the ninja world, I want to severely criticize Yunnin Village and Yannin Village for giving up halfway and not taking a firm stand."

"Everyone is looking for reasons to prevaricate, and even stopped their assistance to us. The materials in our hands are now enough to build seventeen reserve bases. These are all preparations for peace. How can they do this."

Good guy, all the ninjas in the Naruto Building are speechless, and some Konoha ninjas who just came to receive the mission and don't know why are stunned.

What's happening here? Is this Uchiha Fifth Hokage-sama reprimanding other ninja villages for not giving supplies?

But why do other ninja villages give them supplies?

It seems that the Fifth Hokage-sama is right. For the sake of peace, how can other ninja villages do this, how can they stop the aid of supplies.

At this time, Uchiha Ye patted the table angrily, "Kakashi, and why did these small ninja villages also reduce their material assistance? Why are they saying that production is temporarily needed, excuses! It's all excuses!"

"The whole ninja villages are hypocritical and shameless! During the meeting, the Five Kages patted their chests and assured each other that their righteous and awe-inspiring appearance turned their backs now. Sure enough, these ninja villages can't believe it, peace! We can only believe in ourselves."

Good guy, Hatake Kakashi, who came to report at this time, looked helpless, and his exposed eye was full of confusion, as if to say, who am I? where am I? What happened?

Hatake Kakashi has a tendency to move towards the original work. Kakashi in the indifferent Anbu period is gradually changing.

After all, most of the work Kakashi Hatake has been in charge of since joining Uchiha Yato has involved government affairs, and changes will naturally occur in advance.

Kakashi in the original book has been in the environment of Anbu, and he did not come out of Anbu until a few years before the start of the plot, and then there was Hatake Kakashi when the plot officially appeared.

"Haha, kid, you are too shameless. You are so confident in asking for supplies from so many villages in the ninja world. If you don't give them to you, you still have to reprimand them."

Tsunade on the other side of Hokage's table couldn't help but patted the table and laughed, and even teased: "If the three generations of Tukage and the fourth generation of Raikage saw your shameless appearance, would they regret it? "

Facing Tsunade's ridicule, Uchiha Ye said solemnly: "Princess Tsunade, I am here for peace! For justice! When talking about this topic, you should pay attention to your image."

"Okay, okay, pay attention to the image, pay attention to the influence, puff!"

Tsunade, who covered his mouth, was about to burst into tears. This kid cheated so many supplies from the ninja world, and ended up reprimanding others.

Is this all for nothing? If you don't give it to you, you still turn your face and want to reprimand others for being immoral.

This nonsense seems to be quite reasonable.

"That... Fifth Hokage-sama, in recent months, the aid supplies from the major ninja villages in the ninja world are enough for tens of thousands of ninjas to fight a protracted war. Even the average loss during the third war can last for a year. Half a load."

At this time Hatake Kakashi said awkwardly, and at this moment he felt even more emotional, no wonder Yoru can become Hokage, and he can only be a helper.

This kind of shameless and righteous state is simply beyond his reach in his entire life.

At this time, Hatake Kakashi really admired him, and he was full of admiration for the height of Uchiha Ye.

And Uchiha Ye listened to Hatake Kakashi's explanation, not only did not understand, but continued to insist on his own ideas.

"Kakashi, send me a ninja notice now, and severely criticize these unsteady behaviors. As the five major ninja villages in the ninja world, we must set an example for peace. How can this be so? This kind of behavior is irresponsible for peace. .”

"That... Hokage-sama, Iwanin, Yunin, Sandin, and many envoys from Xiaonin village have arrived in the village one after another, and they have expressed their apologies."

Kakashi reported helplessly, but with an expression of admiration, he stood upright and stretched out his hand to ask for benefits, and if he didn't give it, he would reprimand him, and the other party greeted them with smiles and expressed apology.

It's as if you ask for money and others don't give it to you, and you justly denounce the other party's behavior. As a result, these powerful people have to bow down and apologize with a smile, saying that they will definitely bring it next time.

And when Uchiha Ye heard that the envoys from the ninja villages from various countries had arrived in Konoha one after another, his first reaction was to look at Kakashi suspiciously.

"Kakashi, didn't these messengers bring anything with them when they came?"

Kakashi was a little dazed, scratching his white hair suspiciously, as if he was asking, since they are all envoys from ninja villages in various countries, what gift would you bring to Konoha?

Looking at Kakashi, Uchiha Ye shook his head with a look of resentment, "Nonsense, didn't the envoys sent by the major countries all congratulate me on succeeding the Fifth Hokage, came empty-handed?"

"Who came empty-handed? Even if a friend got married, graduated from ninja school and became a Genin, and was promoted to a Chunin, there are gifts. These envoys of great powers all talk about good allies for peace. How can they come empty-handed?"

When Uchiha Ye said this, his expression suddenly froze, showing anger, and he slapped the table bitterly, which shocked everyone.

"I know! These envoys must have received kickbacks! Otherwise, how could they come empty-handed, which family's reason, which country's customs and customs are like this!"

At this time, Uchiha Ye looked at Kakashi with angry eyes, "Kakashi, I order you now, when you greet these envoys from various countries, ask me clearly, is it a gift from the shadows they brought? They all ate kickbacks!"

"I just said something was wrong. The third generation of Tukage Onogi and the fourth generation of Raikage Ai are clearly existences with justice and yearning for peace and righteousness. How could they be so ignorant of etiquette?"

Good guy, Hatake Kakashi finally reacted at this moment, Uchiha Ye is not serious about these questions, he clearly wants to take a last bite of meat, after all, there will be no such opportunity in the future.

But facing this arduous task, Kakashi swallowed nervously, and the eye exposed under the mask was full of helplessness.

"That... Hokage-sama, Anbu's mission is relatively heavy recently, can this mission be possible!"

Before Kakashi's voice fell, Uchiha Ye showed a sudden realization, as if he understood something, slapped his forehead and said in annoyance: "I almost forgot, Kakashi, your recent mission is relatively heavy, this mission to take over the envoy It's quite cumbersome."

After hearing this, Kakashi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and even wiped off the sweat that didn't exist in the corners of his eyes. He was a little embarrassed to be so shameless to ask someone for something, but Uchiha Ye's next sentence directly made He wants to cry but has no tears.

"Kakashi, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. For Konoha, you will work hard this time. I will send Shisui and Itachi to assist you. You must set an example this time and pass on your experience. Next time I will let Shisui and Itachi Itachi go."

Good guy! First, the big radish was held, and the familiar superiors gave comforting words, and then two more people were added. It seemed that the work was reduced, but in fact it did not reduce at all. On the contrary, he still needed to bring in new people.

In the end, I even drew a huge cake, saying next time!

If others were faced with these words, they would have been too excited to extricate themselves, thinking that it was the appreciation of the superiors, but Hatake Kakashi, who has a political mind, always felt that something was wrong.


Although a little hesitant, Kakashi still nodded in reflex and accepted the task. At the same time, he scratched the white hair and just turned around, his face collapsed in an instant.

The one eye exposed by Mianzhong showed helplessness, and when he turned his head to look again, he saw that Uchiha Yona had been thrown into the sea of ​​documents in front of the desk.

He opened his mouth to say something, but finally swallowed the words that reached his throat. Kakashi let out a long sigh helplessly. .


Konoha has two Fifth Hokage, and one has to be selected on the day when the Hokage Rock statue is completed. Uchiha Ye, the Fifth Hokage, is recognized by the entire ninja world and major ninja villages.

And Konoha himself hasn't confirmed yet, at least Fire Country and Konoha Village have not officially taken over. After all, the three generations of Hokage are still alive, so the succession of the Hokage symbolizes that they have to take over from them, right?

With the completion of Konoha Hokage Rock imminent and the official succession ceremony of the Fifth Hokage approaching, almost all major ninja villages in the ninja world and a number of small ninja villages have sent representatives.

On the surface, it was a congratulations, but in fact, everyone knew it well, it was just a group of people who came to see the collapse of the building.

Watching Konoha build a tall building, watching Konoha entertain guests, after so many years, it is finally time to watch the Konoha building collapse.

The envoys of the major ninja villages were respectively arranged in a building near the Hokage building, and they had everything they should have. It can be said that they are definitely VIP-level in terms of hospitality.

But this time, all the envoys enjoyed such preferential treatment and they came to see the show, so their expressions were a bit ugly.

In the building, Hatake Kakashi brought Uchiha Itachi with a cold face, and the dazed Uchiha Shisui who almost received most of the ninja envoys from Ninja Village .

"No! Absolutely not, how dare we take kickbacks!"

An envoy from Ninja Village blushed aggrievedly and shook his head again and again, but facing Kakashi Hatake's dead fish eyes and Itachi Uchiha's eyes exuding indifference, a drop of cold sweat involuntarily slipped down.

Looking at the frightened envoy of Ninja Village, Hatake Kakashi showed his dead fish eyes, and slowly took out a small notebook from the knife bag indifferently, while talking to himself.

"Tori Ninja Village, came to participate in the succession of the Fifth Hokage, did not bring any congratulatory gifts, suspected of being hostile to Konoha, intending to provoke peace on the border..."

Good guy, Hatake Kakashi's soliloquy was recorded, and the envoy of Ninja Village instantly turned pale with fright, and hurriedly waved his hands to explain.

"No, Mr. Konoha Ninja, I didn't explain clearly. I was just Konoha's messenger ahead of time. The leader and daimyo of our village even prepared generous gifts to congratulate the Fifth Hokage of your village on his succession."

However, in the face of the other party's explanation, Hatake Kakashi raised his dead fish eye, and said softly, as if he was saying that he knew it, but he said it without any sincerity.

Seeing this scene, the envoy of the Bird Ninja Village gritted his teeth and said hastily: "Three days, according to the time calculation, our gift from the Bird Kingdom will enter the Fire Kingdom in three days."

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Kakashi Hatake smiled instantly in his dead fish eyes, and closed the small notebook in his hand.

"We, Konoha, have seen the sincerity of Ninja Village, thank you."

Hatake Kakashi, who was just about to turn around and leave, sighed tiredly at Itachi, "If it weren't for the news that the third Hokage was going to receive gifts, we would have almost forgotten about it, so hurry up and fight for it before the third Hokage reacts." Get the job done."

After the sound of leaving footsteps went away, the door of the room in the country of birds was closed, but the rest of the ninjas of the country of birds suddenly showed anger when there were no outsiders.

"Damn it, Konoha bullies people too much!"

"Bandits! Bandits!"

Seeing his companions angrily denouncing Konoha's bandit behavior, the envoy of the Bird Kingdom shook his head and sighed, "If you want to blame it, you can blame the third generation of Konoha, if he didn't come up with this idea, this Uchiha's How could the Fifth Generation be in a hurry to accept the gift in advance."

"Damn three generations."

Obviously Uchiha Ya did all of this, and he even took the benefits, but under human nature, everyone resented the Third Hokage.

"Okay, hurry up and use the psychic beast to convey the message to the village and the daimyo, and prepare enough congratulatory gifts. Don't be picked on by others this time."

The envoy of the Kingdom of Birds was also helpless. Looking at his angry companions, he couldn't help but waved his hands to comfort him.

"Well, actually thinking about it, this is actually a good thing."

After suffering such a big loss, the envoy of the Kingdom of Birds couldn't help showing a ruthless expression on his face.

"This time, our country of birds carried all the congratulatory gifts to Uchiha, the fifth generation of Naruto clan, and the whole Konoha ninja will see it. Hehe, I don't believe that no one is jealous."

You must know that there are two Fifth Hokages in Konoha right now, and everyone gave gifts to Uchiha, so what about the other side? How can you not be angry.

And what about Konoha Sandai Hokage and Daimyofu's decision? Is this Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, one of the Sannin, or Uchiha Ye who opened the kaleidoscope?

This time, the envoys from various countries almost gritted their teeth and endured it, it was the last time! Just give it, just treat it as if you paid for the tickets to the theater.

Anyway, wait for Konoha to play the dog's brain, then, hehe! They could already imagine that Konoha would fall from the altar, and even one of them might not be able to keep the bottom position of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Please support me, quack, tomorrow all the plans for this period of time will be revealed, it's not what you think and you want to be sloppy.

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