I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 265 The Integration of the Two Ninja Village Systems

The Battle of the Kingdom of Water shook the ninja world.

When the news spread throughout the ninja world, the major ninja villages didn't believe it immediately, but those big ninja villages fell silent.

After all, the history of Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma is not far away, and with Ninja Village's intelligence collection capabilities, it can still be collected.

It's just that they felt a little joking when they saw the information at first. Are you sure this isn't a story?

After all, it is traditional to exaggerate deceased heroes and ancestors.

However, after the information on the battlefield of the country of water came out, the major ninja villages knew that this was not a story, but a real power in the ninja world.

Defeating tens of thousands of ninjas by one person is not a legend, but a real achievement.

The ninjutsu unleashed by one person is overwhelming, and the tailed beast, which is regarded as a disaster and a deterrent weapon in the ninja world, is trampled like a domestic dog in the hands of the opponent.

The country of water fell, and it fell after only one battle.

With the death of the fourth generation of Mizukage, civil strife broke out in the Wunin village headed by Genshi, and Wunin Village, the five largest ninja villages in the ninja world, announced that it would completely merge with Konoha.

Rock ninja village.

The Third Tsuchikage Onogi looked at the information in his hand, his face was so gloomy that water could drip.

"Master Tsuchikage, this is a handwritten letter from God's Night, the battlefield of Mist Ninja."

Night of Gods! This is the name Uchiha Ye now has.

Just like the title of Half God Hanzo, the ninja world loves to give the strong all kinds of weird titles.


Onoki was a little angry. He thought it was a letter like Uchiha Madara's threat, but after opening it, the contents of the letter shocked him.

The letter revealed that the Fourth Mizukage did not die, but was taken away by a mysterious person with space ninjutsu, and Sanwei did not fall into his hands.

And the information of the mysterious person also clearly shows that it is the ninja who was assassinated after the last Five Kages meeting.

A scary masked ninja with a kaleidoscope and a wooden shield, suspected of inheriting Uchiha Madara's will, has been secretly planning ninja conspiracies.

The strength is extremely powerful.

"Another kaleidoscope and wooden escape?"

Onoki couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the information, and couldn't help being shocked.

Did this fucking stab Uchiha and Senju's nest? Why are there so many levels?

But then he didn't know what to think of, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on Onogi's face.

"A powerful enemy hidden in the dark? Isn't this just the guy who can restrain the self-proclaimed god?"

"Come here, according to the order of the old man, secretly investigate the masked ninja wearing the one-eyed dragon mask in the ninja world. This is the portrait of this person."

Even so, Onoki remained skeptical and sent ninjas to investigate secretly.

Not only Tsuchikage, Uchiha Ye wrote letters to both Kazekage and Raikage this time, and at the same time, he teamed up with Kirinin the fifth generation of Mizukage Terumimei and Kirinin's Genshi to inform the ninja world.

The first news is that Mist Ninja and Konoha merged. Although Mist Ninja continues to exist, it accepts the rule of God's Night.

The second news is about the conspiracy in the blood mist of Wunin Village, which is a bit explosive.

It was directly spread throughout the ninja world that the fourth generation of Mizukage in Mist Ninja Village was controlled by someone, and a pair of big hands in the ninja world have been plotting something secretly.

The enemy has a kaleidoscope and a wooden escape, and is suspected to be the descendant of Uchiha Madara.

At the same time, the fourth Mizukage was taken away by this enemy at the last moment of the war.

Under the sensation caused by this piece of news, there is still more suspicion, suspecting that this is a smoke bomb that Konoha and Mist Ninja jointly confuse the ninja world.

But all this is not important anymore, the small ninja village does not have this strength, and the two big ninja villages, Konoha and Wunin, even disdain to explain to these small ninja villages.

There are already portraits of Uchiha Obito masks in the offices of the major shadows of Dainin Village, as well as information on space ninjutsu, as well as places that have been suspected to have been haunted.

It is impossible for Uchiha Obito to have no clues about the ninja's intelligence capabilities. After all, this time the entire ninja world is going to investigate him.

Some people may secretly think that someone is restraining him, but Uchiha Ye is also planning secretly.

It may be very difficult to launch a war to unify the ninja world and gather the two ninja villages of Konoha and Wunin.

One is that Mist Ninja Village needs at least three to five years to digest. After all, there has just been a big battle. The other thing is Uchiha Ye's strength, and his current status has surpassed the daimyo.

The daimyos of the Land of Water and the Land of Fire are already afraid of him, and what Uchiha Ye needs now is to digest and stabilize the interior, so that Konoha and Mist Ninja can better adapt to the fusion. At the same time, solve all internal worries within your jurisdiction.

Kirinin has fallen, and entered the era of Mizukage Godaime under the rule of Kamiya.

Terumi Mei used thunder to suppress the disruptors, and at the same time began to abolish various unruly regulations in the village, and Uchiha Ye had returned to Konoha.

Time passed, and two months had passed since the kingdom of water was included in the territory.

Konoha, Naruto office building.

Uchiha Ye in the conference room looked at Hokage Rock and said quietly: "Obito won't watch the war at this time, and the one who hides the most will not."

Although his strength is strong now, he is not invincible. If he is in a hurry, he will directly summon Konoha Dance King. This is Uchiha Madara who is more powerful than in the Valley of the End.

He still needs time, not to mention the so-called Sage of the Six Paths.

However, while Uchiha Ye was meditating, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and ninjas with a good reputation in the ninja world walked in one after another.

Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Hatake Kakashi, Matt Kai, Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarai Anzuki, etc., almost all of Konoha's high-end confidant jominin have arrived.

On the Wunin side, there are also elite ninjas such as Ganshi Kisame, Momochi Zabuza, Ringo Yuyuri, and Loquat Juzang.

This time there were three chairs, Uchiha Yaiju sat in the middle, and on both sides were Mizukage Terumimei and Tsunade Fifth Hokage.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone has arrived."

At this moment, Jiraiya's bold voice sounded, and at the same time, there were Shiranui Genma, Paradigm, and Iwashi Genma's teams.

However, the faces of the three of them were obviously a little pale at this time. Under the formation formed by the three of them, it was obvious that they were sent back by the technique of the flying thunder formation.

"Master Ye, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

The three of them, who were pale as if they were short-lived, looked at Uchiha Ye and nodded amusedly, "It seems that your strength still needs to be improved, and you are still so weak after the recovery of the living scorpion."


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the conference room, and even the unsmiling Kirito smiled.

The three members of the Xuanjian team looked at each other and smiled wryly. It wasn't that they were weak. After so many teleportations, the chakra slugs consumed could be replenished, but their mental strength needed to be recovered by themselves.

Jiraiya laughed boldly and casually, but when he looked around at the ninjas in the conference room, even he was secretly startled, this power had surpassed Konoha's peak period.


When thinking of this, Jiraiya looked at the three people on the three chairs, especially when he saw Uchiha Ye and Tsunade, he felt a wry smile in his heart.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the two powerful forces of the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara at their peak will also appear.

It's really going to surpass the peak in Konoha's history. After all, this is the combination of Senju and Uchiha. If it gives birth to a few babies, it will be fine in the future.

At this time, Uchiha Ye looked at everyone and coughed lightly, and everyone showed a dignified expression in an instant. Now Konoha and Kirinin have all merged. They know that this meeting is related to the future of the two villages. There is even a future for people from the ninja world.

"Everyone, now that the land of water and the land of fire have begun to fully integrate, but some problems still have to be encountered. It's okay for civilians, but the hatred between ninjas has always existed."

"For example, the hatred of Wu Ninja Village itself, no matter what the reason is for blood-successor ninjas and ordinary ninjas, the hatred caused by the blood mist policy has lasted for many years, and it cannot be changed overnight."

"There is also the ninja hatred between Konoha and Mist Ninja, etc., and some series will become the means of the enemy's secret attack."

Looking around at everyone, Uchiha Ye said a more realistic question with a solemn expression. Peace and integration are not as simple as a word.

As for Uzumaki Naruto being able to create a temporary peace, it was because he encountered a more powerful external force during the Fourth World War. If he did not let go of his prejudices and join hands, he would die, and even his own family and friends in the ninja world would all die. This is why the Ninja Alliance .

"I have several policies below."

Seeing everyone with solemn faces, and some who were confused and didn't know how to deal with it, Uchiha Ye smiled wryly and shook his head. If most of the ninjas are pure ninja minds, it would be too difficult to let them go.

"One of my beliefs about ninja supremacy is not selfish, but well-founded. Ninjas hold great power. It is unfair for you to let them have the same status as ordinary civilians."

When seeing Jiraiya wanting to refute, Uchiha Ye directly said in a deep voice: "For example, the rich and the poor, do you think the rich will distribute their wealth to the poor to achieve fair wealth?"

"For example, as ninjas, are you willing to pass on your ninjutsu or even secret techniques to ordinary ninjas?"

When Uchiha Ye said this, he looked directly at Jiraiya, and Ziraiya opened his mouth twice, with embarrassment on his face, scratching his head, he was silent for a while.

Will he teach ninjutsu to ordinary ninjas? No, it's almost instinctive.

"In the following, I will order all the blood-following ninjas of Mist Ninja Village to relocate to Konoha and use Konoha as a base. At the same time, Mist Ninja Village still exists. After that, I will arrange for Konoha's medical treatment, education ninjas and Mist Ninja companions to sit in Mist Ninja together. .”

"At the same time, as long as the ninjas who have reached the senior ninja level pass the review, they can move their families. Similarly, the ninjas of Konoha can also move to Mist Ninja."

"Mirinin and Konoha need to be integrated, and more importantly, they need peace. This is even the forerunner of peace in the ninja world in the future. I hope you will cooperate with me to complete this great ambition together."

Uchiha Ye almost said that my goal in the future is to unify the ninja world, and everyone understands it, some are excited and some are worried.

"At the same time, I decided to let Wunin and Konoha Anbe exchange information, and first transfer the hated ninjas away from each other, and transfer them to different places to perform tasks, so that they hardly see each other again, and even if they perform tasks. Separate if possible."

"Time can heal everything." Uchiha Ye looked at the confused eyes of most of the people when he said this, and he explained with a helpless sigh.

"When Uchiha and Senju joined forces to establish Konoha, the major ninja families who also joined the Konoha family had hatred, but they were suppressed by absolute power, and then peace attracted them, making them for future generations Suppress hate."

"The last is time. As time goes by, facing the common enemy, the hatred gradually weakens, until finally the hatred of the previous generation is buried in the loess with them, and this is the peaceful Konoha we have today."

When Uchiha Ye said these words, he was almost speaking against Jiraiya, and at the same time telling everyone that his ambition was not empty.

After Uchiha Shisui heard this, his eyes became even more fanatical, and Uchiha Itachi on the side showed a determined look.

"Mr. Ye is great. This is the path that our ancestors have traveled. You can see the whole leopard at a glance. Since Konoha can do this, what about the entire ninja world? They bleed in this era, and the hatred in the next era will disappear with them. .”


Uchiha Ye’s ambition is to tell everyone around peace. Looking at the original book, almost most of the powerful ninjas have the damage caused by war, so they hate war, and peace has always been the pursuit of everyone.

And Uchiha Ye now pointed out a clear path nakedly, and they even have the ability to realize it.

"When Mist Ninja in the Country of Water stabilizes, the first step is to peacefully merge Mist Ninja and Konoha Anbe. This so-called fusion is information exchange. At the same time, suitable ninjas from Konoha can join Mist Ninja Anbe at the same time, and Mist Ninja and vice versa. At the same time, the missions of the two villages are being carried out, first find some ninjas who are easy to get along with, and the two sides will jointly carry out the missions."

"Under the slightest influence, in the future, Wu Ninja and Konoha Ninja will shake hands and make peace as when the five major villages were established, and become a family."

"In the second step, Wu Ninja and Konoha exchange supporting teachers and students. The priority is orphans, but the age is set at seven years old. At the same time, preferential rewards are set for such teachers and students. For example, after graduating from ninja school, they can be assigned stronger ninja, such as special ninja, even jnin."

"The third step is to prohibit all speeches and rumors that undermine the peaceful coexistence of Konoha and Mist Ninja, spread the companionship of the two villages performing tasks together, and even love stories after intermarriage..."

"In the fourth step, Konoha also implements the real ninja supremacy rules, rather than the previous vague concept. At the same time, the ninja school has preached since childhood that the powerful power of the ninja is to protect the homeland and the common people. It is not the previous ninja that is a tool. idea."


After Uchiha Yaru made the decision one after another, Tsunade and Terumi Mei's eyes were shining, and they were more distressed.

In their eyes, Uchiha Ye may have begun to have a firm idea of ​​peace in his teens, but he still took action, even faced reality, and began to plan future policies early.

Because these are simply not something that can be thought of overnight.

Zilai was even more frightened secretly, and even showed a look of lost admiration on his face. What he admired was that this kid had a dream, not only put in actions and efforts, but also referred to the various experiences of his predecessors.

Even his concept of peace is empty. He searched for peace aimlessly, but he has not found it until now, so he can only pin peace on the child of destiny.

However, Uchiha Ye's concept of peace has been empty from the beginning to continuous enrichment. He summed up his experience with the history, events, etc. that happened, and then researched his own concept of peace.

Uchiha Ye put in real efforts and actions, instead of Uzumaki Naruto relying on his mouth and empty concept of peace.

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