I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 287 Five Shadows Gathering! The exam begins!

Chunin exam.

Adjacent to the death forest, a huge venue appeared.

The sun was shining brightly on this day, and the venue was even more lively, and the dense crowd was full of excitement.

A ninja maintained order, and at the same time, the white-eyed and perceiving ninjas of the Hyuga clan were constantly observing everyone in the venue.

Ordinary businessmen and villagers who do not have chakra gather in one place, but those who have chakra gather in another place.

It perfectly separates ordinary people from those who possess chakra, and each piece has ninjas from the enchantment class.

After the seats are full, the enchantment class will set up an enchantment to protect the people in the auditorium. It is claimed that some of the ninjas in this decisive battle of ninja have reached the level of ninja, so they are afraid of accidental injury.

There are also high-ranking officials and nobles from all over the world, in the luxurious seats, they are also protected by barriers, and there are ninjas in the barriers who are on guard at any time.

And the guards from various nobles, because of Chakra, and because they are outsiders, were also arranged in another seat, and they were also protected by the barrier.

The appearance of the enchantment gave people a sense of safety, and it was also to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to make trouble.

Before the Chunin exam started, the huge venue was full of voices.


Sarutobi clan.

Asma Sarutobi walked slowly into his family with his head lowered, and then threw a medicine bottle aside.


The door of the room was opened, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third Hokage in the room was still the same, staring blankly at the huge calligraphy and painting of the word 'nin'.


Under the hoarse voice, Asma laughed miserably, came to her father's side decadently, and then muttered to herself.

"I can't stand the martial arts faction of the family anymore. I really can't take it anymore. They even secretly colluded with Sand Shinobi..."

"Now the evidence is solid, for the blood of the Sarutobi clan, for Konoha Maru, I choose..."

In grief, Asuma Sarutobi shed two lines of tears, and then tremblingly slowly took out the Chakra weapon Feiyan that his father gave him from his bosom.


Tears flowed down, tick-tock fell on the wooden floor, Feiyan swallowed wind attribute chakra, almost piercing his father's heart.

However, at this moment, the turbid and dull eyes suddenly became bright.


With a sudden call, Asma's eyes trembled instantly, and her tear-stained face was full of shock when she raised her head.

"Father~ Father!"

I saw the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen turning his head slowly, revealing a hoarse voice, but the sluggish expression on his face had long since disappeared.

It turned out that these years were all disguises. At this moment, Asma seemed to have understood something, but it was precisely because he understood that he couldn't believe it even more.

If all this is true, then who is the leader of the fighting faction in the family? And who is colluding with Sand Ninja Village?

All of this is the last thing Sarutobi Asma wants to see.

"Asma, you have grown."

Under the hoarse and familiar voice, Hiruzaru Sarutobi showed a gratified smile on his face.

But under Sarutobi Asma's sluggish gaze, the next moment was full of disbelief!

"Father! You! Did you do all of this! Why did you collude with Sand Shinobi! Why!"

Seeing his son crying in disbelief, Hiruza Sarutobi fell silent, and finally his eyes turned firm.

"Asuma, Konoha cannot fall into the hands of the evil Uchiha!"

"Just for this! Is this why you colluded with Sand Shinobi!" Sarutobi Asma asked wildly at this moment.

In his mind, no matter how unbearable his father is, he will never get involved with the traitor who colluded with sand ninja, but right now!

Asma's heart was broken, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted coldly after seeing this scene.

"Asma, for Konoha, for the village!"

"Father, what is the family?" Asma asked loudly at this time.

Facing his son's questioning, Hiruzen Sarutobi was full of determination.

"Asuma, don't worry, everything this old man does is for the sake of the village. The collusion you said about colluding with Sand Shinobi is actually a means by father to distract Uchiha's attention, and it is also deliberately exposed..."

With Hiruzaru Sarutobi's hoarse explanation, Asuma Sarutobi finally understood all this.

But he understands it, but he still can't understand it!

At this time, Asma looked at his father in pain, and he was a little afraid to recognize him.

"Father, for what you think is the will of fire, you have used the whole family as bait! Do you know what will happen to the family?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a while, then said hoarsely: "I know! But for the sake of the village, for the will of the fire, even the old men of the Sarutobi clan will be sacrificed."

"The village cannot fall into the hands of the evil Uchiha, Asma, don't worry, this time my father will make up for his mistakes, and Tsunade and Jiraiya will be in the village at that time."

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, as long as it is not Uchiha, anyone can. Not to mention that as long as his plan succeeds, Konoha will definitely fall into Tsunade's hands in the end.

After all, he was also his disciple.

As long as it is not Uchiha, everyone else is better than Uchiha. This is the thinking of the third generation.


Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to explain, a voice suddenly sounded, and he saw the precious Chakra metal weapon Feiyan piercing his chest directly with wind attribute Chakra.


In the end, Hiruzaru Sarutobi showed a smile on his face, "Well done, Asma."

With a bang, Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned into a puff of white smoke, and Asma, whose eyes were dull, was shocked.

"Father! You are crazy! You are really crazy!"

"Because of your self-righteous will of fire, you actually ruined your family, and you have to bear the infamy!"

Seeing that his father was a shadow clone, Sarutobi Asma yelled frantically.

He knew it was too late, everything was too late!

My father used the Sarutobi clan as bait, and he must have gone to the Chunin exam venue right now, but now he is too late.

"Damn it, the water source is poisonous!"

"It's not good, the enchantment appeared to trap us."

At this moment, the Sarutobi clan was extremely flustered, but all the junin who used to be high-end fighters had disappeared.

In the secret room of the Sarutobi clan, a group of Jōnin were lying on the ground in pain at this time, wriggling feebly with pale faces.

With a swipe, the door opened, and a tall figure walked in.

At this time, after seeing the person coming, all the jounin of the Sarutobi clan's eyes were tearing apart.

"Asma! You traitor!"

"Dog thief! You will die badly."

"Traitor, you actually slaughtered your own family..."

The vicious cursing sound continued to echo, but what greeted them was a brutal massacre.

Under the splash of blood, Feiyan was already covered with the blood of the same race, and the current Asma Sarutobi is like a demon who came out of hell.

Tears kept flowing down, but the hand didn't stop at all, and the pain in the eyes from the beginning to the numbness at the end.

When the last person was slaughtered, Asuma Sarutobi looked at the mess on the ground, blood filled the air, and suddenly he broke down and laughed crazily.

"Haha, the sinful family deserves to die! Everyone deserves to die, haha!"

Laughing wildly, Asma Sarutobi's eyes were full of madness, and now he has fallen into madness and lost his mind.

After rushing out of the family's secret room, Sarutobi Asma killed everyone he saw. In a clan without Jonin, it was like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

Old people and children were all killed, and nothing was spared.

A Sharingan with a mask in the dark showed a bewitching light, but after seeing this scene, he laughed, and the perverted laughter became louder and louder.

"Haha, kill it, when you wake up, there will be no chance to turn back."

When Asma's mind was on the verge of collapse, Obito masked the opportunity and used the powerful illusion of Sharingan to draw out Asma's evil and murderous desire.

At this time, the surrounding barriers have completely sealed off the Sarutobi clan.

When he sensed the people outside, Obito showed a smile, "It seems that I need to help Asma, at least when Jilai also brings people in, Asma needs to complete her masterpiece."

At the same time, on the other side of Konoha, the Chunin Exam is being held fiercely.

Chunin exam venue.

With the arrival of the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai, and the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki, the atmosphere of the venue reached its peak for a while.

Under the high-pitched cheers, excited people shouted everywhere.


The Fifth Hokage Tsunade and the Fifth Mizukage Terumimei are the only two women among the Five Kages. At this time, they stood up heroically to welcome the arrival of the three kages.

The gathering of the five great shadows in the ninja world is almost a grand event in the ninja world.

"Hehe, as expected of Konoha."

The treacherous Tsuchikage Ohnogi said with a smile, but the implication was full of provocation.

Why couldn't Tsunade hear that, and smiled boldly, "That's Jirai, and now Konoha and Kirinin are already a family, so naturally they are the most powerful village."

The dialogue between the two is not the right mouth.

But Tsunade is not the one who suffers, looking at the guards brought by the third Tsuchikage Onogi, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It's so old, and Iwanin Village is really, there is not even a single person who shows his hand. "

As the saying goes, swearing does not expose shortcomings, but Tsunade only exposes shortcomings.

It directly made Ohnoki's face stiff, and his heart was filled with aggrievedness, but he had to hold back, pretending to be relaxed and laughing: "This old man's body, it will not be a problem to work for more than ten years."

And Terumi Mei who was on the side laughed lightly after seeing this, "Sister Tsunade, there are quite a lot of rising stars in our village, I feel like I'm getting old."

Damn, I know you guys are talented, but you can't be so arrogant.

Onogi, who was already scolding his mother in his heart, had to maintain a smile in front of so many people.

As the Five Kages took their seats, the entire venue erupted into loud cheers again.

Wuying hat, five shadows gathered, and at this moment a voice slowly rose from behind.

"They're all here."

It was obviously very light, but it spread throughout the venue, and this voice changed the expressions of Tu Ying, Lei Ying, and Feng Ying at the same time, and a look of fear flashed in their pupils.

They didn't notice it at all, and suddenly Uchiha Ye appeared.

There was another chair where Gokage was seated, and under the big god, the figure of Uchiha Ye appeared.

In an instant, the Chunin Exam was full of voices, and countless people cheered excitedly and frantically.

"God's Night!"

Under the huge cheers, most of the book ninjas and civilians cheered, but the dignitaries and nobles and people from the Daming House all looked a little ugly.

In recent years, the weakening of the Daming Mansion by the Night of the Gods cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences.

With the arrival of Uchiha Ye, many ninjas in the venue saluted respectfully, and even many people showed fanatical admiration.

This scene made the ninjas of the major ninja villages who came to visit even more secretly frightened. They can understand the terrifying personality charm from the expressions of Konoha and Mist.

"The Chunin exam can begin."

The ninja who had already prepared in the venue immediately understood Uchiha Ye's light words.

"Chunin Exam Trials, the first round starts now! Contestants please come on stage!"

Uchiha Sasuke VS Uzumaki Naruto.

The son of the former Uchiha patriarch VS the posthumous child of the fourth generation of Naruto.

This is a battle of the second generation VS the second generation, and it is also a duel of geniuses.

"Yo! Whirlpool Naruto Ginseng!"

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto, who was dressed in orange, fell directly from the sky, and the moment he landed, he showed his thumbs to everyone in the audience.


When the breeze blew and a leaf fell, Sasuke Uchiha also appeared.

However, the moment Uchiha Sasuke appeared, countless ninjas present showed astonished eyes, but then they were submerged in the excited cheers of the audience.

Sasuke Uchiha's cool face was wearing a pure white kimono and black pants. The chest is opened to reveal the eye-catching muscles slightly, the dark black armguard covers the forearm and extends to the palm, the waist cloth is tied with a black rope belt, and a straight ninja sword is inserted horizontally.

This scene shocked countless people.

Especially on Konoha Jominin's side, many people looked at each other in blank dismay, looking in the direction of Uchiha Ye.

Even Tsunade and Terumi Mei on the stage narrowed their eyes when they saw it.

"Ye, no wonder you appreciate and value this brat so much."

"No wonder the talent is far inferior to others, Ye, but you prefer this brat so much."

Good guy, if Tsunade and Terumi Mei speak a word, the atmosphere will immediately fall into embarrassment. The three kages on the side, except Kazekage who can't tell from the silence, the third Tsuchikage Onogi even showed a look of admiration,

Onoki seems to be saying that the old man admires the young man who plays well.

Among the jonin present, Momochi looked back at Kakashi and said in a low voice, "Kakashi, this brat is Yo-sama's child, right?"

Many of the other colleagues also cast curious eyes. Hatake Kakashi is Uchiha Ye's classmate and current right-hand man.

At this time, Kakashi held his forehead and sighed helplessly. It has to be said that it was too a coincidence. Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Ye were exactly the same when they were young, especially this dress.

If it weren't for Uchiha Ye's hairstyle now, the hairstyles of the two are a little different, and they are really carved out of the same mold.

"This, uh... I can't say."

Although Kakashi wanted to say no, but looking at Sasuke's appearance, he was a little suspicious and fell silent.

Sasuke Uchiha was born in the year of the night of Kyuubi, and he and Ye were 14 years old, so Sasuke's birthday is in July, if we calculate it forward!

Night already at the age of 13 years old! Kakashi shook his head awkwardly when he thought of this.

Thinking about the number of women Uchiha Ye has today, it seems really possible.

A 13-year-old already has this ability, not to mention that the ninja world develops faster.


However, Sasuke Uchiha appeared in the venue at this time, full of arrogance. In his heart, Teacher Ye is the idol in his life, and he dressed like this to prove himself.

"Fuck Sasuke."

Uzumaki Naruto on the opposite side stared straight at Sasuke in this attire, pointing and yelling unwillingly, he should have changed into a new outfit and pretended to be aggressive if he knew this.

"Cut, tail of the crane."

Uchiha Sasuke snorted arrogantly, this time he wanted to prove himself in front of everyone.

He, Uchiha Sasuke, was able to become Teacher Ye's disciple because he had the ability and talent.

After being astonished, the referee on the side showed a smile at Sasuke, and secretly decided in his heart that this one would not dare to have any accidents, and he must keep an eye on him throughout the process.

"Now the first duel begins!"

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