I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 32 National Dynamics

Sarutobi Shinnosuke took over the defense of the land of thunder on the border of the land of fire, but two months later, the defense of the land of water was also taken over. The results of so many years of hard work were directly picked by others. Sannin Orochimaru He was ordered to return to the village.

When this news came out, countless ninjas on the front line frowned secretly. It seemed that this was a bit too much. Leng Jun Orochimaru is still Konoha's hero now.

The Country of Thunder, Yunyin Village.

In Raikage's office building, the fourth-generation Raikage Ai, who was relatively young at this time, frowned deeply on his rough face as he watched the information sent.

"Oshemaru was transferred back to the village? The front line was replaced by Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Uchiha, and Hinata's family? What is Konoha doing? It's so contemptuous of people!"

Just as he slowed down a bit in the front line, Konoha kicked his nose in the face. Didn't this mean that the replacement was not afraid of them? Suddenly Lei Yingai's eyes were full of anger.

In the office, Doshiro, who looked like a mature uncle, saw Raikage with a violent personality, and shook his head with a wry smile: "Master Raikage, Konoha has gone through the Nine-Tails Rebellion. The strength is still very strong, and for the intelligence on the front line, there may be one intelligence that deserves our attention."

Todai, Yun Yin Murakami Shinobi, Raikage's courtiers of past dynasties, and the reviewer of Raikage's hot knife of past dynasties. When he was young, he won the trust of the third generation of Raikage, and possessed the limit of blood succession. (Uncle Rubber in Naruto's mouth)

I saw Tudai handing over a specially taken out information, and at the same time the expression on his face became more dignified.

Fourth Raikage opened the scroll unhappily, and raised his eyebrows when he saw the information in the scroll, especially when he saw the last date, a solemn look flashed in his rough eyes.

"Tashiro, you mean you received the information about Sarutobi Shinnosuke's arrival to the front line two months ago?"

There is no big problem with this information, but the most important thing is the timeline. You must know that no one knew that Sarutobi Shinnosuke came to the border to serve as the commander two months ago.

This is the key to the biggest problem! Immediately, the fourth generation of Raikage was full of solemnity, and Toyo also nodded solemnly and said in a deep voice: "There is no problem with the time, but the problem is that the person who sent back the information seems not to be the person we arranged."

"Although it was sent back using one of our spy systems, this spy has already been captured by Konoha. This line has been abandoned, but someone suddenly sent back the message unexpectedly."

After hearing such words, the fourth generation of Raikage immediately showed a dignified expression, "Tachiro, this information transmission level has been upgraded, we must pay close attention to it, and at the same time, we must be careful."

They are all veterans of the ninja world, and naturally they have seen a lot. Tudai nodded solemnly after hearing this.

"Lord Raikage, don't worry. Since this line can send back information, there are only three possibilities. One is that our people have not been exposed, but this possibility is too low. The second is that someone in Konoha is dissatisfied with the authorities or is too Greedy, so he betrayed the interests of his own village. Third, it is very likely that this is a trap set by Konoha."

It is common for a spy to be arrested, and then the other party uses the spy's intelligence line to deliver some false information. What's more, they use this intelligence line to pass on some important information to prove their behavior of betraying the village. Most of them will ask for money and the like.

It is even a trick to set up a big picture, use some real information, lose some interests of one's own side, in exchange for greater benefits, and try to see it at the last moment.

"Lord Raikage, the other party's purpose is very clear. Now it is all about exchanging information for gold and some precious medicinal materials."

After Toshiro presented the material requested by the person in the dark of Konoha, the fourth Raikage Ai smiled dismissively, "Here! The status of being able to spread the news is not low, as long as the information is accurate, we will give it."


Ninjas have always focused on intelligence. No matter whether this person is real or fake, at least they are useful right now. Isn’t it normal for mere supplies? If the other party doesn’t want anything, he still has doubts.

The other party exchanged the information for gold and medicinal materials, and they also have a special department to confirm the authenticity of the information. Naturally, it is impossible to be fooled easily. It depends on the means of both parties.

But this time, Yunin Village was about to miscalculate. After spending countless means, it turned out that it was all for nothing, because the news from others was all true, and there was no adulteration at all.

"Tashiro, make the front line prepare to launch another tentative harassment, and see what kind of tricks Konoha is playing."

"Yes!" The calm and experienced Toshiro didn't hesitate at all when he heard this. Instead, he was full of admiration for his Raikage's Raikage Fengxing. This is the character a Kage should have, reckless but never messy , coarse and fine.

The country of water, hidden fog village.

In the dark space, the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's sharp teeth slowly opened, but his eyes were very interesting looking at the information in his hand, and he couldn't help grinning bloodthirsty and said with a bloodthirsty laugh: "Hehe, it seems that the fellows in the ninja world There are also many people."

There is never a shortage of such people who sell their own village's interests in exchange for benefits to strengthen themselves. Just like him, didn't they also secretly and quietly sell some village interests.

"Hehe, it's just that this appetite is a bit big, and you want so many precious medicinal materials and gold, but I am satisfied with you, and I hope you, this little mouse, will not play tricks."

As for the opponent's setup? This question is a joke to the watermelon mountain puffer ghost. Now that Konoha has such a big incident, the village has decided to launch a tentative war against Konoha, of course it is limited to a small local war.

Wuyin Village has never felt sorry for these sacrifices, they only value benefits.

Land of Earth, Rock Hidden Village.

In the tall Tsuchikage's office, the small Tsuchikage is not as white as he was in the Fourth World War. At this time, he is obviously full of energy. His frown revealed a serious look.

"Another selfish person who betrayed the interests of his own village? Or is it another self-directed and self-acted trick?"

Speaking to himself, Onogi was full of wisdom as he had experienced three Ninja World Wars. Looking at this information, when he saw the last demand of the other party, he immediately frowned.

"It's a big appetite, but it's not impossible, as long as the information is accurate, it's worth it."

Muttering to himself, Onoki couldn't help but put the information on the table, and directly stamped it with an S-level seal, "Let the intelligence department keep an eye on it, and at the same time, we must do a good job of analyzing some important information. As for the other party As long as the requested gold and medicinal materials do not exceed the value of the information, then I will give it."

It’s hard to find a Konoha’s own traitor with a high status. He will naturally take advantage of the victory to pursue it. Of course, it may also be a trick played by Konoha’s dark Danzo, but this method has always been a common trick in various countries. It depends on who it is It depends on their respective game level.

Beg for self-sufficiency.

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