I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 339: The Great War Is About to Break Out

Ninja League meeting room.

Three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi's short stature became the supreme commander of the Hundred Thousand Ninja Coalition Army, but no one dared to underestimate this old man.

"Everyone, the future of the ninja world is in our hands. I don't need to say more about the fate of failure. Uchiha Yoichi will rule the ninja world and our ninja village will no longer exist."

At this moment, Onogi looked around at the crowd, and said in a hoarse voice: "But everyone, don't worry, although Uchiha Ye's strength is comparable to that of the former ninja god, the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama, we are not without a chance of winning."

One of them couldn't help frowning after hearing this, and expressed his point of view in a deep voice.

"Master Tukage, it's not that I'm bad-mouthing, Uchiha Ye has already shocked the ninja world with just two shots, and his strength is far beyond the god of the ninja world."

"Yes, we are not afraid of the ninja war, but the strength of Uchiha Ye alone must be resisted."

"That's right, could it be that the seven-headed and tailed beasts teamed up together?"

The people below were discussing a lot, but Tsuchikage Onoki did not panic at all, instead he calmly raised his hand to stop everyone.

"Everyone, Obito Uchiha, our ally, controls the forbidden art of reincarnation of the filthy soil. Everyone must know this, but I can testify to one thing. The previous reincarnation of the filthy soil did not allow the reincarnated person to exert his full strength."

"This time, our ally Uchiha Obito is currently studying this ninjutsu. It will take a little time. By then, there will be ninja Shura Uchiha Madara in the heyday of the first generation of Naruto god Senju Hashirama."

When he said this, Onoki Sandai Tsuchikage's tone paused, and he looked around the crowd with a confident smile.

"So, our enemy is the ninja army under the command of Uchiha Ye, so you can rest assured."

After hearing this assurance, everyone in the conference room secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Uchiha Ye's oppression was too strong, and they would not choose to join forces if they had no choice.

"But here I want to explain!"

At this time, under the dark skin of the fourth generation of Raikage Ai, it became a beautiful landscape in the conference room, but the person was a bit rude.

"The daimyo's meaning must be understood by everyone. In this war, everyone can forgive, but Konoha! Exterminate all blood descendants of Konoha."

After the fourth generation of Raikage Ai's voice fell, the leaders in the conference room who were dressed differently from ordinary ninjas stood up one after another.

"The daimyo have jointly made a decision, whoever dares to plunder Konoha Xueji ninja privately during the war will be killed without mercy!"

This group of murderous ninja leaders are all from various daimyo houses in the ninja world.

There are samurai and ninjas, and at the same time they all dress in their own style, some are dressed by nobles, some are masked and look like dead soldiers indifferently, some are dressed like wandering monks, or are similar to those of the monks of the Temple of Fire.

This force occupies nearly half of the power in the conference room. In terms of numbers, they may not be as good as them, but in terms of elites, they are definitely not much worse than the five major powers.

After all, the Daming Mansion can exist for thousands of years, and with the accumulation of countless wealth, this group of forces serving the Daming Mansion are all elites.

This is also the confidence that Daming Mansion can restrain Ninja Village.

It is precisely because all the daimyos in the ninja world have teamed up and dispatched their own elites that they have formed a 100,000 ninja coalition army.

"That's right, the old man was the first to agree with the Daming Mansion's opinion."

Ohnoki was the first to stand up and nodded frankly, but he was sneering in his heart. He was not the group of people below. After so many years of political career, his heart had also changed.

"Yes, those who break the rules of the ninja world will be severely punished."

"This battle must be won!"

The ninja leaders yelled, maybe they were ambitious, or maybe they wanted to fight for a future, but most of their vision was already limited to a circle.

The daimyo is deeply rooted in the mind of the aristocrats, how can they overthrow the daimyo's rule, this is simply an anomaly.

Beneath the seemingly firm face of the junior Tsuchikage Onoki, there was a moment of deep thought in his heart.

In the past, he naturally didn't have the slightest idea. Even after Uchiha Ye did this at the beginning, he was extremely angry, thinking that this was provoking the entire ninja world.

However, these ideas have changed over time.

Since the Chunin exams three years ago, Uchiha Yata has placed the daimyo under house arrest blatantly, simply coercing the daimyo to command the world.

Later, Uchiha Ye's various means were revealed, and it turned out that a group of government officials who replaced the Daimyo Prefecture had already been trained.

After that, it seemed that he saw that the daimyo didn't seem to be superior, and could be overthrown.

The status of Uchiha Ye not only surpassed the daimyo, but also drove the daimyo into the abyss.

It is simply nonsense that the daimyos of the three countries of fire, wind, and water have long been imprisoned in Konoha, so they have no rights at all, and even the forces under the command of the daimyofu have been infiltrated and replaced.

Uchiha Ye completely created a new era, an era that pushed daimyo out of the historical stage.

All this made Onogi squint his eyes and gradually began to realize that there seems to be no big name in this world, and their ninjas can live better if they become the leaders.

If it weren't for Uchiha Yato being the enemy this time, and they needed to rely on the power of the Daming House, he, Onogi, might have secretly trained some teams to replace the Daming House for the next generation of Tsuchikage.

It's a pity, he doesn't have that much time, and if Uchiha Ye fails this time, then the next target of daimyo will definitely be ninjas like them.

At the very least, it is absolutely impossible for a ninja to appear with such a powerful force.

I am afraid that there will be more ninja villages by then, and the daimyo will also strengthen their power.

"Now there is definite information pointing out that although Uchiha Ye awakened the eyes of reincarnation by relying on the Mutun cells, his body is also suffering from the backlash of the Mutun cells."

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai doesn't care about daimyo's status now, he just wants to kill Uchiha Ye and crush the opponent's arrogant ambition to unify the ninja world.

I saw the Fourth Raikage Ai telling everyone about Uchiha Ye’s information directly. After everyone was shocked, he even sneered and said: “Many people must have known the information about Samsara Eye during this time, but writing Wheel The relationship between the eyes and the eyes of reincarnation, I will tell you later."

"But right now, Uchiha Ye can only hide in Konoha to recuperate because of the backlash of the Mutun cells. This is a good opportunity for us to launch an attack. Once we miss it, we will meet a more powerful Uchiha Ye on the battlefield. "


Many people were shocked, but after the ninjas of Yunnin Village put pieces of information in front of everyone, countless people were shocked.

Sharingan, kaleidoscope, eternal kaleidoscope, and a reincarnation eye, this is too outrageous.

This is simply a bloody succession.

Relying on the Gouyu state of ordinary sharingan, he has already earned the name of the three major pupil techniques in the ninja world, but now he tells them that the legendary six-path sage's reincarnation eye is the ultimate evolutionary pupil technique of sharingan.

Countless people were jealous, and all kinds of emotions of jealousy and greed surfaced in their hearts, and finally turned into deep fear. The ninja world does not allow such a powerful person to appear.

Everyone wants to get the eyes of reincarnation, but everyone also doesn't want a perverted blood follower like Uchiha to exist.

It is conceivable that after this battle, the daimyo may secretly manipulate and set off a wave of destruction of blood successors.


The country of Sichuan.

Now the ninja coalition forces are hoarding in the desert rock formations of Tangren Village and Shuangren Village, and they are even close to the sea.

Konoha Ninja Camp, Hatake Kakashi, as the supreme commander of the front line, calmly summoned all the ninjas.

This time even Zilai went to the front in person, but he did not assume the position of the so-called supreme commander, but was the action commander instead.

It's not that Jiraiya is incapable, but Jiraiya also considers that he is not in the village these years, and he is not very familiar with the newly joined Sand Ninja and Mist Ninja.

As a result, he would not be able to use his strengths under his command. If it was only Konoha's, he would still be able to use it.

Hatake Kakashi is different. As Uchiha Ye's right-hand man over the years, the integration of Mist Ninja and Sand Ninja into the wise and funny Kakashi has played a key role.

Therefore, after Hatake Kakashi was entrusted with important tasks by the five generations of Hokage, Kazekage, and Mizukage this time, almost none of the ninjas in the three major ninja villages were unconvinced.

"Everyone, this is the latest information we have received. The Ninja Alliance Legion is preparing to launch an attack first."

After conveying the information piece by piece, Hatake Kakashi calmly spoke to the crowd as the commander. At this moment, he was no longer as lazy as before.

"Captain Kakashi, since the Ninja Alliance is preparing to attack first, what are we waiting for?"

"That is, although there are many ninja coalition forces, we are not vegetarian."

"Haha, our three major ninja villages join forces, what are we afraid of?"

In the camp, each ninja showed excitement.

The scale of the ninja world war this time can be called the largest in the ninja world, and as the existence of establishing a new era, they are all gearing up to make a strong mark in history.

Ninjas are also human beings, and they have to be held accountable. Compared with the past ninja wars, it didn't make much sense at all. How could this time be so exciting.

It is also related to Uchiha Ye's policy. In recent years, the shadows of the three major ninja villages who once created ninja villages have appeared in the history books of ninja schools. This is the first time in the ninja world.

This deformed ninja world attaches great importance to power, and it clearly possesses powerful power. It turns out that in less than a hundred years, the entire ninja world has almost forgotten the glory of the five great ninja villages when they were established, and even more forgotten the achievements of the ninja gods in ending the Warring States Period.

This shows the deformity of this ninja world.

As for the ones recommended by Uchiha Ye, all those who have made great contributions to the new era will be recorded in the history books, and even after a thousand years, some people still remember them as heroes.

This kind of thing that has never been pursued suddenly appeared, and it immediately attracted the eyes of countless ninjas. This is not only the current fame and fortune, but even after a thousand years of death, their own stories will be spread.

This kind of fame and fortune is too attractive.

Now that the three major ninja villages have merged, all those who have participated in making major contributions have appeared in the history books. Uchiha Ye told everyone with practical actions that he did not just talk about it, but took actual actions.

I won’t mention the three major five generations of Mukage, such as those who have made great contributions to the integration of the three major ninja villages.

Maki, Gaara and others from Sand Ninja Village, Kisame Kisame and Zabuza Momochi from Mist Ninja Village, Kakashi Hatake, Itachi Uchiha and Shisui from Konoha.

"Captain Kakashi, is our next step defensive or offensive?"

The always calm Hinata Hinata is also a little fiery. If he wants to leave his name in the new era, he has to show it.

Looking at the eyes of Hinata Hinata and the others, Hatake Kakashi nodded calmly.

"Everyone, all the ninja coalition forces are now saying that Master Ye was backlashed by Mutun cells. I can tell you this, it is true!"

As Hatake Kakashi's voice fell, countless jōnin in the conference room frowned, after all, Uchiha Ye is the strongest combat power.

But there is not much of a problem, after all Konoha still has three fifth generations, especially Hokage Tsunade's Mudun is terrifying, not inferior to the original Hokage.

After Kakashi saw that everyone was still quite calm, he nodded appreciatively.

"It is also true that Master Ye awakened the eyes of reincarnation. Now we just need to stabilize the battle ahead and buy some time for Master Ye. By then, we will have no opponents in the entire ninja world."

"Of course, if the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara appear in the coalition forces, we also have a solution."

As Kakashi's voice fell, the three elite jounin Shiranui Genma, Jushidu, and Dieiwashi walked out.

I saw the three of them looking at the crowd, among them Shiranuo Xuanjian was biting a thousand copies, and said with a smile: "Although we are going to go back to the village, if there is an emergency, the three Hokage-samas behind can join the war at any time."

At this time, after the three of them looked at each other, under the suspicious eyes of everyone, the three of them formed a triangle.

Art of Thunderbolt

In an instant, the figures of the three disappeared into the tent, and Hyuga Hinata suddenly said in shock: "This! Could this be the technique of Flying Thunder God!"

"Flying Thunder God!"

After this space ninjutsu reverberated in the camp, it immediately caused an uproar, and many people showed excitement.

The most powerful thing about this ninjutsu right now is not killing the enemy, let alone being weird, but being able to bring reinforcements from the rear to join the battlefield at any time.

Especially the top combat power, this can be called cheating.

Seeing the people whose morale recovered, Hatake Kakashi smiled confidently: "These recent information from the village are detailed information about the battle between Uchiha Madara and the first Hokage in the village."

"Here I can tell you that Master Ye is indeed suppressing the backlash of Mutun cells, but once he succeeds, his strength will be greatly improved again. At the same time, please rest assured."

"The Mutun cells were suppressed by Tsunade-sama and Oshemaru-sama jointly. Even if the frontline battle is tight, Ye-sama can still fly Thunder God to the front line, and a temporary outbreak will not be a problem."

"So! We're going to put this battlefield here!"

At this time, under Hatake Kakashi's wise eyes, he directly patted the desert rock area around Tangnin Village and Shuangnin Village with his big hand.

"Most Konoha ninjas are good at fire escape, and sand ninjas are good at wind escape, so this is also our most advantageous battlefield. Also, this place is far away from people, which can avoid too much damage from ninjutsu. Although before this, the people in these two places were almost They've all moved away."

"It's also not far from the coast. This place will become a paradise for those who are good at water escape, especially for Mist Ninja."

Kakashi looked at the map calmly, and everyone in the tent became more dignified.

Cough cough, update today first, resume update tomorrow. The follow-up has been sorted out.

In fact, I was mainly thinking about a question, whether to write or not to write the story of the dragon vein of the Lost Tower? When writing, I feel that you can talk about water, so Koi decided to write it off, what do you think?

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