I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 355 Visitor from Extraterrestrial Slap in the Face

"Sasuke, everyone, look at how many people were sacrificed this time!"

Uzumaki Naruto looked at everyone, showing anger, and pointed at the corpses everywhere. Too many people died in the Fourth World War this time.

"It's because of your ambition! Everyone is dead!"

At this time Uzumaki Naruto pointed at Uchiha Ye with an angry expression, and the Sages of the Six Paths on the side nodded silently.


Facing Naruto Uzumaki and Sage of the Six Paths, Uchiha Ye smiled mockingly.

"You guys are guarding the old decadent era, using the so-called mutual understanding as a shield. To put it bluntly, you still have slavish thinking, and you are guarding the name of corruption."

"The so-called mutual understanding and peace in your mouth means that everyone in this world is tired and exhausted, and then they rest for about ten years, and continue to fight when they recover, right?"

"Such wars are repeated every ten years. This is what you call peace."

Seeing that Naruto still wanted to refute, Uchiha Ye directly said coldly: "Shut up! You little brat with a brain problem."

"The Sage of the Six Paths next to you has clearly possessed the power to coerce ninjas for thousands of years, but has the war stopped it?"

Facing Uchiha Ye's words, Sage of the Six Paths said firmly: "I am already a dead person, how can I control the world of the living."

"Hehe, a joke, a big joke, so what are you doing now?"

Facing Uchiha Ye's mocking smile, Sage of the Six Paths retorted: "After Kaguya's mother comes, this world will be destroyed, I can't!"

"Shut up, you bastards, I've heard enough of your so-called benevolence and morality. To put it bluntly, your brains have been brainwashed by this world, and you refuse to accept the advent of a new era."

Yoshiha Uchiha, who flew slowly in the sky, stood on the sky, looking at Naruto and Sage of the Six Paths with a sad smile.

"No wonder Ashura got your approval. It turns out that you are both the same people. You both chose the so-called concept of mutual understanding and peace under the mindset of enslaving daimyo. But what happened? The war in the ninja world for thousands of years is terrible. ever stopped?"

The impulsive Uzumaki Naruto looked at Ye Uchiha angrily, and pointed at the mess everywhere, "What about you! For your ambition, look at how many people died. Your so-called peace is just for your own ambition."

Regarding Uzumaki Naruto's question, Uchiha Ye showed a self-deprecating smile, and looked at the Konoha people, "Ambition? Have I ever denied it?"

Under the eyes of everyone in Konoha, Uchiha Ye opened his arms and said directly: "I, Uchiha Ye, have never denied my ambition, but it is an indisputable fact that my ambition is based on peace."

"Thousands of years! You have spent thousands of years to prove your so-called understanding, the failure of the so-called daimyo system, isn't it enough to have such a thousand years of war? Can't you realize the mistakes of this world?"

"The world I, Uchiha Yato wants to create, is ruled by gods, so what if they hate each other! With me, no matter how deep the hatred is, it will be suppressed. In this way, it only takes a hundred years, and all hatred will disappear with the wind. "

At this time, Uchiha Ye pointed proudly at Naruto and Sage of the Six Paths, "I! I am the god of the new era, and I will have a long lifespan. This is peace!"

"Now your choice!"

Facing Uchiha Ye's questioning like a trial, Uzumaki Naruto shouted at everyone angrily: "No! This is just for selfish ambition, this is not peace at all, don't believe it, as long as everyone understands each other, This is true peace..."

Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth excitedly, and Konoha Ninja looked at each other in blank dismay, but the first one to speak was surprising.

I saw Senju Zhuma standing up with a big laugh scratching the back of his head, "That Naruto, at the beginning I also struggled to achieve peace that everyone understands each other, but you have also seen it. It has only been a few decades since my death. How many wars have there been in the world."

"Perhaps what Uchiha Ye said makes sense, we need to try new things, new worlds."

"Cut." The Fifth Hokage Tsunade didn't say anything, just snorted coldly, but the action was already obvious, and he was on the side of Uchiha Ye.

"Hey, it seems that we have to make a major choice in the ninja world today. One is to stay in place in the previous world, and the other is an unknown new world."

Godaime Mizukage Terumimei said teasingly and charmingly, while Godaime Kazekage Hakura smiled indifferently, "The decayed old world has been maintained for too long."

One by one began to stand in line one after another. At this time, a green light flashed, and Maitkai, who came back panting and opened the seven doors, laughed and said: "Haha, it seems that I, Maitekai, are better at the beginning. I almost need it." The eight gates have been opened."

In the distance, the fourth generation of Raikage Aibu was lying unwillingly in the stone platform, his eyes were full of dead ashes, and his body was still smoking. One can imagine how fierce the duel between the two Taijutsu ninjas was.

"Haha, Naruto."

At this time, the green figure Maitekai who rushed back laughed wildly and gave a thumbs up.

"I don't know what the new era looks like, let alone whether the future is wrong or right, but I know the tragedy of the first three wars in the ninja world."

"In the first ninja war, the number of Konoha ninja deaths... civilian deaths..., the second war Konoha ninja casualties... civilian casualties..., the third time..."

With the casualties of the three ninja wars, Maitkai finally looked at Naruto Uzumaki, and he said earnestly: "Naruto, I personally experienced the third ninja war. Do you know how long this war lasted? You Do you know how many ninjas Konoha is dead?"

"Let me tell you, the number of ninja casualties in this so-called Fourth Ninja World War may be astonishing. So many were killed in just a few months, but now that the war is about to end, the overall number of ninja casualties Calculated, it is not as good as any of the previous three ninja world wars!"

"Even this ninja world war didn't involve many civilians."

When he said this, Maitekai panted heavily, looked up at Uchiha Ye, and showed a firm smile.

"Haha, I believe in one sentence, people who don't work hard will just stand still, and as long as they work hard, they will succeed one day sooner or later. Haha, although I haven't defeated Kakashi and Ye yet, I will persevere."

Although Maitekai is hot-blooded and nerve-wracking, he is still very wise and foolish, and he is still very firm in matters of right and wrong.

"Naruto, I went into exile during the Second World War of the Ninja World, because the number of civilian casualties in the war is a terrifying number, war, hunger, plague, etc..."

Nagato standing behind Jiraiya showed pain on his face, looked at Uchiha Ye and said in a deep voice: "Even if it's ambition, it's a new attempt now, instead of repeating everything in the past over and over again. .”

"Naruto!" Even Jilai showed a complicated look. He once thought that Naruto was right and the first generation of Hokage was right, but after so many years of personal experience, the bloody reality told him that maybe they were all wrong. up.

"Naruto, the ninja world has been like an illusion world for thousands of years, and wars are constantly repeated, so peace is only short-lived."

Familiar figures chose to stand behind Uchiha Ye. They have paid so much, and even touched the victory. Now you tell me that this is wrong?

So what are they doing so much for?

Konoha, Mist Ninja, and Sand Ninja all steadfastly chose to stand behind Yoshi Uchiha. No matter whether the so-called peace in the future is right or not, they have won now, and they will naturally enjoy the fruits of victory.

You let them choose to give up the fruits of victory now, and then go back to the situation of the five countries? How can it be.

"Everyone! Why!" At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto looked at everyone in disbelief, as if he couldn't figure out why.

"Naruto, since you have tried for thousands of years for the so-called mutual understanding, but I dare not say that it was a failure, but it did not bring peace. Now there is a new direction, why don't you dare to try it?"

Kakashi Hatake also shook his head and chose to stand in line. Although Naruto Uzumaki had the legendary Sage of the Six Paths standing in line behind Naruto this time, it was obvious that their backstage was not weak, or even stronger.


Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina wanted to say something, but it was Sage of the Six Paths who interrupted with a solemn expression.

"Naruto, look into their eyes. Now they think they are winners and greedily want to enjoy the fruits of victory. How could they listen to your words."

Looking at everyone, the Sage of the Six Paths said hoarsely: "Their eyes are almost full of desire, and desire will only bring about war."

"Naruto!" At this time Uchiha Sasuke stared at Uzumaki Naruto, "I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time, don't act rashly!"

Under the fate of Indra and Asura, Naruto became excited when he saw Sasuke, and roared: "Sasuke, I will not give up!"

Naruto Uzumaki looked at everyone with a firm gaze and said in a deep voice, "I will defeat all of you and become Hokage, making your ambitions fail completely."

"Otsutsuki Yuromo, you have delayed for so long, but you are ready."

Suddenly, Uchiha Ye's mocking words echoed on the battlefield, and everyone was startled.

And Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagoromo had serious eyes, looking at Uchiha Ye and Hei Ze, "Since you know I'm delaying time, why don't you stop me."


Looking at Sage of the Six Paths Otsuki Hagoromo, Uchiha Ye taunted: "Don't you just want to prevent Kaguya's consciousness from coming back to life, then look at Obito."

At this time, Obito, who was heartbroken, looked exhausted and weak, and he didn't want to change at all to bear the appearance of Kaguya's consciousness.

In the original timeline, Kaguya, who was resurrected by Kurojue through Madara, was not a complete resurrection, but the resurrection of Otsutsuki Kaguya's consciousness, and his body was still sealed by the moon.

"Aren't you delaying time by using the power left by Otsutsuki Hamura to strengthen the seal on the moon, trying to prevent Kaguya's breakthrough in consciousness?"

After he was seen through delaying time, Sage of the Six Paths stared at Uchiha Ye with a gloomy face. At this moment, it seemed that the entire ninja world had given up on them.

"You won't succeed, and I won't let you succeed! The coming of the goddess Uo will only bring war. Since you keep saying that you want to bring peace to this world, then what is Baijue! Why don't you tell them! "

Sage of the Six Paths sneered, and slowly talked about the situation thousands of years ago in front of everyone.

After Sage of the Six Paths finished speaking, Orochimaru stood up from the crowd with a hoarse smile.

"Bai Jue, do you mean the stubborn loser now!"

Ruoyou pointed out that the defeated ninjas on the battlefield were rolled up one by one by the sacred tree, and countless Baijue were rolled up and hung on the tree trunk.

At this moment, everyone seemed to understand something, and Uchiha Ye laughed mockingly: "Is it wrong for the corpses of the losers to be used by the victors? Don't talk about the new era, even the old era has been the same for thousands of years." Like this."

"Since you told them all this, why didn't you say why Kaguya created these Baijue troops in the first place? The whole world had been pacified back then, and of course there were still some fish that slipped through the net, such as the orchid toad in Mt. Miaomu."

When talking about this toad, Uchiha Ye couldn't help showing a touch of killing intent, "This world will soon usher in more powerful enemies, even Kaguya needs to do his best and dare not say that he will win, but you guys Don’t take it seriously, and even think it’s alarmist talk.”

"The Datongmu family comes from other worlds. This race is inherently powerful. It doesn't need to practice like ordinary people. It can even use the "wedge" to reincarnate and resurrect. It is an existence beyond death. To plant sacred trees in various worlds The main purpose is to devour all life and reap the chakra fruit..."

As Uchiha Ye talked about the Otsutsuki clan, he showed a dignified look.

"But for so many years, I haven't had the Otsutsumu enemy you call. I have been monitoring this world for a thousand years."

Obviously, for the so-called Datongmu enemies, the Sage of the Six Paths chose not to believe, and even thought that these were just nonsense fabricated for ambition.

At this moment, under the trembling of the sacred tree, a terrifying chakra was instantly condensed, and the flower buds on the top of the sacred tree began to bloom.


"The strength of this chakra is even more terrifying than the ten tails just now."

"What a terrifying Chakra, is this the Chakra that gathers countless ninjas and tailed beasts!"

Countless people were shocked, and suddenly Huaguduo emitted a blood-red beam of light, heading directly towards the red circle on the sky.

Immortal of the Six Paths was shocked at this moment, "This! This is to prepare to break the seal from the outside!"

From the very beginning, it was not the original plan to revive Otsutsuki Kaguya's consciousness, but to break a gap in the seal on the moon through the power of the sacred tree, and inject huge Chakra power at the same time.

Kaguya completely broke through the seal and came into the world.

However, at this moment, two white figures suddenly appeared in the distance.

"It's really interesting. When I first came to this world, I couldn't sense Kaguya's aura. I thought Kaguya was hiding. It turned out to be sealed. It's really embarrassing."

The mysterious man suddenly appeared, one thin and one fat, accompanied by a terrifying Chakra. At this moment, the Sage of the Six Paths looked stiff, and his face was even more shocked.

Hey, after yesterday's chapter was updated, it was sprayed so miserably that my heart almost collapsed. I thought this handwritten thief was good. Hey, I stayed up late last night to revise it.

I originally wanted to write a wonderful ending, but Koi could only do his best to write the last few chapters well.

The second chapter is updated, wait, it is in the code word...

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