I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 356: Closing Speech

It's over, here Koi would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who supported me, this book is the best book Koi has achieved so far.

Less than a month after the first order of 1400 on the shelves, it became a boutique. Now when it is over, the average order is 5700, and the highest subscription is 15636. The average order is almost a big boutique. Here, Koi would like to sincerely thank everyone.

At the same time, everyone knows that Koi is a full-time writer. It stands to reason that the current achievement of this book can be written by the heavens and continue to make money. It is normal, but Koi is a full-time writer.

For the sake of the future, Hokage has finished writing what should be written, and it will be over. After all, Koi still has to continue writing books to eat, and word of mouth will stink.

Of course, this book also taught Koi a lot, and Koi will definitely not make the mistakes of this book again in the next book.

The next book is going to Xianxia, ​​writing "Longevity Mortal Flow", I have the outline and main direction, and I am discussing the opening and plot with the editor recently, and the book is expected to be released in the second half of August, and I will notify you in the group when the time comes, don't worry The book review area and billing chapter will be notified.

Many readers have advised Koi not to engage in original fairy tales, as it is easy to pounce. Huh, koi also know that it is easy to pounce, but last year I failed to start a business and returned home to work full-time. Now everyone knows the situation of the fan, and the traffic has been severely cut.

And Koi has always had a dream of being a fairy, and at the same time there are editors helping to keep an eye on it, so I don't want to give up this good opportunity.

Originality is a major trend, so Koi is going to work hard. This book has been in preparation since it went to Shanghai in May. The readers of the subscription group know that it has written almost 100,000 at the beginning. A book where Koi puts his best effort.

I don't dare to hope for big hits, Koi is just a street writer, I only hope that the first order of the new book will be over a thousand, then I can stabilize and continue to write.

It's as simple as that, there is no such thing as non-boutique writing, Koi lives in a small place in a fourth-tier city, has no mortgage, and is not under a lot of pressure, so at the beginning, Qianjun will do it to death, haha.

Having said so much, I just want to tell everyone that if you like Xianxia books, please support them after Koi opens the book.

I dare not say anything else. Koi has never stopped updating since it was full-time last year. The update is absolutely stable. Even if it is sick, ┭┮﹏┭┮ will try to keep it stable. Please forgive me.

[Red Cloud: Establishing Mahayana Buddhism to Sanctify] and [Hokage: Splitting Konoha] These two books are all finished books written by Koi with good results so far. Koi also has a foundation for writing fairy tales, haha.

This time is also an adventure for koi, let's fight! After being full-time last year, all the familiar brothers know that when one book is about to finish, another book has already been opened, which is why there are three numbers, for full-time.

The old books are not finished, and the new books are not full-time, so in order to seamlessly connect, after all, the manuscript fees are needed to support the family, so the new books are opened early.

But this time is different, the new book Koi also wants to open, but the intention is powerless, the editor has been dissatisfied at the beginning, and has been revising. This time, I will finish the old book and concentrate on the new book Xianxia.

If you take a risk and don't pay for the manuscript for two months, you have to fight once in your life! Hope not to lose too badly.

The road to immortality is long, brothers and fellow Taoists, ahem~ I will see you at the end of August, I hope the new book will not be too miserable (#^.^#).

Here, brothers and sisters, I wish you a fortune, great luck, and prosperity for a lifetime. (end of this chapter)

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