I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 56 Thunder God Armor and Chidori Style

The closed training hall of the police department constantly echoed with the sound of air bursting.

The vast and huge training hall was empty, only the occasional afterimage of the arc flashed, and the sound of tearing echoed in the air, which was a speed that ordinary people could no longer see with the naked eye under the extremely fast physical technique.

I saw that Uchiha Ye's figure was almost invisible at this time, and only when he stopped for a while and needed to turn his body instantly would the afterimage appear, only in terms of speed was he already at the level of a jounin.

A branch of Kunai suddenly shot at the Qianben launcher that had been prepared for the crossbow on the surrounding walls. The moment the steel wire was shot, the Qianben launcher sounded in all directions.


There are only thousands of afterimages shot out like raindrops in the air. Under the overwhelming attack, the figure in the training hall suddenly appeared. thousand copies.

ding ding ding~

In an instant, there was a dense and crisp sound in the air, and I saw Uchiha Ye holding the Kusanagi sword, and the whole body was flickering with arcs, waving afterimages, and Qianben, who was dense like a torrential rain, couldn't get close for a while, and there were constant noises all around. Thousands of books that lost their strength and broke fell.

The metal Qianben ding ding kept falling on the bluestone floor, making a crisp sound.

The sound stopped abruptly, and at the same time Uchiha Ye's thick panting sound came, and his whole body was dripping with sweat.

When looking at Senbon, which was broken all around, Uchiha Ye couldn't help but secretly frowned under panting, "It seems almost."

It seems that he has defended against all the dense attacks of Qianben, but only he knows that a Qianben stabbed his skin from the back just now, but it was resisted by his strong body.

With electric arcs flashing all over his body, Uchiha Ye showed a smile, "Sure enough, no matter what it is, you need talent, and now I can be regarded as very talented."

After exchanging the third generation of Raikage's physique, not only the chakra attribute talent is full, but also the physical skill talent is also full. The body seems to have inexhaustible strength, and the growth rate of strength recently is even faster doubled.

[Host: Uchiha Ye (Ergouyu)]

[Chakra amount: Jonin (1.2 cards)]

[Chakra Attributes: Fire (LV3), Lightning (LV5), Earth (LV1)]

[Physical Jutsu (Sword Technique): LV5, Medical Ninjutsu LV4]

Looking at his current attributes, Uchiha Ye showed a satisfied smile. Although there is a bonus of Sharingan, but the practice during this period has finally stepped into the Jonin level, not only in terms of chakra, but also He has initially mastered the changes in the nature of the thunder attribute, and he has officially stepped into the threshold of Jonin, as well as Taijutsu.

The amount of chakra and the change of the nature of the thunder attribute are all due to the talent of physique. Whether it is the change of nature or the practice of physical skills, it feels like getting twice the result with half the effort, and the progress is very rapid.

Also at his age, the developmental period of the ninja world is generally after the age of twelve and before the age of sixteen. This age is in the developmental period of every ninja.

As for the rapid improvement in physical skills, although it is also a bonus of physical talent, at least half of the credit is due to auxiliary ninjutsu.

Because he has exchanged two kinds of ninjutsu, the Leidun chakra mode is the Thor armor and Chidori style passed down from generation to generation in Yunyin Village Raikage.

The real name of Thor's armor is "Thunder Chakra Mode", which belongs to B-level ninjutsu, not bad! The ninjutsu in Yunyin Village is a B-level ninjutsu. The level of ninjutsu is not high, but it needs matching secret medicine for internal and external use. Therefore, this B-level ninjutsu is actually a secret level.

(It is clearly stated in the data that this ninjutsu is a B-level ninjutsu. In order to be reasonable, it is set as a secret technique)

"Thor's armor combined with the correct secret medicine is considered a secret technique, not an ordinary B-level ninjutsu." Uchiha Ye squinted his eyes and said to himself.

The category of secret arts, such as Konoha’s Inoka Butterfly Clan, Inuzuka, and Yume, these are not blood successors, but they are also different from ordinary ninjutsu. Ninjutsu that requires certain secret methods to practice are called secret arts. .

The most typical one is the physique of the Akimichi clan, which is obviously different from ordinary people, but this kind of physique requires acquired practice in addition to inheritance, so the secret technique is between blood successor and ordinary ninja.

Thunder God Armor also belongs to the level of secret arts. In addition to the corresponding B-level ninjutsu, it also needs the assistance of secret medicines at different stages, as well as accumulated practice to be effective. This and Bamen Dunjia are ninjutsu that are easy to learn but difficult to master.

Under the flickering arc of the Kusanagi sword, Uchiha Ye smiled, "The nature of the thunder attribute changes, and at the same time, under the cover of Chidoriyu, the existence of Thor's armor can be perfectly concealed."

Although his strength has gone further, stepping into the ranks of Jonin has guaranteed his own safety, but at the same time he showed a look of pain, because the treasury has bottomed out again, and the price of secret techniques is not cheap. Fortunately, he has a matching His physique is almost perfect, otherwise it would be a joke if he couldn't practice ninjutsu alone.

The four levels of C, B, A, and S commonly used in ninjutsu are not only used for the power of ninjutsu, but also for the difficulty of ninjutsu. (It is specifically stated in the information that the difficulty of cultivation is a certain level)

For example, for an ordinary chunin, if you give him an A-level ninjutsu, it is extremely difficult for him to practice, but some geniuses can practice very easily at the same chunin level, such as Hatake Kakashi, all of which are due to chakra In terms of movement and mobilization, the more advanced ninjutsu needs to mobilize the circulation of the chakra meridians in the body, the more complicated and difficult it is.

In such a short period of time, the strength has improved so fast, except for the strengthening brought by the evolution of blood and physique, the ability to learn ninjutsu so quickly is completely born out of the chakra seal (talent) that was exchanged for Shippuden Kakashi.

Although he is only fifteen years old today, he is already at the Kage-level in terms of Chakra operation and control. Kakashi's strength during the Shippuden period was around the Kage-level.

"Come out."

After the creaking electric arc sound around the body dissipated, Uchiha Ye showed a smile and slowly put the straight knife back into the sheath, and said casually to the door, at the same time, the double hook jade in the eyes also slowly faded into black eyes .

"Hmph, Uchiha Ye, your strength has improved very fast recently."

Suddenly the door of the training hall opened, and Mitarai Anko's eyes still showed a touch of shock that could not be dispelled just now, but her face forced a look of arrogance, and she walked in and looked at Uchiha Ye. Sour and jealous, is this Uchiha? As long as you awaken Sharingan, you will be a genius. This kind of talent is really enviable.

Uchiha Ya's strength has improved so fast that Mitarai Kodou Xinsheng is jealous, and he attributes all this to the awakening of Sharingan, and now he has evolved to Ergouyu.

Uchiha Ye was also taken aback when he saw Mitarai Anko. Although he found someone peeping outside the door just now, he thought it was a member of the police department, but he didn't expect it to be Anko.

"Tonight's class reunion, I'm here to say hello to you, are you coming?"

Looking at Hongdou's arrogant eyes, Uchiha Ye's eyes flashed brightly after hearing this, but there was a smile on his face and he nodded: "Of course we will go to the old school reunion."

But in his heart he was secretly suspicious, Hongdou came to him for a party, was it someone doing it on purpose or was he thinking too much?

Thanks: 100 point coins rewarded by brother 'Gao Ye', thanks to all brothers for their various supports.

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