I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 63 Danzo Seduces Kakashi

Konoha Police Department.

"Ye, it's too dangerous for Kakashi to go on like this in Anbu. Let's ask the third generation. Now Kakashi's position in Anbu has been relieved, but with Kakashi's mental trauma, even going outside to perform missions will be dangerous. , so please sleep with me!"

In the office, Maitekai was kneeling respectfully at this time, and a solemn taxi came to ask him to leave his seat.

"Ye-kun! Now only the patrolling security team of the police department and the work of guarding the prison can allow Kakashi to recuperate for a while."

Seeing that Maitkai put down his dignity for Kakashi and came to the police department to plead with him in person, Uchiha Ye also sighed with emotion for the relationship between the two: "Kai, I understand your worries, After all, Kakashi is also my classmate, but I'm afraid Kakashi won't accept it."

"Ye, don't worry, Kakashi, I will bring him here."

At this time, when Maitekai raised his head, his eyes were full of firmness. Kakashi is too dangerous, and accidents are easy to happen. Ninja is a high-risk occupation. They have already looked down on it, but if it is because of mental trauma, they know it well, then they can't ignore it.

And Uchiha Ye looked like I was also worried about Kakashi, but he thought secretly in his heart. What he said that night was just a tentative casual sentence. He originally thought that he could communicate with Kakashi in the future After all, Kakashi today is the darkest time in his life, and it is also his only chance left.

Once Kakashi's heart is as firm as a rock, it will be difficult to instigate rebellion at that time, no! It should be a bad guide.

Kakashi was fired from Anbu? Maitekai, who was in front of him, came to request with a firm and resolute appearance.

There seemed to be something wrong, looking at Matt Kai who retreated, Uchiha Ye frowned even more, showing a hint of headache.

"It's true that the police department has become a den of spies. Anyone who wants to install a spy."

If he didn't know the plot of the original book, he would probably be deceived. He really thought that it was Maitekai, Asma Sarutobi and others who asked together.

Then, with the spirit of Maitekai's enthusiasm, let him come to the police department to beg his old classmate, and this matter became a reasonable and logical matter.

As a classmate, I discovered Kakashi's mental trauma, so I naturally wanted to enlighten him and find a way. I asked the third generation, but the third generation was shocked and said that I didn't know. After knowing it, he directly dismissed Kakashi Anbu and let him go home to rest.

Finally, as a gay friend, Maitkai is deeply worried about Kakashi's situation. After thinking about it, it seems that the police department is the most suitable job position. It is not only easy but not dangerous. Isn't this just giving Kakashi time to recover? Trauma?

Konoha, monument of consolation.

Kakashi’s eyes in front of the memorial monument under the setting sun were a little empty, as if he had fallen into a memory. The surrounding lawn was full of neat tombstones. All the heroes who died for Konoha’s heroic battle were buried here. Engraved with all their names.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and Kakashi instinctively walked out of the memory, staring sideways at the figure walking behind him.

The head of the visitor was wrapped in a bandage, and both Kakashi and Kakashi were showing one eye, and the other person was wearing dark green loose clothing, and was walking slowly towards the memorial monument.

"You are Kakashi Hatake."

When the visitor saw Kakashi, he said with a plain look, although the other party didn't know him, how could Kakashi, as a ninja who has worked in Anbu for so many years, not know.

"Danzo-sama!" Kakashi called the other party respectfully. He knew that the person in front of him was Shimura Danzo, the most mysterious and deepest hidden root leader among the six parts of Konoha, and his status was second only to Hokage-sama.

Danzo walked over with a bandage wrapped around his forehead and one eye, and the only eye was exposed. He looked at Kakashi calmly, and said indifferently: "Kakashi, I heard that you have been dismissed from Anbu, do you want to come under the old man's hand?" work?"

Kakashi was at a loss after hearing this, he was dismissed from Anbu's position, this is all on the bright side, go to the root?

"The fourth generation of Hokage who sent you to Anbu is no longer in this world. You returned to your post and became the direct subordinate of the third generation. And the third generation, who is a pacifist, delayed the war and killed Obito and Hokage. Lin's instigator."

Danzo said it plainly, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing, but Kakashi on the side was no longer indifferent after hearing this, but showed a dignified expression. (Danzo draws Kakashi's dialogue in the original anime)

And Shimura Danzo continued with a calm look, "Besides, the night when Kyuubi attacked, you failed to join the battle against Kyuubi because of the order of the third generation, and the fourth generation lost it because of this." life?"

First, I talked about the major mistakes Sarutobi Hiruzen made during the Third World War that caused Konoha to fall into a long war, and it was also because of this incident that the three generations took the blame and dismissed.

Then he talked about the death of Kakashi's teacher Namikaze Minato, and directly provoked the order of the third generation that night so that their younger generation did not participate in the war.

Danzo Shimura may not have the ability to bewitch people like Hiruzaru Sarutobi, but he also has his own uniqueness.

When Kakashi heard this, he couldn't help showing a little emotional fluctuation. This scene happened to be watched by Shimura Danzo, and one eye hidden behind the bandage narrowed even more, revealing a sinister smile, but the other His eyes were still calm and indifferent.

"I also don't want this to be a design for him to regain the position of Hokage, but Konoha's future cannot be entrusted to someone like him."

After finishing these words, Danzo Shimura walked slowly to the memorial monument and put down a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, and then chose to leave without looking back, but after turning around, the corners of his mouth curled up with a cold smile smile.

Sarutobi, Sarutobi, geniuses like Kakashi are the sharpest knives, and you choose to store them. Only when the knives are out of the sheath can they deter the enemy, instead of keeping the scabbard at home like you.

At this time, Hatake Kakashi was only fifteen years old. Although he had experienced many things, he was still not the 50-50 with a firm will later on. There were too many complicated emotions in Cassie's eyes.

Night of the Nine Tails! Is it the design of the third generation to return to the position of Naruto?

Shimura Danzo is indeed an old bastard who evokes the darkness of people's hearts. Although he didn't say for sure, just one sentence made Kakashi fall into a dark struggle.

At this time, Kakashi's eyes in front of the comfort monument became even more confused. It is an indisputable fact that the third generation ordered them not to participate in the night of the Kyuubi. Daime? Why did the third generation issue such an order?

And that night, why did the fourth generation's teacher and his wife die, and the teacher's child became Renzhuriki, but what happened to Renzhuriki!

This scene continued to emerge, and the kind smile of the third generation in Hatake Kakashi's mind was even more gloomy at this time, which made Kakashi break out in a cold sweat for a while, and the eyes appeared even more. He looked terrified.

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