I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 72 The village belongs to Uchiha! (Seek to follow up)

Konoha Village shrouded in night exudes a peaceful atmosphere.

In the office of the Seventh Division of the Police Department, the moonlight shone in, and the room seemed a little messy, and there were three figures at the same time.

"The intelligence is false? The enemy's estrangement? Then why!"

At this time, Kakashi fell into deep self-blame, and Uchiha Ye's pair of double hook jades kept echoing in his mind with fierce murderous aura. He knew that if he dared to leak this information, the other party would really kill him. over him.

"If this is true!"

At this moment, Kakashi thought of a certain possibility, and a look of fear and tension appeared in his eyes.

The Sandaime Hokage that Danzo said was a terrifying conspirator, but according to the information just now, it seems that Danzo is also an unscrupulous person. On the contrary, Uchiha, who was suppressed, was under boundless suppression and shouldered the safety of guarding Konoha.

"Guarding Konoha, is this the duty of the Police Department?" Kakashi murmured to himself, as if he remembered the declaration when he first joined the Police Department. The determination of the village, this seems to be the duty of the police department.

"Is this the real Uchiha!"

Kakashi showed a bitter smile. It seemed ironic for Uchiha to guard this Konoha, but this is what he experienced personally.

Pride, self-esteem, arrogance, and arrogance are all Uchiha's characters, but what he actually feels is the hidden faces of these characters.

The third generation is a conspirator, Danzo is an unscrupulous person, and Uchiha has something to do with the Kyuubi Rebellion. At this moment, Kakashi's mind is a little messed up, and even he has a deep sense of strangeness.

Konoha! This peaceful and warm village does not seem to be as good as he imagined, and there is endless darkness hidden under it.

"Kyuubi was manipulated by Sharingan, and the roots were secretly collecting Sharingan! Could it be!" When Kakashi suddenly thought of a certain possibility, there was only deep fear in Kakashi's eyes, as if he felt a sense of suffocation.

Touching the Sharingan in his left eye, Kakashi was filled with fear, "Kyuubi is manipulated by Sharingan, but Sharingan is not only controlled by Uchiha, then!"

If Nebu Danzo really collected Sharingan, then there will be one more suspicious clue to the Kyuubi Rebellion, and Genbu is the Hokage series. Does the Third Hokage know? What role does it play in it?

Kakashi looked at the classmate in front of him with a complicated expression at this time. At this time, he didn't even notice that the thunder attribute numbness in his body was disappearing with the passage of time, and Uchiha Shisui was also unable to calm down.

At this time, the Sangouyu Sharingans in Shisui's eye sockets twirled wildly, and finally stopped here. In the office of the police department, moonlight shone in, and Uchiha Ya sat on a chair with a calm expression.

"Brother Ye!"

At this time, Shisui wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't know how to say it. Uchiha Ye calmly watched the two sitting on the chair, and said indifferently: "Just pretend that nothing happened tonight. Forget about tonight. Shisui, you are still my clan, Kakashi, I will still regard you as a companion, even on the battlefield, I will still rest assured that I will give my back to you."

Ya Uchiha slowly closed his eyes and sat on an office chair, as if he was enjoying the moonlight. However, this scene fell into the eyes of the two, but it was the one who carried everything on his back and forged ahead.

For Sangouyu's Sharingan, the information just now was deeply imprinted in their minds with their super insight and copying ability.

At this time, Uchiha Ye secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After waiting for three full days, the fish finally took the bait. He wanted to catch Kakashi, but he never thought that there would be an unexpected harvest of Shisui.

The content of the intelligence he deliberately hid in the office is very simple, that is, the information of the Uchiha clan who died unexpectedly in the third battle of the Uchiha clan and even seemed to self-destruct before dying in the battle.

All kinds of clues suggest that Anbu or Genbu in the village secretly planned to collect Sharingan. So far, there are six pairs of Sangouyu Sharingan suspected of being lost.

These are all true, but are there any clues to prove whether it is the root or the anbu? These clues were added by him. But also he knew that what he attached was true.

Want to fool people, no! If you want to draw Kakashi into your team, the most important thing is never to make fakes, because the fake ones will be exposed one day.

When did Danzo start transplanting Sharingan in the original book? This is not clearly marked, but from some intelligence analysis in the anime, Danzo has definitely been transplanted before the genocide.

First, when Kakashi was in Anbu, Danzo ordered Jia (Yamato) to retrieve Kakashi's Sharingan. Second, Danzo used the Izanagi forbidden technique when he captured Shisui's right eye.

From the above, it can be judged that Danzo had obtained the power of Sharingan before the Uchiha extermination. After all, the transplanted and cultivated arms are all masterpieces of Orochimaru. And not long after the genocide, Itachi joined Akatsuki, and after Orochimaru was defeated, he became crazy and obsessed with Sharingan. How could Orochimaru kindly do this for Danzo at this time.

Therefore, it can be inferred that Danzo's arm sharing eye transplantation was done before Orochimaru defected.

"Night!" At this time, Kakashi was covering the wound on his shoulder, looking at his old classmate with a complicated expression, but he could see that under this atmosphere, he left the office silently with the blinking technique, and a black spot appeared in the night. Keep jumping away.

When there were only two people left in the office, Shisui said in a solemn voice, "Brother Ye, my surname is Uchiha! I am a member of Uchiha, and I have the right to know everything!"

When he said this, Zhishui showed an even more ashamed look, as if all the darkness was carried forward by Brother Ye, but he didn't know anything about the strength he had in his life.

"Brother Ye! Please! I am also Uchiha!"

In the end, Uchiha Shisui solemnly and directly asked for a very correct etiquette to leave the seat. Shisui lowered his head until he didn't hear the voice he wanted, as if he couldn't get up.

Seeing Shisui's persistence, Uchiha Ye's seemingly pretended calm gradually dissipated, and finally a long sigh full of exhaustion resounded in the dark office.

"Shisui, you have to remember that the glory of the surname Uchiha, Konoha was created by Uchiha and Senju, and now that Senju is gone, Uchiha has to shoulder the responsibility of protecting Konoha."

At this time, Uchiha Ye's face was full of determination, as if he was saying Shisui, your thinking is a bit narrow, how can you patronize the family.

At this moment, Shisui was shocked when he heard it, and he blamed himself secretly, yes, when did his mind become narrow, and he only thought that he was Uchiha, but forgot about the village.

It has never been so easy to gradually change a person's beliefs, and Uchiha Ye has never thought of destroying other people's beliefs. Compared with destroying beliefs, it is better to destroy this belief before the other party's belief in oneself is still vague. Vague beliefs were replaced by what he thought.

At this time, Shisui didn't even realize that his beliefs gradually became clearer. While the obsession of Uchiha protecting Konoha in his heart became more and more firm, he unconsciously regarded Konoha as Uchiha created existence.

The village belongs to Uchiha!

Brothers, I was recommended by PK Sanjiang. The students in the same period are all big bosses. I just want to be at the bottom and get mixed up in it. I want to follow up. Brothers who raise books, please work hard for four days, and you can just stay until Tuesday.

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