The light snowflakes are slowly falling from the sky, adding a snow-white beauty to the leaves.

Hyuga Clan.

The fringe area of ​​the quaint houses, here is the residence of the separated family. From the layout of the house, it can be seen that the houses of the separated family are all guarding the house belonging to the main family in the central area.

Inside the wooden house, a pot of steaming tea slowly slanted out. Holding the teapot to make tea, Hinata Hinata had a serious look on his face, without the slightest distraction in his demeanor, all of which showed his background of a thousand-year-old wealthy family .

"Please!" After brewing the tea, Hinata Nisai respectfully motioned to taste the tea.

Seeing Hinata Nizashi who always acted so rigidly like that face, Uchiha Ye smiled. Although there was something wrong, he could not be rude in terms of etiquette. This is mutual respect.

"Please!" Picking up the teacup, Uchiha Ye also signaled very politely. The two of them looked at the flying snow outside and sipped hot tea in the house, as if they had a unique taste.

Squinting his eyes and tasting the tea in his mouth with an expression of enjoyment, Uchiha Ye couldn't help being intoxicated and said: "Senior Nishiza's tea ceremony skills are really top-notch."

"Yejun, you are too polite."

The demeanor of the two is full of etiquette that abides by the rules, which completely represents the communication between the two big families, without any overstepping.

Although there is no so-called three rounds of drinking, after drinking a few cups of tea, the two of them looked calm, as if today is to drink tea and enjoy the snow.

Hinata Hinata's self-cultivation skills are absolutely in place, but Uchiha Ye can bear it, but he doesn't want to waste more time here, after all, his time is already tense.

A year has passed since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and Itachi is now six years old, and will soon be seven.

However, when the protagonist was three years old, a major event happened, that is, the incident of the Hyuga clan. Obviously, under such circumstances, Konoha must have had a relatively large turmoil, which is why the Kingdom of Thunder took advantage of the fire to loot.

As for this turmoil, I am afraid that only the defection of Teacher Orochimaru can cause turmoil in the entire Konoha, and even in the ninja world.

"How old is the child of senior day difference?"

Yoshi Uchiha put down his teacup with a smile on his face that made it impossible to see his intentions, but Hyuga Hyuzai said quietly with a straight face after hearing this: "Ningji will be four years old soon after the Chinese New Year."

"Time is so fast, Neji will be four years old soon." Under Uchiha Ya's calm smile, no one can see anything at all. Hinata Hinata is also very calm, but the next sentence is Hinata Hinza Cultivation is completely reduced to nothingness.

"Four years old is not too young. I heard that the children of the main family will be three years old after the new year. Mr. Oshemaru wants to see the caged bird of the Hyuga branch."

Uchiha Ye's light words made Hyuga Hizashi's expression tremble immediately, Nizashi, who was keeping making tea, only realized when the tea overflowed, and hurriedly restrained his chaotic heart, took out a towel to wipe Tea spilled on the table.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry."

After apologizing respectfully and politely, although Hinata Nichizai still had the same old-fashioned appearance, it was obvious that his heart was in a mess. After Uchiha Ye saw this, he nodded with a chuckle and said: "It's senior, you are too polite, I'm the one who interrupted you today."

Under the proper etiquette, the two seem to have returned to the atmosphere of tasting tea and enjoying the snow again, but at this time, Hyuga and Riza's heart is already in a mess, and the tea in their mouths is even more bitter.

Uchiha Ye, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and looked like he was enjoying himself. His elegant movements of drinking tea and admiring the snow revealed his noble origin everywhere.

At this moment, Uchiha Ye seemed to be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, while Hyuga and Nisashi were full of torment. What he said just now made him lower his head, but the words "caged bird" kept circling in his mind.

Three years old! When the heir of the clan was three years old, it was time for Ningji to engrave the bird in the cage. He kept suppressing the anger and unwillingness in his heart. He was able to suppress it in front of outsiders, even in the family. It's the madness that keeps leaking out, all because of one person's name.


Leng Jun Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, is a genius of ninjutsu, especially in the field of ninjutsu research and development, he is the most outstanding existence of Konoha in the world. Unrefined genius.

At this time, Hinata Hizashi resisted the throbbing in his heart, but his hand holding the teacup was trembling uncontrollably, and the tea in his mouth was already tasteless.

Orochimaru may really be able to break through this cage for their Hinata branch!

After this idea appeared in his mind, it began to spread crazily. Hyuga Hizai even crazily wanted to suppress this idea in his heart, but he couldn't control it at all. Pictures kept flashing in his mind. The scene of crying and begging for mercy in front of him is a scene of complete loss of dignity.

at last! When Ningji Hinata's immature smile appeared in his mind, Hinata Hinata woke up instantly.

The teacup fell to the ground without being stable, and the delicate teacup on the wooden floor whirled. Hyuga Hinata hurriedly stood up and bowed down to apologize, "I was rude."

However, at this time, Hinata and Hizai didn't realize that there were dense beads of sweat on his forehead, and his entire back was already soaked in sweat.

After seeing Hinata Nyza's throbbing expression, Uchiha Ye smiled and bent down to return: "I'm the one who disturbed Nyza-senior."

After finishing speaking, he was about to get up and make a gesture. Today's tea tasting and snow appreciation are over. After seeing this, Hinata Nissai just wanted to extend his hand to stay, but he didn't know how to speak, and his hesitant look was even more conspicuous.

However, Uchiha Ye smiled modestly and said: "Senior Nisai, if you have time, you can come to me, after all, only by checking the birdcage yourself can you have a chance to find the existence of the 'cage door', right? "

Under the pointed smile, Uchiha Ye slowly bowed and saluted under the polite smile, and made a gesture to retreat and leave, but when Hyuga Nisashi heard the straightforward words, a far-fetched and stiff expression appeared on his face. Smile, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"By the way, senior Nishizai, there is a lot of research funding gap for Mr. Oshemaru recently. After all, when I came here today, many eyes were staring at me."

When he went out to change his shoes, Uchiha Ye suddenly turned his head and showed a modest smile as if he suddenly remembered something.

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Ye bowed down respectfully and said: "Thank you for your hospitality, senior Nisasa, I'll go first."

Seeing the figure of Uchiha Ye leaving in the snowflakes, Hinata Hinata showed a complex look on his face.

"Father? Father?"

I don't know how long it has passed, when suddenly a familiar shout came from beside my ear, Hinata Hinata turned around in a panic rarely, and saw a timid and immature face, looking at him worriedly at this moment, as if worried about his father's panic .

When seeing this immature face connected by blood, the terrible thought in Hinata Hidezai's heart spread crazily.

He knew what the other party meant in the last sentence. Today, when Uchiha Ye came to visit, many people were staring at him. There must be a reasonable excuse, and Dashewan's research funds are a reasonable excuse.

Thanks: 100 points for the reward from the "Troubledest" brother, and 100 points for the reward from the "heart plus blade for tolerance".

Thanks to all the brothers who have supported the experience, thank you.

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