I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 84 The Politics of Orochimaru

Underground secret base.

In the dark study room, Orochimaru showed a morbid smile on his face, looking at the huge scroll in front of him, he suddenly showed an unscrupulous smile.

"Haha, Dirty Reincarnation! There is such a ninjutsu in the ninja world. It is a combination of onmyoji and ninjutsu, which is almost extinct. It is a perfect combination. This is simply another key to unlock the mysteries of the soul."

Under Orochimaru's hoarse and perverted laughter, two drops of sad tears flowed from the corners of her purple eyes.

And just entering the study, seeing Orochimaru's gaffe, Uchiha Ye couldn't help frowning slightly, but he walked forward silently and didn't say anything, instead, he looked at the huge scroll calmly.

The dirt is reincarnated!

Looking at the record of this ninjutsu, Uchiha Ye felt a sudden look in his heart. No wonder Uchiha Madara knew this ninjutsu in the original book, and even knew how to unseal it.

You must know that this ninjutsu was invented by the Second Hokage, but the time when this ninjutsu was invented is a bit contradictory. If it was invented at the beginning of Konoha, Madara knew that it could be explained, but the second generation in the country of Thunder If it doesn't work, it's a little unreasonable. Therefore, this ninjutsu has not been perfected, it is an incomplete ninjutsu, Madara knows, and the second generation of Tsuchikage also knew this ninjutsu, it can only be explained that this ninjutsu is not perfect. (justified)

This evil ninjutsu appeared in the Warring States Period. Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma teamed up to defeat each other, and this ninjutsu was included in the spoils they got, but it seemed to be destroyed and not complete.

"Hehe, Ye-kun, this forbidden technique was intended to be revived by the second Hokage back then, but it's a pity that this ninjutsu has only just begun preliminary experiments."

At this time, Orochimaru showed a sincere smile like a boy who has obtained a treasure. In his eyes, these forbidden techniques are more important than anything else. After all, they completely gave him two keys to chasing longevity.

The dirt is reincarnated! If he really succeeds in developing the ninjutsu of playing with the soul, he will be able to understand the mystery of the soul more clearly, and thus explore the mystery of longevity.

Reincarnate! It completely gave him a way to keep himself permanently young by transforming his young body.

The two forbidden techniques seem to be completely different from each other, but the body-changing technique of reincarnation has already involved the mysterious soul, so these two forbidden techniques are completely tailor-made for Orochimaru.

Looking at Orochimaru who has gradually become obsessed with the road to longevity, Uchiha Ye frowned and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Orochimaru, it seems that there has been no voice in the village to recommend the fifth generation for a long time."

The dim study room was suddenly extremely quiet, and the obsessed and morbid smile on Da Shemaru's face also slowly dissipated, turning his head to look at him, and said with a hoarse laugh: "Ye-kun, it seems that you care about this Fifth Hokage very much."

Facing Orochimaru's words, Uchiha Ye nodded bluntly and spoke his mind.

"That's right, if Mr. Orochimaru becomes the Fifth Hokage, the Uchiha clan won't have to be squeezed out, and they can even enter the high-level Konoha as a matter of course. The entire Konoha will become the teacher's backing, which can provide endless resources to study the art of longevity. "

"Similarly, as a disciple, I can also take off the burden." Uchiha Ye did not go against his will in these words. What he said was the truth. Konoha has a higher right, so there is no need to worry so much.

After all, it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and it is still very easy to rely on Orochimaru, as long as you still have value.

Looking at his outstanding and most satisfied disciple so far, Orochimaru showed a smile, took out a scroll and threw it over without mentioning the forbidden technique.

"This is the defense map of Konoha Village's current borders. It also includes the business shares controlled by the major families in the Fire Kingdom. For example, the Nara family manages 40% of the medicinal material business in the Fire Kingdom, and the Akimichi family manages Konoha. Fifty percent of the military supplies in the village, the grain pills, the intelligence department that controls Konoha in the mountains, and other families..."

"The major families in the village have completely divided up all the cakes in Konoha. Even your Uchiha clan is involved in medicinal materials and military food pills. Although there are not many, the Heyuga clan controls the largest hand in the entire Fire Kingdom. Riken, Kunai, Chakra metal business."

At this time, Orochimaru seems to be no longer a fanatic who is simply obsessed with the forbidden technique of longevity, but a skilled politician, always steady, and his eyes are shining with wisdom. The big family's intelligence was analyzed over and over again.

At this time, Orochimaru is a wise politician. Uchiha Ye opened the scroll and saw all the information above. This is completely analyzing all the interests of Konoha Wakayu, and how much each major family occupies.

Seeing Uchiha Ye's dignified expression, Orochimaru showed his unique and hoarse smile, "Today's Konoha is already a pool of stagnant water, and all the interests have been divided up clearly and clearly. Junni's political mind is really the strongest among the young generation I have seen in my life, even stronger than my teacher."

"But there is one thing you have never understood, that is, there is a king in this pool of stagnant water, an unshakable king and a group of supporters, as long as this king nods, this pool of stagnant water will naturally come back to life, the weak will survive and the strong will survive Maybe a strong king can come out and lead this pool of stagnant water to become stronger, of course, it is also possible to completely decline after the weak eat the strong."

"The water pool is just that big, but the king was afraid at the final peak moment. He was afraid that the kingdom he created would collapse, and he was afraid that the idea he led would be replaced by others, and this king was also extremely conceited."

At this time, Orochimaru's pale golden snake eyes were full of profundity, as if a philosopher was telling the current political situation.

"King! No matter who you are, you have your own pride. He can allow someone to defeat him who is about to age, or allow someone to replace him, but he will never allow anyone to trample on his ideas! Trample his will!"

"Every powerful ninja has his own firm philosophy, just like you and me!" When he said this, Orochimaru gave Uchiha Ye a meaningful look and said with a hoarse laugh: "Just like Ye Jun, your bones You are extremely proud, even if you are facing me, Teacher, you are born with pride in your bones, and you will not be dominated by anyone's will."

At this time, Uchiha Ye understood the meaning of Orochimaru. Today's three generations are the kings at the last peak, and Orochimaru is the king of the new generation. Both of them have their own ideas, and no one will succumb to the other.

If Orochimaru wants to be in the top position, it is the third generation that cannot be avoided. If the third generation does not nod, then what Orochimaru is facing is all the families and ninjas who have the third generation as their interest group.

Although Orochimaru's current power is strong, there are even two giants, Uchiha and Hinata, and countless civilian ninjas, but will they fight for Orochimaru? Will you fight under this kind of political struggle?

Desperation means tearing face, politics is tearing face, failure means being out. Instead, they abide by the rules of the political market. They are investing. If Orochimaru loses, what they output is all the betting chips, not all their net worth.

Getting out means that the game is over, and the losers will output the chips they put on, which means it's over. But if you put all your wealth on it, it means that the chessboard is overturned.

Many of the civilian ninjas are betting on it, but what about the Hyuga and Uchiha clans? Hinata won't, what about the Uchiha clan?

At this time, Uchiha Ye showed a wry smile. Although Uchiha made a bet, he only wanted to return to the center of power in the village. How could he lift the chessboard now? Also only the future, not the present.

Uchiha will not put all his wealth on Orochimaru! Unless the candidate this time is someone from their Uchiha!

Now a chapter is 2,000 words, and starting tomorrow, it will be a big chapter, a chapter of 4,000 words, so it will be updated. The number of words and two more have not changed.

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