I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 91 Testimonials

Thank you brothers for your support. Although I failed to advance to Sanjiang, I still want to thank you.

Thanks to the leader of the brother for the reward, I agreed to add 10,000 words in the book friend group, don’t worry, I will not make a mistake, a total of 20,000 words will be updated on the day it is put on the shelf, and I would like to thank all the brothers who support Koi.

Available Friday! Update after 12:00 noon, there may be a slight delay of a few minutes, please don't worry.

I lost my job due to the epidemic in May last year. I had no choice but to go home. As a person in my thirties and with a low education background, I could only try to work full-time.

It’s not bad since last year. At least full-time writing is a bit tiring, and there is no guarantee, but I like this job very much, and I do it with dignity.

So brothers, don’t worry, some people make sarcastic remarks in the book reviews, asking if they really want to be eunuchs if they don’t go to Sanjiang.

If there is nothing to do after it is put on the shelves, 8,000 words will be updated stably every day. At the same time, let me tell my brothers that after the shelves are released, there will be large chapters, the kind of 4,000 words per chapter, so don’t just look at the number of chapters, you need to look at the quality.

The author of a chapter of 2,000 words is equivalent to four updates a day, and a book friend who joined the subscription group said, "The author can update 5,000 words a day after it is on the shelf." I said that I need to eat to stabilize 8,000 words a day update it.

Ha ha ^_^

It’s not that I can’t update more, the last book suffered from this update, the author’s talent is limited, and the code word speed is not fast enough, the last book [Red Cloud: Li Mahayana Buddhism Sanctification], updated more than 1.2 words per day , more than 440,000 words were updated in the first month, and 380,000 words were updated in the second month.

The previous book was updated very aggressively in the early stage, tens of thousands almost every day, but the result was that the quantity was pursued, and the quality could not be guaranteed. Therefore, this book learned from the pain and decided to ensure the quality first and then pursue the quantity.

It will be put on shelves after 12:00 noon on March 10th, and the five chapters will be updated with 20,000 words. At the same time, the update time will be revised from the 11th, and the update time will be set to update after 8:00 am. After all, many updates after 0:00 will have to stay up late , it is better to change it to update at 8 o'clock every morning in the future.

I don’t cry miserably, and I don’t cry poor. After being able to write full-time and having both dreams and making money, I feel very happy. It can be said that I am much happier than many people.

The author is a small place, a fourth-tier city, haha, so I can write books to support my family and I will work hard in the past two years. I will write until I am 35 years old.

Please subscribe. Brothers who read the original version thank you for your support. Only with your authors can we go far. The better the grades, the stricter the anti-theft measures at the starting point. got it.

At the same time, I would like to report the current results of this book to all my brothers, with 19,600 collections and 2,600+ follow-ups before it was put on the shelves.

(Whispering, someone asked why the harem is not open, how old is the protagonist, and like this society, the basis for opening a harem is the power and money)

I wish the brothers who have been supporting the author all the best, the God of Wealth, academic success, career success, and good health.

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