I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 95 Three Generations! You are still ruthless!

Just after the new year, the ninja school in Konoha, where the winter snow has not completely melted, has a big news. The eldest son of the Uchiha clan has graduated ahead of schedule.

Itachi Uchiha successfully graduated from the ninja school at the age of seven. Although he did not break the history, it was enough to cause a sensation. The main reason is his identity. You must know that he is the eldest son of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the number one wealthy family in Konoha.

The Ninja School has almost every family and countless civilian children studying here, so it is naturally the fastest channel for news to spread.

Ninja school.

As a genius who graduated early, it happened that the third Hokage passed by the ninja school and after hearing about it, he decided to personally award the child a ninja quota.

In the classroom, countless students looked enviously at the seven-year-old Uchiha Itachi passing the graduation exam, which even alarmed the Sandai Hokage who happened to come to the school.

"Itachi Uchiha, congratulations on your graduation."

Under countless applause, Uchiha Itachi, who was only seven years old, put on the forehead guard as a Konoha ninja, and officially became a Konoha ninja.

Looking at the immature Uchiha Itachi in front of him, the Third Hokage showed a hint of memory, and couldn't help but sigh: "Itachi, do you know what the will of fire is? What is your dream?"

At this time, the third generation came to the ninja school by coincidence, but it was actually deliberate. After all, Uchiha Itachi's application form for early graduation requires him to come.

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't help showing emotion, the precocious gaze of the young man in front of him made him feel a little bit, he couldn't let this genius go astray.

"The will of fire? A dream?"

Although Uchiha Itachi is only seven years old today, but he has a precocious mind, and has experienced the teachings of his teacher Uchiha Ye, and the frequent reminders of his elder brother Shisui, he suddenly felt cold.

It has to be said that Uchiha Itachi, who is only seven years old, is born with the aptitude of a powerful ninja, and this calm attitude alone is enough to explain everything.

Perhaps it was his usual facial paralysis, or his calm state of mind, which made Uchiha Itachi secretly glance at the Third Hokage, and he couldn't help feeling suspicious.

really! Brother Shisui is right, his status is destined to be extraordinary, and it will also attract the attention of some people. I am afraid that someone will find a breakthrough from him, which will affect Master Orochimaru to become the Fifth Hokage.

Yes, now the Uchiha clan is betting on Orochimaru. Naturally, the heroism of Orochimaru is passed down in the whole family. Similarly, Itachi will inevitably be affected. He is also full of hope for the future Hokage, and he also does not want to give up on the current position of power. The Three Generations of Hokage, his heart is full of criticism.

Uchiha Itachi, who sighed secretly, muttered, Brother Shisui is right, the regime of the Three Hokages has decayed.

"My dream is that the village can be peaceful."

Uchiha Itachi revealed his dream with a smile, he didn't lie, he was telling the truth, and the Third Hokage was startled when he saw this scene, and then there was a kind smile on his old face, maybe Itachi and Other Uchihas are different.

"Itachi, do you know the will of fire?" Sandaime sighed melancholy, and then started talking to himself.

"Where the leaves dance, the fire is always alive. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout. Old man Itachi believes that you will become the flame of the leaves in the future."

At this moment, the Third Hokage completely turned into a MLM master who instilled his own political ideas, and taught the so-called will of fire in the classroom eloquently. For a while, the children in the classroom showed excited expressions one by one, This is completely brainwashing for minors.

Uchiha Itachi glanced across the classroom from the corner of his eye, seeing the fanatical expressions on the immature faces of each and every one of his classmates, he suddenly felt chills in his heart, with a look of panic.

this! This is very similar to what Teacher Ye said. Some small countries brainwash children aged five or six for their own interests, turning them into fanatical war machines.

Will of Fire?

Thinking of this, Itachi Uchiha glanced at Hokage III, who was eloquently speaking, and saw the white hair protruding from Hokage's temples. Suddenly he was secretly startled. The child became a ninja to participate in the war, but the old man enjoyed the rights, and he was dedicated to The village is good.

Is this the corrupt high-level that brother Zhishui said?

At this time, although Uchiha Ye knew that he had an impact on Itachi, he never thought it would be so big, especially the existence of Shisui.

Originally, he asked Zhishui to teach Itachi. One is that the two in the original book got along very well as teachers and friends, and the other is that Shishui's thinking has begun to change now. Naturally, teaching Itachi will also transmit his own thoughts.

But he never thought that the two of them came because of Taihe, coupled with Itachi's precocious wisdom, Zhishui actually turned Itachi's thoughts so deeply.

At the end of the speech, Sandaime still felt unsatisfied, but when he turned his head to see Uchiha Itachi's firm expression, he immediately smiled with relief.

"Hehe, Itachi, you will definitely inherit the village's will of fire in the future."

At this time, Sandaimu never thought that a seven-year-old child could have such a big misinterpretation of the high-level, coupled with this firm look, he thought the brainwashing was successful.

However, he didn't know that under Uchiha Itachi's firm expression at this time, he secretly decided in his heart that he must change all this, and help Shisui and Teacher Ye to change everything that is corrupt.

"Don't worry Hokage-sama, Uchiha Itachi will definitely inherit the will of fire."

Looking at the old face of the third generation, Uchiha Itachi remembered the scenes he saw on the battlefield. There were young and immature faces dying on the battlefield. He immediately made up his mind and nodded firmly.

"Hehe, Itachi, as expected, the old man has not misjudged you." At this time, the Third Hokage was full of relief. Sure enough, the child Itachi inherited the will of fire, and he has strengthened his ninja way at such a young age.

After a misunderstanding, or the third generation's wrong consciousness, he didn't know that he had buried a nail in his side in the future.

The wise third generation has long discovered Uchiha Itachi's dissatisfaction with the war, and even the thoughts that are incompatible with the Uchiha clan. At this moment, he never thought much about it. He didn't even know that the current Itachi was abducted because his thinking was too advanced. to the other extreme.

And Itachi Uchiha looked at the middle-aged face of the Third Hokage, and the looming age spots on his cheeks, and thought of a sentence that Brother Shisui was dissatisfied with the corruption of the high-level.

What is the record of the strongest Hokage of the third generation? Have you been to the battlefield after becoming Hokage? Do you have those achievements? To say that the strongest point of the three generations of Hokage is probably this time in power.

On the other hand, today's ninja school students hardly know that the first generation, the second generation, and even the fourth generation are beginning to forget. At this moment, Itachi Uchiha only felt that there were hands in the dark. This fear made him feel suffocated, terrifying!

For the village! For Uchiha! I must do something!

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi's belief is so firm.


Naruto Office.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who returned to the office in the afternoon, couldn't help showing a gratified smile, and lit his pipe in satisfaction.

"Hehe, it seems that this child, Itachi, is really likely to inherit the will of fire, as well as the offspring of the mirror."

Thinking of this, Sandaime puffed out the smoke, and the white smoke covered his sight, but he smiled.

"Hehe, it seems that the child Zhishui needs to be contacted."

Uchiha Shisui, the descendant of Kagami, he met at the beginning, is definitely a ninja who simply accepted the influence of the will of fire. Unfortunately, he was in a hurry because of the three wars, and finally retired behind the scenes and the fourth generation came to power and so on. However, he didn't even have time to have a good talk with this child.

"Master Naruto, urgent report from the front line!"

At this moment, with a whoosh, a black figure flashed like a flea, and it was the Anbu staff who appeared in the Hokage office with the instant body technique.

Looking at the urgent report sent by Anbe, the Third Hokage frowned and slowly opened the letter, but when he saw the content of the letter, his frown suddenly relaxed, and his impending old age reverberated in the office. laughter.

"Hehe, okay, Shinnosuke finally made a great contribution to Konoha."

The Kingdom of Thunder is about to re-sign a peace contract with Konoha. This is the urgent report from the front, and the Third Hokage, who is full of endless yearning for peace, is naturally full of relief, and there is even a sense of pride.

Because Sarutobi Shinnosuke is his son, although there are countless ninjas helping him, and Nara Shikahisa, a think tank, none of this can erase the credit of Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the commander-in-chief.

"Okay, let the frontline Shinnosuke ask Nara Shikahisa a lot, and we must negotiate with the country of Thunder, and confirm the negotiation time as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Anbe bowed his head and responded in a deep voice, then disappeared into Hokage's office with a swish.

A smile appeared on Sandaimu's face. At this moment, he looked at the heads on Hokage Rock through the window, and suddenly showed a melancholy expression.

"Peace is coming, this old man will definitely carry out the will of fire."


Dark root base.

Although this matter is confidential, it is not shady news either, so it naturally reached the ears of the root leader Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo, who was sitting in the dark secret room, couldn't help frowning when he saw the information that came from him.

"I didn't expect the Land of Thunder to be ready to sign a peace treaty so soon, so Shinnosuke Sarutobi of the Land of Thunder will make this great contribution."

Thinking of this, Danzo Shimura narrowed his exposed eye, and tapped his fingers on the desk lightly.

With such a great achievement, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's reputation will be raised to a higher level, so what about Orochimaru? Orochimaru's power is too strong right now.

The Uchiha and Hyuga families gave their full support. If they take this opportunity to knock down Orochimaru's reputation and then take this opportunity to send Orochimaru to the front line, Sarutobi Shinnosuke may not be able to suppress this Orochi, and may even be humiliated.

In this way, the prestige of Orochimaru can be abolished without any effort, and the new star Sarutobi Shinnosuke can be hit, the best of both worlds, thinking that the two Hokage candidates are almost abolished at once, when the time comes! Then the position of Hokage will be in front of you! Sarutobi abdicates! The conclusion of a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Thunder in his hands became a key step for him to become Hokage.

Thinking of this for a while, Shimura Danzo suddenly felt more wonderful the more he thought about it, his expression became a little excited, and he couldn't help muttering: "Oshemaru, it's because you are too out of control, you are too It's dangerous, I originally thought about attacking you next year, but unfortunately, this opportunity is once in a lifetime, the only one to blame is the fact that the power behind you is too strong."

Originally, he wanted to pick something about signing the contract with Lei Zhiguo this time. It's best to make Sarutobi Shinnosuke lose his prestige if he can't make it up and down, and wait until next year for Orochimaru.

But right now, Orochimaru's power is expanding rapidly, especially when he is stuck in the neck of Orochimaru's funds, but Hinata and Uchiha, the two oldest clans, are on the side of Orochimaru, and they continue to provide funds. It made him a little anxious for a while.

Even if he fails this time, it doesn't matter. Sarutobi Shinnosuke still has a long way to go before he can take the position of Hokage. At least three generations have to pave the way for this kid for a few years, but Orochimaru is different, with enough prestige and strength. If it weren't for their high-level suppression, Orochimaru would have taken office as the Fifth Hokage with a wave of his arms.

"The country of water seems to be a little turbulent. Maybe Orochimaru can be transferred to the border of the country of water to guard against the border of the country of water, as well as Hinata and Uchiha!"

When thinking of these two giants, especially the existence of Uchiha, Shimura Danzo suddenly narrowed that eye, revealing a sinister color, and the assassination technique of Wuyin village is good at water escape, which just restrains fire escape , so that Uchiha can be cut down.

The root began to move secretly, and although such a movement could not escape the eyes of the third generation, the third generation was still careless, and in the end he had to pay for his own carelessness.

Konoha high-level conference room.

There was a scent of tea in the meeting room, and the two of them, Xiaochun and Mitomenyan, were holding teacups and slowly sipping.

"Xiaochun, Danzo's methods seem to have gone too far, and he secretly started to capture the ninjas in the village."

Mitomonyan was obviously dissatisfied. Although they wanted to hit Orochimaru's reputation, it was obviously too much. After hearing this, Zhuanzu Xiaochun nodded calmly, but then shook his head with a sigh.

"Danzo's method is indeed a bit excessive, but he should give up. He is so old and still fighting for Hokage, but since Sarutobi didn't refute, then he must have acquiesced, so let's wait and see."

As Konoha's high-level executives, they nodded and agreed to the plan this time. Naturally, Danzo did not shy away from these old friends of his.

Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan nodded helplessly. Although they also knew that the third generation seemed to have indulged in Danzo's behavior in recent years, they couldn't say anything, after all, it was all for Konoha.

However, what they didn't know was that the third generation in Hokage's office was smoking a pipe, and when he looked at the scroll that Danzo had come to offer, he sighed faintly and shook his head: "Go down, tell Danzo not to go too far .”

He chose to acquiesce, and he also didn't want to see how Danzo dealt with his apprentice. In the hearts of the three generations, he was still a teacher, so let Danzo, Mitomon Yan, and Zhuanju Xiaochun do this matter.

In this way, the third Hokage didn't care, and Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Koharu thought that the third Hokage knew about it. Under such a self-righteous misunderstanding, Danzo at the root couldn't help but take a deep breath, and couldn't help it. Those who lived secretly exclaimed, "Okay, you three generations, you are really cruel and merciless. It seems that this time you are really going to drive Orochimaru into a place of eternal doom."

What he ordered the root personnel to send to the third generation was a plan, which was usually sent by him, and then the third generation warned to revise it, but this time he acquiesced directly. He was ready to wait for the third generation to reply. The means are more tactful, but this is the result?

Three generations! You are still ruthless! The old man still underestimated you.

Ask for support, 20,000 words broke out today, and it will be delivered at the fifth watch! At the same time, thank the leader for the reward.

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