I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 97: The Easiest Space Ninjutsu

Following the news that the Kingdom of Thunder was going to sign a peace treaty with Konoha, there was an atmosphere of peace in Konoha Village, and cheerful smiles were everywhere.

Under the night, the laughter and laughter in Muye Village gradually dissipated, and people began to fall asleep one after another.

In an ordinary apartment, the door opened with a creak, and the tired and lazy voice echoed in the empty room.

"I'm back."

Dressed in dark gray clothes, with a dark blue turban wrapped around his head and a forehead that symbolizes Konoha, Dieiwaxi, who had been looking at the gate for a day, finally came back. At this time, he said wearily, and walked in casually. out of the house.

He is an orphan, and his parents were killed in the Third World War. Every time he comes back, he still shouts habitually, although the house is still empty and there is no one there.

"Hey, the task of looking at the gate seems easy, but it is cumbersome. When will it be a head?"

After closing the door, Deivashi showed a dejected expression, and sat down on the sofa in the living room with his tired body.

A few years ago, he was the same as Shiranui Genma and Shiranui Genma. They were proud of their youth and ambition. They became the guards of the Fourth Hokage at a young age, and they were appreciated and trusted by the Fourth Hokage. In the end, they just became proud Not long after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, their lives changed drastically.

As the guards of the fourth Hokage, the fourth generation was killed in battle, and they were directly demoted to the Konoha Gate to guard the gate. The tedious and passionless work day after day had worn down their vitality.

With a long sigh, Deivaxi still recalled the original glory in his eyes, but unfortunately it was gone forever, shaking his head, he gave a self-deprecating smile, and picked up the water glass on the table to drink into his mouth.

There was still half a glass of cold water left by him in the glass. Gudong Gudong's throat surged, and half a glass of cold water had already entered his body, but the next moment he showed a look of panic.


The sound of the water glass falling to the ground and that of Deihuashi falling on the ground sounded almost at the same time. The water glass was rolling on the ground, but Deihuaxi's body was stiff, and his pupils had shrunk to the size of pinholes under the horror of his eyes. .

The water is poisonous! The toxin directly invaded his brain and paralyzed his nerves. Now his brain is very clear, but he can no longer control his body.

Just like that, under his shocked pupils, a black figure slowly came out from the shadows, with a mask on his face.

Anbe? Still root!

Why do you want to do it to him?

Just as Dieiwaxi was thinking wildly, the masked figure showed a pair of dead eyes, and looked at him indifferently, "You don't have to struggle, this is an extremely rare neurotoxin."

At this time, Deivaxi couldn't control his mouth and throat at all, and could only let out a low and weak roar, but the other party slowly stretched out his palm and put it on his head, and he was terrified at this moment.

"It seems that you should understand something, don't worry, don't resist, you are the fourth generation guards but you didn't protect Hokage well, you should have died a long time ago."

At this time, the masked figure was talking calmly, with one hand resting on the other's forehead, the other seemed to be pinching the seal, looking at the other's terrified expression, he was still indifferent, this is a look of indifference to life , either to the enemy or to oneself.

"Don't worry, all you need is the space technique taught to you by the four generations of Hokage in your mind. It will not kill you. Be obedient. Remember not to talk nonsense when you wake up tomorrow, and keep your mouth shut."

The masked ninja in black said calmly, but at this condescending angle, Dieivashi's frightened pupils were even more shocked.

The space ninjutsu of the Genma Team taught to them by the Fourth Hokage is a secret, how could the other party know! Anbe? No! Impossible, Anbu belongs to Naruto-sama, and Naruto-sama obviously knows it, let alone greedy for their space ninjutsu.

Then there is only one other possibility! roots! In the end, he was the guard of the Fourth Hokage, so he naturally knows some secrets. The leader of Genbu has always been ambitious. I am afraid that the other party suspects that they have the secrets of space ninjutsu improved by the Fourth Hokage in their minds.

fear! But it also made him give up his resistance.

Ninja and Mind Reading

I saw that the other party pinched the seal, and in an instant, there was a spiritual force, and in an instant, Deiwaxi's eyes turned white, showing a semi-comatose state. Now the other party has invaded his spiritual world, that is, in the brain. .

In the mysterious spiritual world of the brain, when Uchiha Ye opened his eyes and looked at this dreamy world like water, he was full of smiles. In the spiritual world, he still wore a mask. Sure enough, this is a very magical ninjutsu.

In the original book, Yamanaka Kaiichi once used this trick to read the memory in the brain of the female Payne, and Yamashiro Aoba also used this trick to sneak into Kisame's brain after Kisame Kisame was defeated by Mitekai Read Kisame's memory.

As for pretending to be like this, Uchiha Ye is naturally greedy for space ninjutsu. Although he doesn't know if he can practice it, at least he has to get it in his hands first.

As for the ninjutsu on the Book of Seals, you can only be qualified after you have been approved by Hokage, your loyalty is confirmed, and your credit is sufficient. With his surname Uchiha, you can never get it from Sandai in this life.

He also asked Mr. Orochimaru, but unfortunately, after you don’t have the talent of space ninjutsu, then it is impossible for you to come into contact with this ninjutsu. Naturally, Uncle Snake will not do useless work, so Orochimaru doesn’t know. If you ask for it from the third generation, I'm afraid it may not be given to you.

Space ninjutsu is the most perverted existence in the ninja world, but the easiest way to obtain space ninjutsu is probably Konoha's gate-keeper Xuanjian team.

In the original book, during the Fourth World War, the Genma Squad used the marks made on Tsunade to quickly send Goshidai Mizukage and the three Genma Squads to the battlefield where Madara was.

"Let me see the most mysterious space ninjutsu."

Uchiha Ye, who muttered less to himself, slowly stretched out his palm and touched the surface of this spiritually direct brain, and instantly manifested a huge ninjutsu scroll. This is the realization of memory, not real.

I saw Uchiha Ye slowly closed his eyes, put his hands on the scroll, and in an instant the huge scroll began to be pulled out quickly, and at the same time, countless memories of Deivashi appeared in his mind.

These memories are quickly flipped through like a movie. At this moment, Uchiha Ye frowned, and quickly flipped to the time period when the Fourth Hokage taught them space ninjutsu. Fortunately, the time when it happened was not too far away.

The Xuanjian Squad is composed of Shiranui Xuanma, Bingzu Leitong, and Dieiwaxi. Among them, Dieiwaxi is the weakest, so he naturally became his first choice. For this reason, he has been secretly observing for a long time before taking action. .


The next day, when the sun shone through the glass on his cheeks, Deivashi suddenly opened his eyes, breathed in the fresh air nervously, and at the same time he looked around in horror, looking at himself Now lying on the floor of the living room, there is still a water glass that fell on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Deivashi was terrified, and the tingling pain in his mind made him feel a headache when he recalled the memory of last night, as if being pricked by a needle.

"Oh, damn it, damn it! Why!"

At this moment, Deivashi was holding his head in pain, and the memories of last night kept coming back. He knew that this was not an illusion, but a real situation. He was invaded, or his brain was invaded.


Konoha, with the arrival of spring, is full of vitality and welcomes the messenger from Yunyin Village in the Land of Thunder.

The Konoha villagers on the street looked at the incoming messenger with joy. They were not cheering for the ninjas of Yunyin Village, but for peace.

Once the peace treaty is signed, it will not only mean that the friction on the front line of the Land of Thunder will be completely ended, but countless ninjas will be able to go home. No one does not yearn for peace, especially the ninja world that is often in war.

This year, Hinata Hinata, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, was three years old.

The envoy from Yunin Village has arrived. This cannot be settled overnight, but at least it is a political signal. Everyone in Konoha showed a smile yearning for peace.

Hyuga split up.

"Senior day difference."

At this time, in the clean and tidy room, the two sat together again looking at each other and sipping tea. However, the difference was that there was heavy snow falling outside the window last time, but this time it was full of green vitality.


At this time, Hyuga Hinata is very respectful and humble. After all, he has something to ask for. Under his expectant eyes, Uchiha Yeyou sighed quietly: "Hyuga's ancestors are really extraordinary. The curse seal of the bird in the cage is almost seamless. , It is too difficult to crack, especially the bird in the cage was set up when I was a child, and it has already formed a whole in decades, and it can move the whole body."

Although he had already made preparations in such a short period of time, when he really heard this answer, Hinata Hyusai still couldn't help showing a look of disappointment in his eyes, and in the end he still vaguely held the last trace of unwillingness , looking at Uchiha Ye, "Is there really no hope?"

At this moment, Hinata Hinata hates herself so much, she clearly knows her fate, why! Why let Neji be born in this world, why!

Seeing Hinata Hinata's unwilling appearance, Uchiha Ye smiled lightly, took a sip of tea, and then slowly took out a scroll from his bosom, and pushed it in front of the other party, under the suspicious and blank eyes of the other party However, his next sentence made Hinata Hizai understand what it means to turn around and what is called uncontrollable excitement.

"Although the bird in the cage cannot be deciphered, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life and developed a sealing method. This sealing technique was researched by me after reading all the sealing technique materials collected by Mr. Orochimaru."

"I call it 'Bird in a Cage'. This seal requires a jounin-level chakra control, so only a jounin can master it. After the seal is cast, the seal pattern appears on the cerebral cortex and cannot be seen by outsiders. The cage is covered with a layer of black cloth, and outsiders can no longer manipulate the bird in the cage, nor can they sense it, but the effect that the bird in the cage should have is still there, for example, after the death of the ninja, the bird in the cage will still activate the spell."

Turn around!

At this moment, Hinata Hidezashi tremblingly held the small scroll in front of him, and when he heard the other party's explanation, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Fate! The centuries-old destiny of the Hyuga Clan is finally about to be broken!

Uchiha Ye on the side kept a relaxed smile on his face all the time, looking out the window without disturbing the other party's melancholy, although he couldn't understand it, but he could understand it, and he wasn't lying either, this "caged bird" was really his I put in a lot of effort, even though it was done with the system krypton gold.

The bird in the cage is like a prison, enslaving the generations of the separated family, calling it fate, no one will be reconciled, it's just that they were unable to break this fate.

Opening the scroll tremblingly, Hinata Hikari even opened his eyes uncontrollably, the sealing technique was firmly imprinted in his mind.

Just such a lightweight scroll of sealing technique! Now it has broken the door to the freedom of family separation that has been sealed for hundreds of years, and it has also broken the fate of family separation.

The very precise sealing technique is a protective cover made for the brain, and it is tightly placed on the caged bird. It is not impossible to break it, but this requires a requirement, that is to control them, and then break the sealing technique , but when the sealing technique was broken, it was also when the Caged Bird Curse Seal was activated.

Because the principle of this sealing technique is also very simple, it is also an existence that is connected with the bird in the cage, so it is easier to break this sealing technique than directly killing the main body.

After a long while, Hyuga Riza finally suppressed his emotions, and he solemnly put this small scroll in his arms.

"Separate from Hyuga, always remember Uchiha Ye's great kindness!"

After thinking back on what I said just now, isn't it the sealing technique that people said was researched by myself, even with the help of Orochimaru.

Sure enough, smart people speak simply. After hearing Hinata Hinata's words, Uchiha Ye smiled and nodded: "It's all for Teacher Orochimaru."

By saying this, he has already sent a signal to Hyuga Nisai, that is, if Mr. Oshemaru wants to become the Fifth Hokage, he will strive to become the next Hokage.

And Hinata Hizashi is not stupid, they have obtained the key to break free from their fate, but they have not been completely successful, they need someone to protect them, and Orochimaru, the future Hokage, is the one who can protect them.

It would not be a loss to fall to Uchiha Ye afterward. With this talent, there is great hope of becoming the future Hokage.

"So, this time?" As if aware that he was a little impatient when he said these words, Hinata Hinata still couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid that as soon as this action starts, it will be impossible to hide it."

Uchiha Ye naturally understands, after all, he still understands the principle that if you stay for a long time, you will lose. He nodded slightly, lowered his voice and chuckled: "Senior Rishi, isn't it the right time now? Cloud Ninja came to conclude the covenant."

The implication is that all the attention of the village is now on forming an alliance with the Kingdom of Thunder, which is the best time for the Hyuga Separation to break free from their fate.

"It just so happens that the land of the Uchiha clan is a little empty, if Senior Nishiza is willing."

Under the eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Hyuga Hizai's eyes widened at this moment, and then he directly solemnly came to a gentleman to leave his seat with a big gift.

"Hyuga will leave the family to Ye-kun in the future!"

Uchiha Ye's laughter echoed in the room, and he nodded with a smile: "At the same time, I also need to ask for an additional sum of money from the Zong family before this, after all, I will not have this opportunity in the future, and when I came today, it is the same. Someone is watching outside."

After hearing this, Hyuga Hizai raised his head and showed firm and even resentful eyes. Yes, the Zong family's funds will have no chance in the future, and he just used this as an excuse to cover up.

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