I Know Everything

Chapter 1000: Di Xiaoling's birthday

After Shen Huan returned to Lin'an, the vacation mode started.

First, Principal Zhu of Mingxian Middle School asked him to give a lecture to the students and talked about his learning experience and so on.

As long as the students who were still in Lin'an rushed over from home, just to meet Shen Huan.

In Mingxian Middle School, Shen Huan is a legendary figure.

No matter what his identity is, it is unique in the history of Mingxian Middle School.

The younger brothers and younger sisters are telling his stories all the time.

Every time Shen Huan achieved what he achieved and received what honor, they were very happy, as if they had obtained it.

This is the so-called maiden family, right?


Among the school flowers that Shen Huan knew, four were still studying in the school.

When the lecture was over, Shen Huan, Principal Zhu, and Teacher He Qiang exchanged greetings for a while, and when they came out they saw the four of them waiting outside.

"Hurry up, it's getting late~~"

When they saw Shen Huan, they directly dragged Shen Huan out.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Huan allowed them to pull, but didn't understand what it meant.

"Isn't today Sister Ling's birthday? We are going to her house for dinner!" Zhou Peipei said softly.

"Then you don't need to be in such a hurry." Shen Huan checked the time, and it was only past three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Today we are here to help her with her birthday dinner. You have to do it yourself. What if you don't do it earlier?" Tang Manman gave Shen Huan a white look, "You are still the main force!"

"Oh, no problem."

Shen Huan nodded repeatedly.

According to the strength of his professional chef (historical level), what dishes are not easy to come by?

After getting in the commercial car, Shen Huan felt that the smell filled the car.

This is not a perfume, but a nice smell on girls.

After a person is born, his taste will gradually change.

If there is too much turbidity, then the body exudes a bad smell.

With age and insufficient energy, there will also be a drowsy smell.

But teenage young girls are in the most beautiful period of their lives, and of course they smell the best.

"If it weren't for you to go to Yuzhou again soon, my parents would want to treat you to dinner." During the chat, Xie Yanqiu, who had a perfect face of melon seeds and looked a little like the legendary fox, was a little lamented. Said, "They, they used to worry that their business was too singular and that good aquatic products were getting less and less. What should I do if the business collapsed. Now it's good. After your matching investment, they are finally stable. "

"Well, my parents are too~"

"Me too~~"

The other three girls smiled and agreed.

What they were talking about was that Shen Huan asked ten school flowers to invest in Yongxing Supermarket.

At that time, Yongxing Supermarket, which was already crumbling, had a market value of 8 billion, and everyone could buy shares.

The school flowers believed in Shen Huan's vision, so they persuaded the family to buy shares more or less.

Among the ten schools. Hua's family, the least are 150 million shares.

As a result, now you see, how prosperous has Yongxing Supermarket developed?

Let alone the valuation of 8 billion, it is more than 20 billion or 30 billion!

Now at the time of the Spring Festival, some wealthy people are already holding cash and demanding a valuation of 50 billion yuan to buy the Yongxing Supermarket shares of these schools.

In just one year, it has skyrocketed by more than six times. This rate is faster than doing business.

And it is absolutely impossible for Yongxing Supermarket to stop here in the future. They and their parents remember that Shen Huan said that at least it should cover the Yangtze River Delta.

At that time, what is 50 billion?

5000 is not necessarily enough!

As a result, the families of these school flowers are very grateful to Shen Huan. While encouraging their daughter to maintain a good relationship with Shen Huan, they are determined to follow in Shen Huan's footsteps.

After the college entrance examination last year, they put out 200 million yuan and asked Shen Huan to help invest, which is a clear proof.

Young people are always reluctant to mention more money. They think this is very vulgar.

So after clicking on the gratitude of their parents, they talked about their interesting things in school and life.

Shen Huan also talked about some of his experiences about buying jadeite in Myanmar, which made them enjoy it.

After a while, the car stopped.

Shen Huan got out of the car and took a look, and was taken aback, "Where is this place?"

Di Xiaoling's home, Shen Huan, was in the villa area in the prosperous area of ​​Lin'an.

As a result, it seemed a bit remote here, with no tall buildings around, and mountains not far away.

Obviously to the outskirts.

"This is the newly developed lakeside villa area in **** district." Gu Xue said quietly. "It is about 20 kilometers away from the city and the air quality is very good."

More than just good air quality.

Shen Huan saw the surrounding villas, each covering an area of ​​at least 1,000 square meters, with a garden in front and a swimming pool and basketball court in the back.

Such a lakeside villa is definitely not cheap.

With the current high housing prices, there are 20 to 30 million less, so don't even think about it.

Thoughts flashed by.

Perhaps I heard the sound of parking, and the main building door opened wide through the iron door of the villa.

Dressed as a cook, Li Miao ran out with a soup spoon in his hand, "Oh, you are finally here~~"

The electric door opened slowly, and several people also walked in.

Looking at Li Miao, who had a more youthful flavor than during last summer vacation, Shen Huan smiled and said, "We are here without stopping... Miao Miao, I find you are getting more and more beautiful."

Girls do not like to listen to compliments.

Especially the man you like.

Li Miao smiled when he saw it, "Don't be too busy complimenting me. Today's little birthday star is still in it. Just pile up all your kind words for her, she can bear it."

"it is good!"

Shen Huan followed her into the house.

The first floor area of ​​the villa here is at least more than 300 square meters. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The kitchen is on the side, but it is open, with a large operating room.

At this time, Di Xiaoling and the four school flowers studying in Huajing were all busy with their own affairs.

There are already several plates of cold dishes and bacon on the table.

If you simply eat a Chinese state banquet, it is not as good-looking as Western food, but if it comes to taste, it will definitely kill them.

It's just like those international students. After a few days of going abroad, they lost interest in hamburgers, pizzas, and steaks. They started to buy ingredients from Chinese supermarkets and started to make Chinese cuisine by themselves.

Eating hot pot is just a very simple and convenient diet, and people who have a leisurely mind have directly learned the cooking skills.

If anyone puts up a table of Chinese dishes at a party, that is definitely a great thing.


Unknowingly it's 1000 chapters!幛?? 幛

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