I Know Everything

Chapter 1002: Raw rice is cooked into cooked rice

Shen Huan didn't fall asleep after midnight.

Shen Huan, who has excellent physical fitness, actually slept in bed for an hour or two, and he was almost sober.

So when the two fragrant goblins lay beside him and started conspiring awkwardly, Shen Huan was completely awake.

In the end, they were inexperienced after all. They were clumsy and laughed, making Shen Huan unable to get up.

In the end, Shen Huan simply took advantage of the rest of the wine, and suddenly turned away from the guest, and dealt with Di Xiaoling and Li Miao.

It wasn't until dawn this morning that Shen Huan thought about it. Their approach seemed to be similar to Buyiyi.

Only that time with Buyiyi, Shen Huan was already prepared.

Today, it was purely forced by the overlord to bow, and finally had to fight back.

Nearly 9 o'clock, the two women opened their eyes one after another, and after contacting Shen Huan’s eyes, they closed their eyes again, as if "I'm still asleep, don't ask anything, don't say anything". .

But after last night, the three of them are already the closest relationship, so why is Shen Huan embarrassed?

He patted the two girls, they were very awkward. "Two girls and women, you have done a good thing, so you have to make me understand?...Is the drug in the wine?"

"Bah, baah!" Li Miao immediately opened his big eyes, "Do I need this?"

Di Xiaoling, who was next to her, blushed, but did not dare to speak.

"Let's talk about it!" Shen Huan said, "If I drink a bottle of wine on weekdays, I won't be so drunk. Besides, I only drank half of it."

"You idiot! Are Moutai and Moutai the same?" Li Miao glanced at him, "Don't you know that there is a term called'aged wine'?"

Shen Huan suddenly understood.

Dare to love that the wine they took last night is a cellar of ten or twenty years.

No wonder I felt that yesterday's Moutai packaging was a bit old.

The quilt in winter is the warmest.

Especially there are two beautiful young ladies on the left and the right.

After letting go of his mind, Shen Huan felt their beauty.

Thinking of the scenes from last night, the young man felt his heart warm, and directly hugged them a little tighter.

The two women felt Shen Huan's enthusiasm, and their faces were flushed.

"Originally I thought, I shouldn't have anything to owe others in this life, but I owe too much love debt." Shen Huan said slowly, "So I thought, maybe you are far away from me. One point, I gradually forget it, and it’s not bad for us to become good friends in the future...Although I can’t bear it, it’s for your good."

If Shen Huan didn't add the last sentence, Li Miao's fists would be ready.

For that matter, Shen Huan's waist was still severely pinched.


Shen Huan didn't feel the pain, but he called out in cooperation.


Then because of the attack on the other side, Shen Huan repeated it again.

Hearing the man's painful cry, the two women smiled contentedly.

What they need is an attitude of men, not to torture men.

"Then what do you think now?" Di Xiaoling asked again in a low voice.

"Are there any other ideas?" Shen Huan gave her a mouthful in surprise, "You are my wife, and you want to run away? Dream!"

"Domineering man!"

Li Miao propped himself up and took a mouthful of fragrance, but his face was smiling.

Shen Huan is very smart, and would not ask why they took the initiative to send it to the door last night.

Things have already happened, and you still ask why, doesn't this seem to be pretending to be confused?

What are the thoughts of the two girls? Could it be that he didn't know after two or three years?

Since the girls had the courage to take an important step, Shen Huan had nothing to entangle.

This world allows men to marry more.

Simply bite the bullet and accept it all, so as not to regret it all day long, but it is very painful.

Thinking of this, Shen Huan didn't feel so distressed about the remaining eight schools.

As long as they are willing, of course they have no reason to take the initiative to let go.

The two women, Di Xiaoling and Li Miao, were also very satisfied in their hearts.

To get Shen Huan's promise is the best return for them.

It is not in vain that they have been planning for so long cheeky, and have done so many shameful things.

Thinking of last night...

Hmm, I don’t want to~~

Seeing the two women's cheeks reddened again, Shen Huan looked pleasing to the eye.

But he won't embarrass them, "Miaomiao, Ling'er, you should be your junior year next year? Are you ready for anything?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, but your family Lingling has already thought about it. She wants to be a yellow-faced woman." Li Miao replied in a serious manner, "She secretly bought books on childbirth to read."

Di Xiaoling was so embarrassed that she went straight to Li Miao and went over to Shen Huan. Li Miao kept laughing as she dodged.

It took a long time for them to stop out of breath.

Only then did Shen Huan have the opportunity to speak, "As long as Ling'er is willing, then I am naturally happy... But Miao Miao, don't you consider giving me a good daughter?"

"Hehe." Li Miao blushed a little and didn't make any more trouble.

Di Xiaoling was surprised, "Shen Huan, would you like to be a father at the age of 22? Don't you think it's too early? Being a mother and father is very hard!"

"I have been an orphan since I was a child, and I have never had a real relative. It is better to have a little more fun at home than anything else." Shen Huan smiled faintly.

At this time, he thought of his parents in another world.

Although those are some distant memories, Shen Huan can't help thinking about it on weekdays, but every time he thinks of it, his heart hurts.

Women are very sensitive.

Shen Huan didn't need to talk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even his expression did not change, but Di Xiaoling and Li Miao felt the pain in Shen Huan's heart.

Li Miao winked at Di Xiaoling, she climbed directly onto Shen Huan's body, put her arms around Shen Huan's face, and lightly scented a few mouthfuls: "Hey, we are your family! You just said I won’t fall back on the bill...

After waiting for a few years, I will give you a big fat boy and a little sister. Aren’t we a complete family? You are also right... have you explained to Grandpa Shen! "

She didn't know that what Shen Huan was thinking about was his parents, because in this world, Shen Huan didn't know where his parents were and had never seen them.

Di Xiaoling also hugged Shen Huan's arm tightly, and said softly: "Miao Miao is right, Shen Huan... You will be our support in the future! Not an orphan! You will have many wives and children. Guys, the house will be lively too!"

Feeling the tenderness of the two school girls, Shen Huan's heart slowly calmed down.


Isn’t it the best consolation for parents to grasp the present and live every day seriously?

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