I Know Everything

Chapter 1014: Insider! ?

There is no need to wait until the next day, or even until Chun Wan is over, Zhang Dongyao and "Understanding You" are on fire.

If it is at a wonderful Chung Evening Party, then "Understanding You" may be very popular, but it will not be too outstanding.

But in the past few years, Chunwan’s programs have become more and more lackluster, and there are not many new songs and programs that can really move people. The song "Understand You" suddenly became the dominant existence.

"Understanding You" began to sing at around 9:00. At 9:30, "Understanding You" became the seventh most popular search, and it continued to climb up.

The meager celebrity "I am the king of karaoke", who hasn't appeared for a long time, expressed his feelings with an excited passage.

"There is no doubt that my favorite song today is definitely "Understanding You"! It must also be "Understanding You"!

Originally, I thought that Sister Xiaofeng had completely turned to making pop songs recently, and never saw her wanton talent for writing songs in various categories.

It's not that I think Sister Jiang Lang is exhausted, but that more and more things involve his spirit, so he can only write simple love songs and the like.

It's not that love songs are not good, but as an old fan who has listened to songs for more than 20 years, I really want to hear more different good songs. It's like hearing "Song of Straw Hats", "Song of Heroes", "Being Loyal to the Country" and "Laughing in the Sea".

Today, I finally got my wish. The lyrics of this song "Understand You" are ordinary and unremarkable, but every word contains nostalgia and expression for mother.

Singer Zhang Dongyao may not be familiar to everyone, but I do know that he was also a very popular singer more than ten years ago. Just because of the sudden death of his mother, he withdrew from the music scene and has been sinking to this day.

So this song "Understand You" to Zhang Dongyao is definitely a match made in heaven. There is no better singer than him! The cooperation between the two of them this time can definitely be described as "a perfect match"! "

I am the king of karaoke, and I am worthy of being one of the best in the music category.

His commentary not only praised "Understanding You" and improved the "Understanding You", it was the first to point out the story between Zhang Dongyao and "Understanding You".

Soon, someone was following to speak.

"My brother is a staff member of China TV Station. He has been following the Chunwan crew this year. He told me that this song was written by Teacher Lan Kai specially for Master Huan to Zhang Dongyao."

When he said this, many people became interested.

"What do you mean?"

"Where is Zhang Dongyao sacred? Can Teacher Lan Kai come forward?"

"It's not an ordinary relationship! Teacher Lan Kai must have a good relationship with Sister Xiaofeng, that's not said. But if you want Teacher Lan Kai to work so hard, ask Sister Xiaofeng to write songs for others, it's really not easy!"

"Yes, many famous singers wanted to ask for Xiaofeng's song, but they didn't get it!"

"Then prove that they are cowhide! How can you sing at Chunwan without cowhide?"


Then, the person who broke the news further appeared.

"Don’t guess, things are more complicated than you think. Lan Kai personally went out to pray to Shen Huan for a song, and spent a lot of face. This is true! But what you don’t know is that except Lan Kai is from Zhang Dongyao’s university In addition to the younger brothers, Du Hongjuan, the chief director of Chunwan this year, is also Zhang Dongyao’s younger sister. It is said that the relationship is also very good!"

This post triggered even more posts and comments.

"What? You mean, insider operation?"

"Don't be kidding! The song "Understand You" needs insider information? You insulted Xiaofeng's talent, right?"

"You can't say that, because they have a good song, so they can do insider operations. Otherwise, if they get it straight out, wouldn't they be scolded by the audience?"

"The poster is definitely someone with ulterior motives! What are you doing when you name Du Hongjuan? Director Chunwan? Now who doesn't know, this job is a role similar to a coolie? Can she decide any show to play? Go dreaming ! Even the big boss of China TV Station can't have such authority! The review is all on it! "Understanding You" can pass the review and can be ranked in this position, that is, people’s singing leather, singing leather, you Understand?"

"Yes! Support the big brother upstairs! You said so well! This guy is deliberately messing up, trying to make us believe in conspiracy theories."

"What the big brother said about the decision-making power is very right! If you can get the person who reviewed the above, you can still use the song "Under You"? Can you pick up any old song!"


There are all kinds of people online.

There are many things, both good and bad.

As everyone commented, the topic of "Understanding You" has also risen all the way, and gradually climbed to the third place.

Second only to the two keywords above "New Year's Eve Dinner" and "Chunwan".

On the other hand, in the voting for "My Favorite Chunwan Show", the number of votes for "Understanding You" also flew up all the way, and it took an hour to catch up and become the first.

Lan Kai was very excited to see it backstage.

Next to him is Zhang Dongyao who has changed his clothes and removed his makeup.

After performing with other actors, he went to sit under the stage and watch the show. Zhang Dongyao didn't like the excitement, so he stayed backstage.

His wife and son are watching the show live.

Du Hongjuan gave them tickets for a good position, so there were no empty seats around, so he couldn't go with his wife and son, so he could only wait to go together after the end.

"Tongzi, let me tell you, you can be considered to be on fire again this time!" Lan Kai excitedly shook his phone at him, "Look, look, the hot topic here is you!"

Zhang Dongyao smiled faintly, "Akai, thank you!"


"Thank you for giving me this opportunity. UU reading www.uukanshu.com also thank you for being here with me today." Zhang Dongyao patted his shoulder, "You and Juanzi did it for me. When my brother has always been In mind!"

"Hey, why are you so sensational?" Lan Kai smiled happily, "We will have a long time to come! You are now, don't sigh, hurry up and find a suitable agent... Forget it, you too No, besides, what should I do if I find that kind of fraud? Let me find one for you!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Dongyao nodded.

Between him and Lan Kai, there really is no need to be polite.

"Hey, let me tell you, you have basically booked the best of this Chunwan evening!" Lan Kai went on and said with joy, "Wait! At the New Year's Fifteenth Lantern Festival, you must take it. To the most popular singing category program awards! At that time, your basic disk will be completely established!"

Zhang Dongyao has no doubts about this either.

If the song "Know You" can't move people and become their favorite song, then the world is really messed up.

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