I Know Everything

Chapter 1019: Yang Feng: I have proved to everyone that I can do it!

In the next few days, Yongxing Supermarket continued its sales miracle.

One week after opening, the average daily sales exceeded 10 million yuan, which completely broke the doubts of others about Yongxing Supermarket’s “will it take several years to open a new store”.

Facts have proved that a mature operation team and operation model, as long as it finds the right place, as long as it completely replicates its own success genes, then it will continue to succeed.

Seeing this effect, Zhang Duocai was of course very happy.

This proves that he can finally go back to the places that closed the store in the future, and shout again, "I didn't fail, I'm making a comeback!!"

Also happy are the 10 parents of the school.

Yongxing Supermarket continues to develop for the better, and continues to conquer the city and land, and their Yongxing Supermarket shares will become more valuable and more important.

It is definitely not impossible for this future investment to exceed that of my own family business!

In fact, they don't know that their other investment has now begun to snowball.

That was the stock of Abao Entertainment that Shen Huan invested in them.

Because of the suspension of trading during the Spring Festival these days, Abao Entertainment’s stock price has not changed.

However, compared to the lowest level of 58 billion, the market has slowly recovered somewhat, reaching around 69 billion.

This is also thanks to the continuous strengthening of "The Strongest Brain", which gave Abao Entertainment a good gimmick and expectation.

In addition, Abao Entertainment announced that Shen Huan and Hao He had cooperated in the production of "New Dragon Inn", and Shen Huan and Zhang Huawei's "Tai囧" credit.

These good news have allowed Abao Entertainment's market value to rise slightly, at least it has reached its listing value.

At the beginning, Yang Feng spent 68 billion yuan to buy these companies and package them into Abao Entertainment's listing.

At the peak, people were hyped up to 150 billion yuan, but because the TV series and movies produced were really bad, it plummeted to the lowest point of 58 billion yuan.

In the family of 10 school flowers, each family gave Shen Huan 20 million yuan, making up 200 million yuan. Please help Shen Huan to invest.

At that time, Shen Huan invested in Abao Entertainment, and the price happened to be the lowest price of 5.8 yuan per share.

So far, in less than half a year, this investment has risen by nearly 20%, which should be a good return.

But Shen Huan didn't feel that this was the pinnacle of Abao Entertainment. According to the method of another world horse father, it should be at least 100 billion yuan.

Not to mention that Shen Huan also took two major killers to Abao Entertainment, and the stock price did not double, which is a joke.

Judging from the frantic harvest of the box office of "Thailand" in the past few days and the box office of more than 600 million yuan in a week, it is easy to break the box office record of "Operation Condor" of 880 million.

Under such circumstances, what kind of performance will you expect after the stock market opens?

Not to mention waiting for the stock market on the working day, Yang Feng was already crazy after the performance of "Tai囧" over 300 million in three days.

Within two days, he sent 50 meager messages in one breath, all telling him that he was worried and hesitated because of Abao Entertainment's misery during this period, and what he did to save Abao Entertainment.

Boss Yang specifically mentioned Shen Huan, oh, he wrote about Teacher Chu Liuxiang.

Boss Yang praised Teacher Chu Liuxiang as the only screenwriter genius in heaven and on earth.

Without Chu Liuxiang, there would be no miracle of "Tai囧"!

Everyone actually thinks so.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. If you look at the TV series and movies produced by Abao Entertainment, the word "bad" is not enough to express everyone's feelings.

As a result, after changing the script of Teacher Chu Liuxiang, it was completely different!

Therefore, the cooperation between Chu Liuxiang and Hao He, two super big names-"New Dragon Inn", is increasingly looking forward to.

Of course.

"New Dragon Inn" has not yet started shooting, and it will not officially start until after the 15th of the New Year. If you want to be released, at least the three months of July, August, and September.

This matter is of no use to anyone.

Father Hao must be satisfied with his movie before it is released.

But for now, a 7-day box office surpassing 600 million yuan for "Tai囧" is enough to make Yang Feng proud.

The No. 1 movie in China at the box office is enough to make Abao Entertainment's stock market perform better.

On the first day of work, the first day of the stock market in the New Year, Abao Entertainment’s stocks are like a rocket, soaring crazy.

Only 20 minutes later, the buying order for a large amount of money was hung on the daily limit, and it could not be beaten.

Even those who are very weak and do not understand the stock market have seen the performance of the box office harvester of "Thailand" these days, and know that at least several daily limits can be maintained. Who would be so stupid that the first daily limit would be Release?

As a result, there were two consecutive daily limit, which had approached the market value of 100 billion yuan, before entering the weekend rest.

Everyone is unexplainably excited about this.

Market expectations have followed up.

In the 12 days after "Tai囧" was released, the total box office surpassed 900 million yuan smoothly, and the good results of firmly moving toward the 1 billion box office also gave them strong confidence.

Yang Feng was originally a master of capital operation.

Seeing this yet another opportunity to wash away the humiliation of myself, how can I be uneasy?

After he continuously stated that he would resolutely cooperate with Fengxiang Film and Television Company to truly make good films and TV series, and to seek help from Mr. Lu Xiaofeng on variety shows, the market gave him a more enthusiastic response. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Only on Monday of the second week, as soon as the stock market opened, Abao Entertainment had once again stood above the market value of 100 billion yuan, once again becoming the "first share of entertainment."

This makes Verbatim Pictures, Yanhuang Pictures and other companies that have already raised prices very much.

Yang Feng didn't feel complacent this time, but he personally invited Shen Huan, Zhang Huawei, Ma Xing and others to celebrate the Lantern Festival at his manor on the edge of the West Lake.

The outside media photographed the cars of these people entering the manor.

And Shen Huan himself had already returned to Lin'an.

Mingde Lane is on the other side of the West Lake, and the straight-line distance from Yang Feng's manor is only 5 kilometers.

At this close distance, Shen Huan went there directly by bicycle.

When reporters saw a young man wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses, parked a shared bicycle not far away, and walked into the manor Shi Shiran, they realized that this was actually Shen Huan! !

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