I Know Everything

Chapter 1026: Initial results of the experiment

It takes some time to contact and prepare for dinner.

Under the big tree outside the canteen in the middle of the street, a group of grandpas and aunts who are talking and bragging can just take over this task.

After they heard that Shen Huan had this meaning, they were a little shy at first.

But Shen Huan let Bai Wushuang say something.

"Shen Huan's cooking is delicious."

What kind of character Bai Wushuang is like, I have known Bai Wushuang's group of elderly people almost 20 years ago.

She doesn't even bother to say flattery, let alone tell lies.

Even she said that Shen Huan’s cooking was delicious, so these grandpas and aunts were doing nothing to do anyway, and of course they were willing to eat.

Hearing this, a group of uncles and aunts became active and promised to make contact!

Just because the number of people may be a bit too large, it is calculated based on serving 4 tables of guests in two rooms at a time, arranged in several lunches and dinners, and have dinner together.

This idea makes everyone agree.

At this time, the winter in Huajing is far from over, and there is still a strong wind, so even if the dam inside is large, it is not suitable for eating outside-it will be cold as soon as the wind blows, what else to eat?

It's better to be in the house, warm and eat well.

After asking them for help, Shen Huan and Bai Wushuang took the walnuts to the experimental field a few hundred meters away.

Walnut is obviously familiar with the road, and it is very happy along the way.

After a while, he rushed to the front several tens of meters, and later happily ran back to wander around the two of them.

But there is one thing, as long as the walnut sees someone in front of him, he will return to Shen Huan obediently.

This is what Shen Huan told it specially.

You must tie your dog on a leash in public, but there are not many rules like these in these old alleys.

Walnut is definitely more sensible than the average dog, but it can't avoid people's worry and fear.

Therefore, it is the best courtesy not to come forward.

But Bai Wushuang had long discussed with Shen Huan, and until October, when Shen Huan and Bai Wushuang picked up the walnuts on the first anniversary, they would set a rope for him when they went out.

Walnut does not know that this "miserable" is waiting for it.

After the familiar road entered the gate of the test field, it began to run fast as usual.

As many as 20 acres of vast land is enough for it to run happily.

An uncle security guard here sighed unconsciously, "This walnut grows up day by day. It is really much smarter than the average dog, and it's much stronger... Xiao Shen, what did you feed it?"

"Aren't those things as usual?" Shen Huan responded with a smile.

This uncle security guard is in his 40s and is not an insider. It is normal to call him "Little Shen".

Shen Huan would not be angry either.

It is not necessary to pay attention to any status and status anytime and anywhere, this will lead to a very tiring life.

As he was about to enter the door, suddenly Shen Huan glanced sharply at the door beside the iron gate, and hung a sign.

"Bai's Group Agricultural Experimental Base?" Shen Huan asked in surprise, "What does this mean?"

"Isn't it some old ladies and old men around?" Uncle Security pointed at the old houses opposite, "They saw from the upper floor that we are growing some vegetables here. So during the Spring Festival, I ran to ask if they could also Growing some is equivalent to a labor exercise.

Of course the manager is not allowed, but they often come to pester, so they can only put up the hungry sign, indicating that this is a scientific research, we can not interrupt. This allowed them to stop. "

Shen Huan laughed when he heard the words.

This is not only Huajing, Lin'an also has many.

Even the small city where Shen Huan lived in his previous life was the same.

In the beginning, developers bought the land and didn't develop it, so they put it there.

The surrounding residents felt it wasted, so they planted some vegetables quietly.

Seeing that no one was in charge, they became more and more courageous, and gradually turned a large area into a vegetable garden.

When people are about to develop the land, those who are sensible will be better off, and those who are not sensible will be forced to compensate them for their planting losses, which makes people dumbfounded.

In my land, you came to grow vegetables secretly. It was originally your fault.

But now you still want me to compensate?

It's really speechless.

So over time, the land developers learned to be smart, and they just built a wall without them coming in to avoid so much trouble in the future.

When Shen Huan was chatting with the uncle security guard, Bai Wushuang had already entered and took the record sheet and started to do the investigation record.

When Shen Huan walked over, she handed the book to the teenager. "The cabbage has been planted for the sixth time. After three exhaustion periods, the fourth seed's performance and vitality have been stabilized.

The effects of the fourth and fifth finished products are similar. There is no difference between the experimental results and the taste, but compared with the previous few times, the taste is quite different, not the same level.

But I also took the fourth and fifth batches of cabbage to other people. They didn't eat the first two or three batches, and they found it too delicious. It was completely different from the ones sold in the market. "

Shen Huan also recorded these data.

Looking at the detailed records made by Bai Wushuang in the last month or so, Shen Huan nodded, "If we can continue the planting cycle three more times, the experiment of this species will come to an end."

"However, because it is winter and the pests are not active enough, this data is still inaccurate." Bai Wushuang said: "I suggest you keep using it to see when it will decline back to its original state.

At the same time, a batch of seeds after three generations of exhaustion are finalized. Wait until summer to see how it is resistant to pesticides and insects. This is more rigorous. "

For an agricultural scientific research, the cycle of one or two years can be regarded as short.

Three to five years are very common, ten years to eight years are not too much, thirty to fifty years.

Therefore, the various vegetables, fruits and vegetables that we eat on weekdays ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ are definitely not thought up with a single shot, and then directly marketed.

It takes long-term observation and experimentation to dare to let everyone know it. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, who can afford it?

That is to say, these vegetable seeds of Shen Huan have not been improved by the injection of genes, but are soaked in the spirit-gathering liquid, so he dare to say that they are the safest seeds.

Otherwise, he didn't dare to let Bai Wushuang and Father Bai eat them.

Bai Wushuang himself is very strict.

She doesn't care about when to achieve the achievement quickly, but wants to take a serious look at how good these seeds are.

If it is good enough, it can be promoted.

If there are planting flaws, even if it is delicious, isn't it being used to cheat farmers?

What farmers need are good seeds that can continue to produce. Yield and vitality are the most important, but the taste is still behind.

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