I Know Everything

Chapter 1040: Excellent!

     For Bai Wushuang, she doesn't like any relationship or love at all.

   Although she understands in her heart, she still has a good impression of Shen Huan and appreciates this kind, smart and serious man.

   But when it comes to love, that is definitely not the case.

   She still has a lot of scientific research projects to do, and a lot of work she wants to do. How can she waste her time on dating and having children?

   But after Bai Shengkun's tossing, Bai Wushuang no longer had the thought of reading Shen Huan's paper.

   She just cleaned up and rested.

   The next morning, after arriving in the laboratory, she took out the two papers by Shen Huan and started reading.

  In the laboratory, it seemed very quiet and no one bothered.

   Bai Wushuang still has a little understanding of graphite nanostructured materials.

   To be precise, she still has a lot of research on nano.

   Although it is not her main topic, because nanotechnology represents the future, there are several similar projects in their entire large laboratory.

   Bai Wushuang is a genius in physics, but nanotechnology really contains too many possible materials.

   Although graphite has various advantages, scientists at home and abroad still have no good way to separate graphite into a single layer structure.

   At first, Bai Wushuang thought that Shen Huan used the mentality of asking for advice and wrote some papers to ask for advice.

   After all, Shen Huan was not born in physics.

  From mathematics to physics, they actually cross fields.

   Physics requires a lot of mathematical knowledge, but it is more practical, and there are more scientific research experiments.

   Mathematics is more theoretical and abstract research.

  The most suitable field for mathematicians is actually about calculations.

  For example, the stock market is a natural savings house for mathematicians. Many mathematicians can make a lot of money by relying on various models calculated by themselves.

   Then, for example, in a casino, there was a group of mathematicians who formed a group and went to Las Vegas for a round. In the end, the bosses hurriedly gave away 10 million US dollars, begging them not to come again.

  The scientific research of physicists is actually more useful to the development of human science and technology.

   Basically all modern science and technology involved, at least half of them are the efforts of physicists.

   It’s just that applied physics has a history of hundreds of years, and all the simple and easy things have been made by others.

   So it is actually difficult to make achievements in physics now.

   It takes a lot of boring experiments and tests to get some results, which is not necessarily useful.

   This is why Bai Wushuang is so patient when recording the vegetable data.

   Looking at Shen Huan's first paper, just reading a few lines, Bai Wushuang's expression solidified.

   She entered the state instantly.

   Turning on the computer, she crackled and searched for keywords to find some meanings in them.

   Then he checked the contents of various scientific journals and magazines to confirm that what Shen Huan wrote was not just imagined.

   Bai Wushuang's beautiful brows frowned and tightened, but his expression became more and more excited.

   As for her, she simply forgot the time.

   After she finished checking and searching the last words of Shen Huan's second paper, when she looked up, she found that it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

   From 9 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock in the morning, for six hours, Bai Wushuang never moved.

   A group of her assistants not far away, seeing her so serious, didn't bother her.

   Bai Wushuang stood up, still a little faint.

   But the excitement has overshadowed these physical discomforts.

   She took two papers by Shen Huan and rushed out like flying.

   She couldn't wait for the elevator, so she took the stairs and ran to the office of her tutor upstairs.

   "Pengpeng!" Bai Wushuang shouted as he knocked on the door, "Teacher, are you there?"

A voice came from inside   , "It's Wushuang, come in!"

  Bai Wushuang pushed the door in. At the desk in the office, there was a gray-haired but vigorous old man sitting.

  He is Bai Wushuang's mentor Fu Yunfei.

   is also a well-known physics expert in the Academy of Sciences.

   "What's wrong? So hurried?" Fu Yunfei asked with a smile looking at his proud disciple.

"Teacher, look at this..." Bai Wushuang didn't talk nonsense, and put Shen Huan's paper on the table. "I only saw the first one, and I don't think it can be controlled by my own knowledge! Come here! Look!"

   "Oh, what is it?" Fu Yunfei became interested.

   He read the name of the paper first.

   "Single-molecule state transmission performance in nano-scale confined space"

"Hehe, there are a lot of people who study this area, he writes very well?" Fu Yunfei read the author's name while watching, "Shen Huan...well, this person's name is a bit familiar, he... …Which school laboratory talent is he?"

   "He is not a physicist, he is a mathematician." Bai Wushuang said, "Fermat's last theorem was solved last year."

   "Ah! How come I am so familiar!"

   Fu Yunfei patted his head, haha ​​laughed, "So it's him!"

   The next moment, he was surprised again, "No, Shen Huan writes physics papers? Is it nanotechnology? Or do you think it is good?"

"It's not that I think it's good, it's that I think it's too esoteric and difficult, and I read it a little bit hard." Bai Wushuang said, "but the more important thing is the second paper. I think it can be posted to Nature. OK."


   Fu Yunfei was slightly taken aback. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

   The two major magazines "Nature" and "Science" are the pinnacle of natural science in the world.

   On this, theoretically as long as scientific research can be published on them, this makes the grades of "Nature" and "Science" higher than that of "Cell", which is inclined to life science.

   Among them, "Nature" is the well-deserved number one.

   It has an impact factor of 38, which is far higher than the scientific level of 31, and the cell’s 30 or so.

  Fu Yunfei has published 3 papers in "Nature" during his 40-year physical science research career, which is also the second most published by physicists in China.

The physicist before    has passed away, so Fu Yunfei is the number one in China.

   He can be an academician of the Academy of Sciences, and the three papers in Nature are decisive.

   Such a great physicist published three papers in "Nature" in 40 years. This shows how difficult it is to publish papers in "Nature".

   It is no exaggeration to say that a physicist, no matter where you are, as long as you can have a paper like this, it is absolutely okay to spend a lifetime in school!


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