I Know Everything

Chapter 1043: Talk 1 talk

     sighed back, Fu Yunfei is more concerned about physics.

"Wushuang, if you are free in the past two days, please Shen Huan come over and have a good talk with me, do you think it will work?" He asked.

"I'll go back and talk to him." Bai Wushuang groaned, "He has nothing to do recently. Except for class, he went to the farmland experiment base with me. There should be time."

Fu Yunfei smiled unconsciously.

Bai Wushuang was originally a very dull girl, except for studying and scientific research, she had no other hobbies at all.

Wei Yun didn’t know how many times Wei Yun complained to him. Fu Yunfei also introduced a lot of outstanding students or lecturers to Bai Wushuang intentionally or unconsciously, but Bai Wushuang treated them, just like facing a wood. interest.

This also greatly affected the confidence of countless physics elites.

No, not just physics.

All those who Quan Qinghua believed to be capable and qualified suffered a huge blow.

Even the students who were in their seniors, thirds, and fourths, who had money in their families and worked hard, were all defeated.

It's not that they didn't work hard enough, but that Bai Wushuang really didn't react at all!

You try to talk to Bai Wushuang, she won't answer you even if you say ten sentences, she just looks at you indifferently, or just walks away, you say you are not hit?

After a few more times, they all lost their confidence.

But now, watching Bai Wushuang mention Shen Huan's attitude, it seems to be a little different.

Reminiscent of the time when his old sister Wei Yun contacted him with a smile and joy, Fu Yunfei seemed to understand something.

I still thought wrong.

Shen Huan is not only a genius in scientific research, he is also very good at girls.

Fu Yunfei doesn't care about entertainment, but he has also heard from the children at home about some of Shen Huan's fengliuyun affairs.

It is said that the most famous Xiaohua Dan Buyiyi, Tianhou Han Donger, and Xiaotianhou Li Bi are all the girlfriends of Shen Huan.

Especially Bu Yiyi, her "Han Zhu Ge Ge" has even been read by Fu Yunfei. It is very beautiful and makes people laugh.

If Shen Huan had even accepted his lover, then Fu Yunfei would really admire Shen Huan too much.

You are omnipotent!


In the morning of the next day, Bai Wushuang replied to Fu Yunfei, saying that Shen Huan had time for these two days, and that it would be convenient for Fu Yunfei.

This makes Fu Yunfei feel very comfortable.

Although Shen Huan's status in the field of mathematics is not lost to him, Fu Yunfei is an elder, after all, who is more than 40 years older than Shen Huan. Shen Huan is so humble, it can also reflect Shen Huan's cultivation.

So it was set between 1-3 in the afternoon.

As an academician, Fu Yunfei's time was very busy. It was already a luxury to spend so much time yesterday to read Shen Huan's two papers with all his heart.

This delayed a lot of things.

Therefore, there are still two more hours of free time today, which fully proves how excellent Shen Huan's paper is.

Fu Yunfei had seen Shen Huan's photos and videos, and knew that this was a handsome teenager who could be compared with Su Mo.

Even if the ancient Song Yupanan is alive, I am afraid it is the appearance of Shen Huan.

When I really saw Shen Huan himself, Fu Yunfei's first reaction was, do I still have a granddaughter or granddaughter who is 14-25 years old?

It doesn't matter if you are younger, you can marry Shen Huan after a few more years.

It doesn't matter if you are older. In this era, even if a girl is a few years older than her husband, various medical and health care methods can guarantee that they will not get old before the age of 50.

If Shen Huan comes to improve his family's genes, then academicians and Nobel Prize winners will probably come from our old family!

Disorganized thoughts flashed by.

When Fu Yunfei looked at Shen Huan again, he saw Bai Wushuang sitting beside Shen Huan.

The word Lang Cai Nv appearance suddenly appeared in Fu Yunfei's mind.

Thinking about the looks of the girls in his family, Fu Yunfei sighed secretly and gave up this unrealistic idea.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Fu Yunfei also showed a smile on his face, "Xiao Shen...I call you like that, is it a bit too big?"

"No." Shen Huan shook his head, "You are a senior, I am a junior."

Fu Yunfei smiled slightly, "Then let's not waste time, you know what I invited you over today, right?"

"I know." Shen Huan said first, "It's my two papers."

"Yes!" Fu Yunfei said, "When Wushuang showed it to me yesterday, I thought it was unbelievable. How could there be such a physical genius left in the folks that we haven't discovered?"

Shen Huan smiled, "You are polite, I have been studying physics for a while, but I have some results so far, so I wanted to ask Wushuang to help Kangkang... but I didn't expect to disturb you."

The boy really did not expect such an appearance.

He had originally planned, but after Bai Wushuang saw it, he felt that he was very talented in physics, so he made a foreshadowing.

Next, he will directly submit papers to top physics journals.

I believe that if they are not blind, they will publish their papers.

After the paper was published in a world-class physical science journal, it was logical that Shen Huan wanted to collaborate with Bai Wushuang in the next step. The two would do graphene experiments together.

Shen Huan knew that Bai Wushuang had a small laboratory himself.

This is enough.

And with the addition of Bai Wushuang, Shen Huan didn't have to spend much effort and time on data sorting, various coordination arrangements, and various specific operations, UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

The following graduate students and assistants do the hard work and the work that takes time.

This is also the norm in all laboratories.

If the director and boss of the laboratory are required to do everything, they will not be able to do a few projects in their lifetime.

A large number of boring experiments were produced by the assistants and graduate students who spent a lot of time slowly.

But Shen Huan never expected that Bai Wushuang, the girl who was so honest and innocent, gave the paper directly to Fu Yunfei.

If Fu Yunfei has any bad thoughts, then the attribution of these two papers is hard to say.

But with Fu Yunfei's status, the possibility of this happening is very small.

At his age and academician's achievements, if he was ruined by imposters, it would be ruined for a lifetime.

It is possible for younger physicists in their 40s or 50s.

Of course.

It is better to have Fu Yunfei join now.

It is great for Shen Huan that the graphene project has received widespread attention from the very beginning.

Others may also be afraid that the higher the praise, the worse the fall.

But it can be replaced by Shen Huan, who holds a lot of graphene research in another world, how could it fail?

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