I Know Everything

Chapter 1051: Private kitchen preparation

     It is very complicated to set up a laboratory.

   Not to mention the serious laboratory equipment and staffing, just the school's series of procedures, there is no ten and a half months, you don't even think about it.

   This is still paying the academician's face, and others may not be able to do it in a month or two.

  In addition to the purchase of various equipment, assistants and lecturers need a certain process to study knowledge of two-dimensional nanomaterials and the single-layer structure of graphite.

   Bai Wushuang himself is studying books and papers in these areas very seriously.

   She was only slightly proficient before, but now she must go deeper.

   Because of the directions that Shen Huan's two papers gave her, she felt the deep charm of physics, and she was immediately addicted to it.

  Under such circumstances, it is a super fast that the laboratory can officially start operation in April.

   So Shen Huan can have time to work on his own affairs recently.

   He is busy with his private kitchen half of the time.

   The task given by the good master, but if you can achieve the first word of mouth in Huajing, you will give yourself a reward that is no less than the spirit gathering and the Gubendan.

   This is an unattainable prize.

   Shen Huan was afraid of trouble, and wanted to get things done right away.

   The private kitchen itself is not troublesome.

   Shen Huan is a professional chef (historical level) himself. I can't say that I can compare to those super chefs of the past and present, but it is more than enough to be rated as a super chef.

   The key is that Shen Huan can cheat.

   He has the Spirit Gathering Liquid in his hand.

   Shen Huan has tried it a long time ago. Using the spirit-gathering liquid to boil the broth can not only increase the flavor, but also have a nourishing effect.

   It is guaranteed to make you feel comfortable after eating it, even if you eat hot pot.

   Think about it, how can there be any reason for such a chef to cook private dishes?

   But if you want to cook private kitchen, you must first have a good business place.

   In fact, Professor Bai Lao’s third courtyard house is very suitable.

   Because it is right next to Shen Huan's house, it is very convenient for Shen Huan to come and go.

   But the neighborhood is very noisy residential areas, and they all know Shen Huan.

   If it spreads out in the future, Shen Huan will not do his job properly to cook private kitchen, I don't know how many people will scold him.

   At that time, the private kitchen did not even have the most basic privacy.

   So Shen Huan has been wandering around home during this time.

   He likes to find some old hutongs with some old houses in them, which is more Beijing flavor, which means ancient heritage.

   But as soon as this Haiding District is surrounded by schools, building commercial houses is definitely the most cost-effective business. Where are there many old hutongs? How many suitable old houses are there?

   Even if someone has it, they may not rent it out, or someone is already using it.

   Looking around, Shen Huan finally found a small courtyard with one entry and one exit in the Zeng's Hutong next to Xiyuan Bridge.

   This small yard is only 100 square meters, but it is very quiet and there are no entertainment facilities around it. It is most suitable for a quiet meal.

   And it is not far from the main road, it is more than 30 meters, it is more convenient to come and go.

   If you park, there is a shopping mall not far away, and the parking is less than 200 meters.

   The only trouble is that this small yard has a tea shop opened by the owner himself and he is unwilling to transfer it.

   Shen Huan has nothing to do, he himself is not suitable for these bargaining transactions.

   So Shen Huan invited four school flowers and asked them to talk to the old man.

  Don't say anything, and I don't know what the four young ladies said, but in the end it was actually settled.

   But they also agreed to a request from the owner, Mr. Ke. When the private kitchen started to open, he had to come for the first meal. If it did not meet the standards, he could not open it.

   This is quite interesting.

   Shen Huan readily agreed.

   But the price they rented to Shen Huan is not cheap, 30,000 yuan a month, which still cannot destroy the main structure.

   Do the math, even if you make one table a day, the profit of a single table must be more than 1,000 yuan to maintain the most basic expenses.

   If you add in the labor costs of passing vegetables, cleaning, assistants, etc., there is no profit of 50,000 to 60,000, and it is not maintained at all.

   Where does Shen Huan come so much time to cook a table of private kitchen for others every day?

   Once a week is great.

   He had to go to the U.S. to play basketball in April, and it would take a few months to delay.

   Thinking of this, the price of this private kitchen table can't be lowered!

   Fortunately, Shen Huan does not rely on this to make money, even if it is a loss, he can accept it.

   After all, the main purpose of a teenager is word of mouth and a reward for a good master.

   After the reward is received, if it feels too troublesome, just close it. What's the problem?


   The house was rented, and the remaining decoration tasks were taken up by Long Yuqing and their four little sisters.

   They used their names when signing the contract, and they were naturally the decoration.

   Girls have a strange desire to dress up for their own house.

   is most obviously reflected in their own boudoir.

   The more self-loving and educated girl, she dresses her boudoir seriously and gives herself a good mood.

   But recently there is a new generation of girls who are so sloppy and scary. The whole room is almost like a garbage dump.

   The four school girls are definitely different. Even if it’s a rented house, it’s interesting to dress it up.

   On the premise of not being afraid to spend money, UU read the good materials on www.uukanshu.com, and excellent workers entered the site one after another, and the house was well decorated.

   When the old man Ke ran here to take a bend, he couldn't help but step forward to give some pointers, and he seemed very happy.

  According to their estimates, it will be open for business in 3 months at most.

   What Shen Huan really needs to consider is how to attract customers.

  Since it is a private dish that wants to take word of mouth, it must not be simple, the ingredients must be good, and the grade must be high-end.

   There are three to fifty thousand tables missing, you are all the old and young men who look down on Huajing.

   This is not nonsense.

  Private kitchen does not actually represent the price-performance ratio, it represents an identity status.

   Rich people who are willing to eat a table of three to fifty thousand yuan certainly don't care about the money, they care about the taste, whether they have special skills, and they are not up to the standard.

   If they really have the ability and unique skills, they will feel willing to spend any amount of money, and they will continue to recommend to their friends as a capital to show off.

   But the question is, how can we bring the rich who are really willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a meal without revealing their identity?

  Everything is difficult at the beginning. It is the current situation of Shen Huan's private kitchen.


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