I Know Everything

Chapter 1063: Human phase 0

     came out of the office, and Shen Huan let out a long sigh.

  It is really not easy to deal with these things.

   Fortunately, the school didn't have a lot of self-esteem. I still knew my strength and position very well. I didn't want to arrange the lecturer to go there.

   Compared with doctoral students, the lecturer has basically fixed his own thinking, but the improvement is not big.

   The doctoral students of the Agricultural University may not be as good as the doctoral students of Qinghua, but they are definitely comparable to the second-year graduate student Xu Xihe, right?

   As long as they study there seriously and have the opportunity to ask Bai Wushuang and his companions about various knowledge, they must be an excellent lecturer when they return to the University of Agriculture.

   If these two people are just messing around... well, when Yu Shen Huan didn't say it, the teenager would not talk about them.

   My own way, I walked out by myself, if you don't work hard, God can't help you.

   Xu Qiao told Shen Huan yesterday that Xu Xihe’s parents called her, wanting her to convey their gratitude to Shen Huan.

   Before Xu Xihe entered Bai Wushuang's laboratory, the two of them did not call.

   It wasn't until yesterday that the new issue of the "Nature" magazine came out, which caused a worldwide sensation. They learned the news and thanked Shen Huan and Xu Qiao specially.

   is actually mainly Xu Qiao.

   They understood that if it weren't for Xu Qiao's relationship, it would be impossible for Shen Huan to consider Xu Xihe.

   It’s just that Xu Qiao still knows how to behave. She deliberately conveyed her gratitude to Shen Huan, meaning that she would take care of Xu Xihe more in the future.

   But none of these people knew that Xu Xihe was stuffed in by Shen Huan almost abruptly.

  He is the weakest assistant inside.

   If you are not active and serious, you will definitely be rejected by everyone.

   Even if he doesn't show it, everyone looks down on him in their hearts.

   Once isolated, joining this laboratory is not necessarily a good thing for Xu Xihe.

  Only when Xu Xihe puts out 200% of the effort to work hard, will it be possible to win everyone's approval and make a solid step forward.

   If Xu Xihe can survive, he will come out of the laboratory and go directly to Zhejiang Yue University as a senior lecturer.

   If you are lucky, if you can continue to publish some papers and research on graphene, it is possible to be an associate professor at the age of 30.

   At this point, Shen Huan really couldn't help him, he could only rely on himself.

   I believe Xu Xihe also understands it, and then it depends on what he does.

   Gu Changhong was the one who sent Shen Huan the first message yesterday.

   is Gu Xue's uncle.

   He expressed his willingness to resign and enter the laboratory request, and Shen Huan readily agreed.

   Gu Changhong has always been entangled, wanting to come but afraid of losing more, but at least he has a good attitude.

   The third teacher He Qiang’s cousin Zeng Shaotang was different. After basically understanding the situation, he never contacted Shen Huan again.

   is also yesterday.

   He made a phone call and asked eagerly if he would come here now?

   Then Zeng Shaotang also added a sentence, can he help solve the problems of his wife’s work and children’s school enrollment...

   This made Shen Huan very speechless.

   I invite you over, not to introduce talents, but to help you inlay gold.

   Not to mention that I have given you so many benefits, you have to ask if you can arrange this arrangement like this. Do you regard yourself as a scientist who publishes a paper on Nature?

   So, Shen Huan told Zeng Shaotang very tactfully, because he has not responded to the news, so Academician Fu has arranged a candidate and can only wait for the next time.

   Zeng Shaotang was angry at that time.

   asked Shen Huan why he didn't tell him earlier.

   Shen Huan’s answer was to hang up the phone and block the person.

   Then, after thinking about it, Shen Huan also sent a message to He Qiang, explaining the ins and outs of the matter.

   Although Shen Huan is not afraid of He Qiang, as a student of He Qiang, this respect is still necessary.

   He Qiang's reply is the same as his life, it is very simple: "I see, I have worked hard."

   As for how He Qiang communicated with Zeng Shaotang later, that was their business and had nothing to do with Shen Huan.

   So in this world, people are really all kinds of people, all of them.

  When you meet good people, you will meet bad people, and you will also meet strange flowers.


   was thinking here, when Shen Huan was patted on the shoulder.

   turned his head and saw Zhou Xilan's pretty face with a light smile.

   "Oh yo, isn't this our Shenda scientist?" Zhou Xilan said with her back, her hands behind her back, exaggeratingly, "Why didn't your old man write a paper in the laboratory and came here to wander around?"

   The fact that Shen Huan published two papers on Nature has long been spread throughout the academic world.

  Even the newspapers and magazines of the center have praised Shen Huan in particular, not to mention the media on the Internet.

   Thanks to Shen Huan's blessing, countless people finally know what "Nature" and "Science" are all about.

   Zhou Xilan naturally knew it, so it made sense to make fun of Shen Huan.

   "Classmate Zhou, I think you are itchy." Shen Huan coughed lightly, "In that case, you can study physics with me and swim in the ocean of knowledge!"

   "Cut!" Zhou Xilan gave him a white look.

   "Don't believe me yet." Shen Huan smiled, "I'll turn around and tell your grandfather, he must be the tearful promise."


   Zhou Xilan panicked a bit now, and grabbed Shen Huan's clothes, "Don't leave!"

   By coincidence, two teachers came out of the teaching building.

   Hearing this scene, the eyes of the two looking at Shen Huan and Zhou Xilan were not right.

  Of course they knew Shen Huan, and they knew Zhou Xilan, the granddaughter of the principal.

   When they contacted the two people at this time and the content of their words, they suddenly wanted to get crooked.

   The two looked at each other, UU read www.uukanshu.com forcibly suppressed a smile, and hurried away from the side.

   Zhou Xilan and Shen Huan also looked at each other.

   "Look, you're done now!" Shen Huan shook his head, "Classmate Zhou, you are about to become one of my Shen family's daughter-in-laws!"

   "Bah, I want to be beautiful, you~~"

   Zhou Xilan sipped Shen Huan, and simply took him away, "Hurry up, the Bull Devil is waiting for you!"

   "What happened to it?"

   "I fought with other cows yesterday, but I lost. Today I am depressed and hit the wall!"

   "Then why are you looking for me? I'm not a psychologist! Besides, the psychologist doesn't care about animals!"

   "Don't talk nonsense, go and check it out!"

   "Classmate Zhou, are you not taking revenge?"

   "Yes! What's wrong?"


   The two talked and laughed and left.

   Looking at the backs of the two of them, the two teachers who turned their heads unconsciously smiled.

   In this school, Shen Huan and Zhou Xilan are the best match!

   If Zhou Xilan worked hard and succeeded in allowing Shen Huan to stay, that would undoubtedly be the greatest good news for Agricultural University!


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