I Know Everything

Chapter 1065: good to eat! Really tasty! !

     has been looking at the eldest son with these calligraphy and paintings in the room, shaking his head again and again at this time.

   Ke Shu asked, "Brother, these calligraphy and painting are not bad?"

"Of course it's very good!" He said with a smile, "This word, we amateur calligraphers can't write it... I think it is written by at least provincial or even higher-level calligraphy! It's great! Extremely!"

   "Doesn't it cost tens of thousands for a calligraphy and painting?" The second daughter-in-law asked in surprise.

   "How many?" Brother laughed, "You are not enough for others' money! At least you have to add a zero to the end."

   "Scare, then these... these..." The second daughter-in-law counted the number of digital paintings, "Isn't it two or three million?"

   "That's the least!" The eldest brother replied affirmatively.

   "This is really rich! If you put such a valuable thing here, you are not afraid of being stolen!" The second daughter-in-law stuck her tongue out.

   "The monitoring and security systems alone cost millions." Old man Ke drank tea and said by the way, "I saw the person who came to install the equipment that day. By the way, I knew the price."

   "Well, that's really a rich man's child!" The eldest daughter-in-law also nodded.

   Everyone was sighing, but the grandson didn't say a word, thinking about the face of the dragon girl just now.

   I can't wait to talk to her right away, that's so happy!

   "It's strange, you said they are so rich, how come to greet the guests by themselves?" The second son suddenly remembered a question, "What do they do when they go to school on weekdays?"

   "Oh, they will be a table of guests a week, only on Saturday." Mr. Ke said, "How about it, wayward?"


   The second son was speechless, "Then I have to taste it carefully. What kind of chef did they hire and dare to make only one table a week?"

While several people were talking, suddenly another 17-year-old girl knocked on the wooden door at the door a few times, "Master Ke, there are a few guests, you can sit there... the cold dishes are already being served. The table is ready, you can wait for the hot dishes to be served one after another while eating!"

   "Okay, Xu girl." Old man Ke nodded, stood up with a smile, and went to the dining room next to him.

   The eldest grandson saw the girl who was talking, and his heart was shocked again.


   How can she look as beautiful as the dragon girl just now?

   Seeing a ghost!

   Where are so many beautiful girls?

   The grandson never expected that his surprise at this time was far from the highest.

   When he sat on the table in the dining room, he almost stared at the other two female bosses who came with hot dishes.

   Two words came to his mind all at once.

  The ring is fat and thin.

   Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum.

   really has its own merits, it really makes people blind to it!

   Not to mention him, his younger uncle Ke Shu also looked a little dazzling.

   But Ke Shu knows more about the rules than his nephew, and didn't dare to look at it more. I also know that these girls are definitely not something he can give me a little idea.

   Even if he is only 35 years old, his family is worth more than 50 million yuan-well, Mr. Ke's several sets of properties are all good houses in good locations in Huajing, and they add up to 50 million.

  How can a family of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of wealthy families be able to make an idea if a family can produce such a daughter?

   Next, Ke Shu seriously prepared to taste the taste.

   Being the chef of this private kitchen, he is very particular.

   There are eight kinds of cold dishes.

   Four meats and four vegetarians, namely, salt water duck, braised beef, jelly, dried apricot meat, salted edamame, spicy dried radish, pickled kelp shreds, and patted cucumber

"Let’s eat their vegetarian dishes first! This is the test of craftsmanship." Old man Ke is also a person who loves to eat. He took the lead in picking up a piece of cucumber and smilingly said to his wife, "This is your specialty. You can also comment on it!"

   Just talking here, the old man Ke who took a bite was stunned.

   Seeing him dumbfounded, a group of children and juniors felt shocked, "Dad (grandfather), what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, oh, it's okay!" The old man Ke woke up and couldn't help but sighed, "Hey, this taste is absolutely amazing! I originally thought the old lady did the best, but now I know, What does it mean that there are mountains outside the mountains, there are people outside the people!"

   Granny Ke still doesn't believe it very much, because she has indeed been doing cucumber photography for decades, and anyone who has eaten it has to give it a thumbs up.

   She also put a piece into her mouth easily. Before chewing, the mixed aroma of cucumber, garlic and salt filled her mouth.

   When she took a light bite, the cucumber juice flowed out. It was slightly sweet and very crisp, which directly neutralized the previous taste and made it softer.

   After eating two more bites, even the cucumber inside is very tender, and the more I eat, the longer the aftertaste becomes.

   Especially the momentum of the garlic paste, it just stays in the mouth for a while and it disappears, and I basically don't feel much garlic after eating.

  The worst thing about garlic eaters is that the smell in their mouths is difficult to eliminate, sometimes even for a long time, and it will inevitably feel embarrassing to talk to others.

   But this chef doesn't know how to adjust it, and it can neutralize most of the garlic flavor, which is really amazing!

  The younger generations of children are all looking at Granny Ke eagerly, waiting for Granny Ke's conclusion.

   Actually, they don't have to wait any longer, because of the enjoyment of Granny Ke's eyes closed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has already told them how delicious this plate of cucumbers is.

   Only Elder Ke didn't care about these, he tasted all eight dishes one by one.

   "It's delicious!" At this time, Granny Ke opened her eyes and nodded slowly, "Everyone, eat, this cook is very good!"

   "It's not only very good, it's definitely the level of a super chef!" Old man Ke shook his head and said, "Haha, I really took advantage of a few girls this time!"

   He originally thought it was a very ordinary petty-bourgeois restaurant, but he didn't expect that they cooked private kitchen, and it tasted such a great private kitchen!

  It's like this kind of craftsmanship, this kind of ingredients, there are not thousands of them, it's weird to get it!

   With the approval of the two elders, a group of juniors quickly ate.

   Their reaction was the same as that of the two old people. The first bite was amazing, and then after tasting the eight dishes one by one, they quickly repeated it again.

   Even the grandson who never forgets the dragon girl. also keeps eating.

   By the time the first round of hot dishes such as shredded pork with Beijing sauce, ingot meat and braised sea cucumber came up one after another, they had eaten all the eight dishes.


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