I Know Everything

Chapter 1068: Derived TV series destined for success

The prime time period for      American TV shows is from September to March of the following year.

  Because in April-August, the weather is clear, everything starts to recover, everyone likes outdoor activities, so fewer people watch TV.

   China is different. As long as you have a good TV series, people will watch it when it is broadcast.

   After all, the population of China is about four times that of the United States, and the population base for watching TV shows is very large.

   Therefore, the period after the Spring Festival has become the competition point for the first wave of ratings of the year.

   In this regard, Shanhai.com, which already has a dominant position in Internet ratings, is not at all soft.

   When they shot, it was Wang Fried.

   As early as the Spring Festival, there was a notice on the various video advertisements on Shanhai.com.

   "In March of Spring, please pay attention to Shanhai.com, "The Gift of Room 7" will be launched soon!"

   "Hua Guo's world's No. 1 box office movie, China's No. 1 book sold in recent years, and the most-performed drama in China's drama history in two years... Now, it's finally going to be a TV series!"

   "Hundreds of performances experience drama master Xu Gu starred in Li Chenglong, and the national elf Li Wei starred in Li Yiyuan... What is the difference between them and the combination of Guo Hang and Yang Shu?"

   "It took half a year to shoot, and it cost more than 100 million yuan to create the whole movie on the spot!"

   "Shanhai.com and Fengxiang Film and Television jointly launched this year's biggest surprise, so stay tuned!"


   Seeing such a round of publicity is enough to excite the fans of "The Gift of Room Seven".

   For the past few years, the most successful IP in China is "The Gift of Room 7".

   Although it cannot be adapted into a game, in other aspects, its performance is absolutely top-notch.

  Whether it is books, movies, or dramas, "The Gift of Room No. 7" has surrendered No. 1 in the country.

   Around the "Gift of Room No. 7", some people conservatively estimate that Mr. Chu Liuxiang made at least 1 billion yuan!

   Isn't it an exaggeration?

   wrote a book and made 1 billion in the end!

   I am afraid that any best-selling book author is envious and hated, right?

   Even in the United States, their royalties are high, and the cost of film adaptation is also high, but there are absolutely few such benefits.

  In China, it is an unprecedented number one.

   Now that the TV version of "The Gift of Room No. 7" is out, everyone speculates that it must add tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of profits to Mr. Chu Liuxiang!

   No way, who said that "The Gift of Room Seven" has hundreds of millions of fans in Asia?

   The truth is also true.

   Before "The Gift of Room 7" was broadcast, Shanhai.com disclosed the purchase price early.

  300 million.

  Shanhai.com spent 300 million yuan to win the first broadcast rights of "The Gift of Room No. 7" and the exclusive broadcast rights to the global network.

   means that all online viewers around the world must come to Shanhai.com to watch it.

  Other countries can only buy the right to broadcast the second round by the TV station, and wait until the Shanhai Net broadcast is over.

   Therefore, this 300 million is definitely worth it.

Don’t think that Fengxiang Film and Television took advantage. In fact, there has been a lot of news. In the past two years, Youyi.com, which has been robbed again and again, once opened a price of 250 million yuan or even 300 million yuan. I refused without hesitation.

   Everyone was laughing after hearing the news.

   They all understand what this means.

  Who told you Youyi.com to offend both Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang?

   Although you said on Youyi.com that "there is no hatred in business", people just don't want to cooperate with you, how can you drop it?

   want revenge?

Ha ha!

  Do you know what it means to be a world-class mathematician who solved Fermat's last theorem?

   Leave this aside.

   For Fengxiang Film and Television, this purchase fee is also a huge profit.

   Actually filming "The Gift in Room No. 7", because most of the actors who chose the drama version were very experienced and inexpensive, so the filming was very easy.

   It took roughly 2 months to shoot, and the post-production was completed in one month.

   The overall cost of expenditure is controlled within 50 million yuan.

   Director Hu Zhenshu took 5 million, which is the most.

   In terms of actors, Mr. Xu Gu got the most, 3 million.

   And Li Wei, the actor of Li Yiyuan, only took 1 million. ——Zhang Shihan, another drama star, because her mother Lion asked for 3 million, so Xin Changkong directly rejected it.

   The rest of the supporting actors are around 300,000-800,000, and the pay ratio is very well controlled.

   But even if this investment in income ratio is announced, Xin Changkong is not worried about the envy and envy of outsiders.

   Because everyone knows that almost all of the income of the two teachers, Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng, has been donated to the education of the mountain village. The hundreds of mountain schools are proof one after another.

   You can see photos and videos of "Lu Xiaofeng No. 7 Primary School" and "Chu Liuxiang Eighteen Middle School" everywhere on the Internet.

   There is a netizen who claims to go to all the schools donated by Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng, but after more than a year, he hasn't finished his journey, and people are about to fall apart.

   Fortunately, each of his videos has been played by at least millions of people, which has brought him a lot of rewards income to support, otherwise the big guys estimate that he will be depressed.

   These are the biggest amulet for the two bosses. No one can say anything about it. You can donate so many to try it?

So even after Shanhai.com announced the price of 300 million yuan, people discussed the most, but "Shanhai.com, a big dog family, is so rich" instead of "Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng, the two men who have earned so much money." !"

   In any case, the purchase price of 300 million TV series seems to be a sky-high price.

   Although it is not as good as the total income of "Yue Prison" of 500 million due to overseas income, as a TV series that relies almost exclusively on the domestic and Asian markets, "The Gift of Room No. 7" is enough to be proud of.

   Also in this kind of anticipation, "The Gift of Room No. 7" was officially screened on Shanhai.com.

   The two episodes aired on the first day created a good start.

   Directly watched online by up to 270 million people, with an average of 130 million people watching the record, shocking the entire network.

Although this result includes viewers from Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia, it almost broke the 300 million highest viewership, and the average viewership of more than 100 million viewers is enough to make Shanhai.com dream of laughing. come out.

  Shanhainet’s "Gift from Room No. 7" comment area, refreshed every second, there are hundreds of comments.

   "Woo~~Why did I cry in the first episode?"

"My favorite is Xiao Yiyuan. I watched both the Yang Shu version, Li Wei's drama version, and Zhang Shihan's drama version at UU Reading www.uukánshu.com! But now watching the TV drama version, I still can’t help it. My eyes are red!"

   "I used to worry about the chaos of directors and screenwriters and ruining our classics! But now it seems that the rhythm is very well controlled! Lao Xin is really good as a director!"

   "Yes, both Mr. Xu Gu and the children of Li Wei have grasped the essence very well, and the acting is really good!"

   "They don’t have any exaggeration in the drama! They are so restrained, so serious, so real...what to do, I want to keep watching but I’m afraid of crying~~"

   "Who is not like this? I was with my mother and my dad, and the three of them couldn't stand it after watching two episodes! Obviously the plot is pretty easy now!"


   Like this, within 24 hours, there were 77 million messages.

   Various discussions have exceeded 200 million pieces of information.

   The servers of Shanhai.com are about to crash.

   This shows how influential and powerful "The Gift of Room No. 7" is.

   Under such circumstances, the TV series "The Gift of Room No. 7" can already declare itself a great success! !


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