I Know Everything

Chapter 1084: Specific cause

Speaking of racing, Shen Huan knew that he would definitely meet other people to report to him.

Therefore, when eating at noon the next day, Miss Zhou Xilan sat next to Shen Huan again and started gossiping, which was not surprising at all.

Zhou Xilan's father opened a 4S shop. He has a lot of intersection with the auto industry. In addition, Zhou Xilan has a lively and jumpy personality and knows many drivers, so she is very familiar with Huajing's racing circle.

"Shen Huan, the drivers from the south are about to call! Now they are nervous!" said Zhou Xiao, a reporter classmate.

"It's just normal communication. Even if you lose, what's the matter?" Shen Huan ate slowly, "The people in the south are very good? What if the Benz riders came over? The rider is here, what should I do?"

"It's different!" Zhou Xilan shook her head repeatedly, "We can't lose the face of Huajingren!"

"Oh, then you guys come on."


"Don't look at me like that, I am from Lin'an."

When Zhou Xilan heard Shen Huan’s explanation, she felt furious, “You live and study in Huajing and eat food cooked by Huajing people. You should be a part of us, at least for now!”

Seeing classmate Zhou filled with righteous indignation, Shen Huan nodded amusedly: "Okay! I will support you mentally with all my strength! Come on and beat this group of visiting drivers!"

Zhou Xilan gave Shen Huan a white look, "Please, are you a little sincere, OK?"

Shen Huan ignored her and continued to eat.

This girl is even more annoying than Bai Shengkun yesterday. If Shen Huan continues to talk to her, she might be able to arrange Shen Huan sloppily and agree.

Seeing that Shen Huan did not accept the move, Zhou Xilan could only change the way, "This time, Chai Xu will also come back! We heard that his driving skills in the South have improved a lot. In this car, we got the top five results... You see, are our Huajing drivers very good?"

"If Chai Xu beats Huajing's driver, then there is nothing embarrassing, right?" Shen Huan asked.

"That's right, but there are several drivers in East Guangdong, who are better than Chai Xu." Zhou Xilan said, "especially a driver named Tang Meng, who has been in front of East Guangdong Racing for many years. Two. This time he also followed."

"It doesn't matter." Shen Huan coughed lightly, "Anyway, you can't even deal with Chai Xu, and Tang Meng has no chance to play."

"court death!"

Zhou Xilan couldn't help it, and immediately gave Shen Huan a fan fist.

When the students around saw it, they all turned their eyes to other places.

Miss Zhou and Shen Huan flirted openly, not once or twice. Anyway, they are so unconventional, and everyone is used to it.

Many female classmates still envy Zhou Xilan, and they also want to have more contact with Shen Huan.

But Shen Huan's aura is really too strong, even if she is one of the best beautiful women in the National Agricultural University, she doesn't have much confidence to talk and laugh with Shen Huan.

Only a heartless girl like Zhou Xilan, coupled with a very prominent family background, can get along with Shen Huan at the very beginning and become good friends.

Zhou Xilan gave Shen Huan a punch, but there was nothing in her mouth to refute Shen Huan's words.

The reason is simple, Shen Huan is telling the truth.

In Huajing's racing circle, Chai Xu is definitely ranked in the top three, and even if he is crazy, the first is safe.

Nowadays, I have been training in eastern Guangdong for more than half a year, and Chai Xu's skills are constantly increasing.

In contrast, the group of drivers who stayed in Huajing still raced in the old environment and old rivals, with little change at all.

So if Chai Xu came to play this time, Huajing's drivers would have no way to stop him.

Any circle has a regional concept.

Having been the capital for a thousand years, Huajing naturally has its own pride, thinking that I should be first in everything.

In particular, the proportion of wealthy people in Huajing is also the first in the country, and the number of luxury cars is also the first. So, the racing culture should be more popular.

But the fact is not so simple.

The terrain around Huajing is not complicated, and the location of the plains makes the roads here not complicated.

As for the Yanshan Mountains and Taihang Mountains, they are too steep to be suitable for racing.

The East of Guangdong is different. There are mountains everywhere, but these mountains are usually not so tall and steep. There are often some mountain roads suitable for racing.

As a result, the racers from East Guangdong surpassed those from Huajing in terms of environmental difficulties, so that they can train the drivers even more.

Therefore, in national amateur racing competitions, people from the South usually win the championship, and even the drivers from Shuchuan are better than those from Huajing.

Even if the Huajing people were not convinced, there was no way.

This matter can only be told by the results, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, nothing else works.

Speaking of, drivers from East Guangdong have not been to Huajing for several years.

They usually race against Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian drivers.

Because the level of those is higher, it will sharpen them and make them improve.

The drivers who came to bully Huajing were not in their plan.

The reason they came this time is actually quite coincidental.

It's because of Chai Xu.

After Chai Xu went to eastern Guangdong, it didn't take long for him to get a lot of attention thanks to his hard work and serious training attitude.

After more than a dozen competitions, Chai Xu, who has adapted to the competition environment in Eastern Guangdong, has repeatedly made the top five, and even won the championship.

The riders over there feel that Huajing’s current riders have very good skills, and it is worth coming over to talk.

So this group of riders wrote the game, saying that they would come to Huajing to organize a few games, and everyone would learn from each other.

The statements made by the drivers in East Guangdong have caused difficulties for the drivers of Huajing and the racing fans.

Chai Xu was originally the best among Huajing racers. He has all gone to the south. Who else can resist the drivers from East Guangdong?

Fu Wei?

He definitely can't, which means bullying and bullying ordinary drivers.

The other two clubs still have good drivers, but they were only 50-50 against Chai Xu before, and now they have no confidence in surpassing Chai Xu.

It is precisely because everyone is a little bit worried and afraid of losing the face of the Huajing racing circle, that's why Bai Shengkun found Shen Huan to ask him for help before.

Only then has Zhou Xilan want to encourage Shen Huan to participate in the competition.

However, Shen Huan did not take the move.

This made Zhou Xilan quite distressed.

What should I do?

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