I Know Everything

Chapter 1089: Strike while the iron is hot

     Strike while the iron is hot is everywhere.

After    received the Golden Bear Award, "The Story of Xiao Ba" arranged a global release mode.

   Yanhuang Films is not as long as Verbatim Films, but they have money.

   In order to diversify the industry, Boss Qi allocated a large sum of money to Yanhuang Pictures, and then Qi Yiwen took the money to buy theaters all over the world.

   Now they have more than 800 screens in the United States, and there are also large-scale theaters in the UK, France and Germany.

   Needless to say in China, there are more than 1,000 movie theaters and more than 4,000 screens, which surpassed Verbatim's more than 3,000 films and became the first in China.

   In fact, Yanhuang Films' theater line is the world's first.

  'S such powerful strength made the release of "The Story of Xiao Ba" a fish in water, without any hindrance at all.

   They arranged a total of more than 6,000 screens to show. In addition to their own, they also contacted the three major theaters for help.

   In the cinema industry, I rely on you to help me and I help you to live, no one has the ability to survive independently.

   Even if it is the world's largest theater line of Yanhuang Films, so many movies, so many choices, rely on their own family to judge and undertake, it seems a little powerless.

   So everyone helps each other out on weekdays. This is how these 2,000 screens were borrowed.

   Of course, "The Story of Xiao Ba" does not need to ask for help. These more than 2,000 screens are all in the bustling neighborhood, which can prove the strength of "The Story of Xiao Ba".

   Otherwise, others have lent it to you, but they are all in the suburbs or in remote places. What is the meaning of the large number?

   The premiere of "The Story of Xiao Ba" was arranged in Huajing.

  Because a series of main creative personnel are all in Huajing, I won't go to Shanghai or Guangdong to mess around.

At the premiere of   , countless celebrities showed up. As one of the movie investors, Shen Huan naturally represented Fengxiang Film and Television.

   After hello, Shen Huan felt that his voice was going to be dumb.

   He had to admire himself, and made Chu Liuxiang a person who Gao Leng did not want to contact with others, otherwise he would have to be twice as tired.

  "Hey, Shen Huan, water~~"

   The rare guests all went in, and Shen Huan also had time to sit down and rest. Just sitting down, he heard such a sweet voice.

   Without looking up, Shen Huan saw the young girl Yang Shu who was dressed very freshly.

   After receiving the mineral water, Shen Huan drank it all in one breath, then lay on the chair and panted slowly.

   Yang Shu didn't rush to speak either. He sat next to Shen Huan and waited for a while before saying: "Shen Huan, being a star is so tired, why are so many people willing to be?"

   "I earn a lot of money, and the scenery is everywhere, don't anyone like it?" Shen Huan smiled.

   "I don't think you like this circle that much." Yang Shu said bluntly, "Otherwise you would follow them in with excitement, instead of being lazy outside."

   "What are you talking about? My name is rest." Shen Huan squeezed Xiao Nizi's face, "Hey, where's your mother? Why aren't you by your side?"

   "Oh, she was in the car outside. I was brought here by godmother, so she was relieved." Yang Shu said, "then godmother looked at me and felt relieved."

   Shen Huan nodded, and suddenly remembered the situation of hugging Gu Shuiyao before.

   "You have worked hard, and mom has worked hard too!" The boy said with emotion.

   "That's why I have to work hard to make money, so that our family can live a good life!" Yang Shu clenched his small fist and said.

   "Well, come on!" Shen Huan laughed, "Recently, Japanese and Korean advertisers have all come? How are the talks?"

   "Not bad." Yang Shu said with a little embarrassment, "But Uncle Hang took too much care of me, which made me a little embarrassed."


"Any Japanese and Korean advertisements that are looking for him, he has made requests. He must be picked up with me, and the two of us must be paid the same." Yang Shu spit out his tongue, "This makes him could have been I got two or three million, but now it has decreased a lot."

   Shen Huan's face changed slightly when he heard that, "He knows? Who told him?"

   Although Guo Hang also likes Yang Shu, he will certainly not help Yang Shu make money directly and rudely.

  The only possibility is that Guo Hang knows that Yang Shu is very short of money now.

   "I should know a little bit." Yang Shu said first, "but it was not who told him, but he saw it when filming. My mother sometimes cry, and then my father never came."

   After a pause, Yang Shu said, "But he never told me or asked."

  The people who film the film are all veterans of words and colors.

   Gu Shuiyao's performance like this is definitely something that people can't hide.

   Guo Hang has experienced the trough himself, of course, he can see the state of Gu Shuiyao, and he can understand the situation with just a little guess.

   It's just that Guo Hang is very clever, so he doesn't ask at all, he just helps others.

   No wonder Aunt Mei often tells herself that it is her great honor and pride to discover such an actor as Guo Hang.

"Making foreigners' money is a manifestation of ability." Shen Huan said to Yang Shu with a smile, "Since Guo Hang is so hard, you can make money! When you grow up, you can help him. , I will definitely help."

   "Well, I will!" Yang Shu nodded heavily.

   Immediately, she said happily, "Shen Huan, if this time the Japanese, Korean ads come down, I will be able to return all the money to you next year at most!"

   "Silly girl!" Shen Huan touched her little head, UU read www.uukānshu.com "We are not outsiders, so don't worry."

   "I know, but my mother always feels that it's not good to owe money, and she always has something to worry about." Yang Shu smiled.

   She is in a very good state of mind.

   Obviously, it is also because the contract given by the Japanese and Korean advertisers is large enough.

   Yang Shu has a fixed fan base, and the products for children are even more appealing.

   Now Guo Hang wants to take her with him again, and at the cost of reducing some money, but also to guarantee Yang Shu's contract, then she will earn more.

   Foreign advertising endorsements generally give more endorsements, such as Japan and South Korea, a superstar advertising, it is possible to 2-3 million US dollars.

   Yang Shu and Guo Hang are particularly popular in Japan, South Korea, and "The Gift in Room No. 7" did not know how many people shed tears.

   In the selection of Japan and South Korea last year, Guo Hang ranked first among foreign male stars.

   Yang Shu is even more powerful. She directly dumped millions of votes for the second-placed Japanese and Korean female star.

   Now the book "The Gift of Xiao Ba" is also selling well in Japan, South Korea, and it is Chu Liuxiang, Zhu Mei and their gold medal combination. There is no reason why advertisers don't want to take advantage of the current boom and launch advertising to make money.

   For them, this is also a way to strike while the iron is hot.


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