I Know Everything

Chapter 1097: Chess help

     The school meal is really not good.

   has no advantages other than being cheap and full.

   Just for the above treatment, sometimes you have to endure the sand and unwashed things.

   quarreling with the aunts and uncles in the cafeteria, you can only lose.

   In addition, the canteen of every university is basically in charge of the logistics department, and there will be no outsourcing, so they are more confident.

   Many qualified classmates, at lunch or evening meals, would like to go out of school to have a small stir-fry, or just order takeaway, which is very convenient anyway.

   Shen Huan is different.

   As long as he has classes in the afternoon, he usually eats in the school cafeteria.

   The focus is wherever he goes.

   Even the aunts in the cafeteria said when they chatted, every time Shen Huan came to school for dinner, there would be more girls here.

   Even if you don’t talk to Shen Huan, as long as you quietly appreciate the unparalleled beauty in the world. Men and girls feel that they can eat deliciously.

   It would be better if Zhou Xilan hadn't always "occupied" Shen Huan.

   Unfortunately, they often fail to get what they want.

   For example, today, not long after Shen Huan sat down to eat, he saw Zhou Xilan rushing over.

  "Car God, help~~"

   Zhou Xilan lay on the table and shouted sadly.

   Shen Huan opened the lunch box a bit, "Student Zhou, please don't be so pitiful, or others will think I abandon you."

   "Isn't it?" Zhou Xilan said feebly, "I asked you to help you, but you won't, now it's all right, I was cut by a knife."

   Although Shen Huan doesn't go to the car racing, he is interested in this topic, "When is it, why don't I know?"

"It's just this morning." Zhou Xilan said, "I just came back from there... Good guy, Chai Xu hasn't shot yet. It is said that Hao Zi, the weakest in their team, has picked up three rounds alone. Fu Wei, Miao Weiqing, and Shi Yong were all taken down. The longest time Fu Wei actually lost was 30 seconds!"

   Don’t look at what Zhou Xilan said is only 30 seconds, maybe just a few breaths, but on the racing track, there is a very big gap.

   You go to look at the F1 game, basically the top ten is won between 1-3 seconds.

   If it exceeds 10 seconds, it is second-rate, let alone 30 seconds, which is definitely a shameful result.

   Miao Weiqing and Shi Yong are the strongest drivers in the other areas of Huajing.

   They used to be a little bit better than Fu Wei, and they were basically on par with Chai Xu, winning or losing between five and five.

   I didn't expect that after half a year or so, Chai Xu had already exercised very well in Eastern Guangdong. They stayed in Huajing but did not make any progress.

"The Haozai who played this time, I heard that when he was training against Chai Xu, he lost ten games in ten games. There was no room for struggling at all." Zhou Xilan said, "I heard him say this. The drivers are so ashamed."

   "Skills are not as good as humans, it's normal." Shen Huan said first.

"Please, this means that all the Huajing drivers have lost their face!" Zhou Xilan patted the table with a look of righteousness: "Now they give us two days to find a better master... …Shen Huan, it’s time for you to undertake your historical mission! Go!"

   "Don't go!"

   "Cut, are you still a man?" Zhou Xilan gave him a white look, "Since you have participated in the competition, you can't just win against us Huajing people, anyway, treat them equally, and win the Eastern Guangdong people too!"

   Shen Huan was funny and angry.

   If it weren't for school, Shen Huan would have to slap her perfectly round.

"Student Zhou, I really don't want to get involved with the car anymore." He pondered for a moment and said honestly: "What if I get lucky to win the drivers from East Guangdong? Next time, Japanese, Korean drivers come over, am I right? Go too? What if you can't win? Isn't it shameful?"

   Shen Huan did not say that F1 drivers, relying on professional racing (intermediate) skills, absolutely cannot beat F1 professional drivers.

   Zhou Xilan was disappointed.

   She has been with Shen Huan for so long. Of course she knows when Shen Huan is joking and when she is talking about serious things.

   Now that Shen Huan has such an attitude, it proves that he really doesn't want to get involved.

   "Now we are going to be laughed at!" Zhou Xilan can only shook her head regretfully.


   Shen Huan originally thought it was over.

   But at night, he and Bai Wushuang came back from the agricultural experiment base together. When Bai Wushuang was about to cross the street and go to the parking lot to pick up the car, a shining car light suddenly turned on, shining on the two of them.

   Bai Wushuang tilted his head subconsciously, and Shen Huan quickly blocked her.

   Such bright car lights are definitely modified.

  With Shen Huan's physical fitness and eyesight, he couldn't see clearly who was in the car.

   For a moment, Shen Huan wanted to activate the ability to fight cattle, and directly let the people in the car act out the "spring man".

   But he still endured it.

  Because I haven't figured out the ins and outs of the matter yet, it would be too cruel to start directly because of this.

   The next moment, the lights of the car went out, and two young men came out.

   Both of them wore short-sleeved shorts and sneakers, and they were very thin.

   At this time, it was early April, and the weather in Huajing gradually warmed, but it was still not the day to wear short-sleeved shorts.

  The young people living in Huajing are certainly not used to being a little bit burnt at this time. Generally, those who come from the south do.

   After getting in touch with what Zhou Xilan said this morning, Shen Huan had an idea.

   "Hi, you are Shen Huan?" One of the purple-haired men said with a grin, "Why, I'm busy picking up girls, so I don't want to come racing?"

   He carefully looked at Bai Wushuang next to Shen Huan, but was attracted by Bai Wushuang's amazing beauty, and couldn't remove his eyes for a long time.

   Shen Huan glanced at him, "Who are you?"

   "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." The purple-haired man shrugged, "You can call me Hao Tsai, today I am the so-called masters who have won you Huajing."


   Shen Huan said faintly, and then said to Bai Wushuang, "Let's go!"

  Bai Wushuang didn't even look at the two of them, nodded slightly when he heard the words, and was about to cross the street following Shen Huan.


   Hao Tsai was repeatedly ignored by Shen Huan, and in his anger, he wanted to block Shen Huan's path.

However, the face next to him was a little square, but it was a young man with almost no flesh on his face. He stopped him, "Forget it, he doesn't want to talk to us, so don't disturb others." Picked up girls."

"I bother!"

   Hao Zi looked at Shen Huan who was crossing the street, and he spit, "What else do you say about NBA superstars, that is, what you think about women."

   "Let's go, after the next time they lose, Shen Huan can't sit still." The man smiled and sat back in the passenger seat.

   "If you want me to say it, they just brag about Shen Huan, Shen Huan is nothing great at all." Haozai said disdainfully, sitting in the main driver's seat.

   "Chai Xu can't lie, he said that Shen Huan is great, that's great." The man said: "I..."



   He was turning his head to talk to Hao Tsai, but suddenly saw Hao Tsai as if he was crazy, and using all his strength to hit the car roof like lightning.

   A huge sound passed, I don't know what happened to the roof of the car, but Haozai who fell down was covered in blood, and he didn't even scream, he passed out in a coma.


   The man was terrified.

   Sitting in the car, he only felt cold all over, and there was a gloomy look in the car.

   Did this rider meet a ghost?


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