I Know Everything

Chapter 1101: Generous!

     had cares in his mind, and Shen Huan did not show anything.

He was not afraid of Japanese people, and he never felt that what he did was wrong.

Back then, they cheated and even plundered countless treasures, but now Shen Huan takes some points back, just for interest.

However, if it is not necessary, it is better to keep it secret.

So Shen Huan was going to take another look to see what tricks they were going to play.

At this moment Xie Yang had already left, and Shen Huan asked Mu Ruru to take him with him to see what fine products the Riben people had brought.

Without saying a word, Mu Ruru took Shen Huan directly to the place where her father stood just now.

"Here, that's it." Mu Ruru pointed to a copybook that was almost one meter long and 50 cm wide, "Yan Zhenqing's "On Huzhou General Affairs Book with Chang Yifu", a serious national treasure!"

She was afraid that Shen Huan would not know the details, and then explained, "Chang Yifu is Chang Dagon, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, and also a descendant of Yan Zhenqing. When Yan Zhenqing was demoted to Huzhou, Chang Dagon became the minister of ceremonies, the court. A very powerful person. Therefore Yan Zhenqing often exchanged political affairs with him. This is one of their correspondence."

It goes without saying how famous Yan Zhenqing is.

After Wang Xizhi, if you talk about the three major calligraphers, Yan Zhenqing may not be able to rank among them.

But if you look at the achievements of running script alone, it is no problem for Yan Zhenqing to be in the top three.

His most famous piece, "Memorial to the Nephew to Give Praise to Doctor Ji Mingwen", also known as "The Manuscript of Sacrifice to Nephew", is recognized as the second-line book in the world.

The first line of the book is "Lanting Collection Preface".

From this we can know Yan Zhenqing's achievements in calligraphy.

Even on the whole, even if Yan Zhenqing is not in the top three among the calligraphy masters of more than 2000 years, the top ten is still relatively stable.

Speaking of it, it's a bit strange.

The beginner of this calligraphy master is Chu Suiliang, a master of regular script, but his teacher is the grass sage Zhang Xu, but his most accomplished is running script.

Su Shi once said: "Poetry is for Du Zimei, writing is for Han Tuizhi, painting is for Wu Daozi, and writing is for Yan Lugong, and the changes in the past and the present, the world can do everything."

Comparing with Du Fu, Han Yu, and Wu Daozi, Yan Zhenqing is absolutely boastful.

However, Yan Zhenqing's loyalty to the country and his unrelenting death add to his personality charm, which makes his works more and more popular.

In contrast, the calligraphy of many traitorous officials is also very good, but they have been deliberately watered down in history.

For example, the Song Ti, which we usually write, was created in Qin Hui's font.

Zhao Gao, who refers to the deer as the horse, writes the big seal that is the world's top calligrapher.

Cai Jing, one of the six thieves at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, was the best in calligraphy. At that time, even Song Huizong was inferior.

Etc., etc.

But their calligraphy works have never been popular.

The topic is far off.

Since it was the work of Yan Zhenqing, who wrote the "Manuscript of Sacrifice to Nephew", the price of this "Book of General Affairs in Huzhou with Chang Yifu", which has at least two or three hundred characters, is quite expensive.

In addition, the left and right surroundings are all the seals of famous collectors of various generations, and the promotion of celebrities in each dynasty fully proves its orderly heritage.

Therefore, before Shen Huan asked about the price, Mu Ruru had already reported it: "The stock price of the teachers just now is about 300 million yuan. If it can go to auction, it may even be higher."

Shen Huan nodded, "This price is not expensive."

The authentic works of Wang Xizhi are long gone, and now only the authentic works of Yan Zhenqing are there, so no matter what aspect, Yan Zhenqing's running script is worth the price.

In terms of antique calligraphy and painting in China, masterpieces by famous masters are definitely what attracts everyone's attention.

The more famous the more so.

Even those works that have been proven to be counterfeit, such as Wang Xizhi and Su Shi's works, are worth two or three hundred million.

Not to mention the price of Yan Zhenqing's works, it is already a miracle that Yan Zhenqing's works can be carefully and completely preserved till now.

"These people in ancient times were too powerful. Perhaps they didn't expect that their works would be so valuable in the future?" Mu Ruru sighed.

"It's not." Shen Huan said, "At that time, Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy works were very valuable. It is possible that such a copybook could be worth hundreds of gold."


Mu Ruru didn't believe it.

"Do you know that Yan Zhenqing's teacher is Grass Saint Zhang Xu?" Shen Huan asked her.


"It is recorded in historical records that after Zhang Xu became famous, there was a poor acquaintance in his hometown, and his life was too much, so he asked someone to write to him, asking him to support himself." Shen Huan talked freely, "The result Zhang Xu wrote a letter to him and told him to count the number of words in the letter, and then sell it to the rich. One word is one or two gold, and one cent is a lot."

"Scare~~You lie to me~~" Mu Ruru's big beautiful eyes widened, "How could it be so awesome?"

"Little girl, your boyfriend didn't lie to you." At this time, an old man came next to him. He didn't seem to know Shen Huan and Mu Ruru. He smiled and said, "This story is very famous, Zhang Xu's cursive script It was very valuable at that time. This is the same reason that Wang Youjun's works were robbed during their Jin Dynasty."

Mu Ruru blushed after hearing it, and quickly pulled Shen Huan away.

I just don't know if she blushed because of her lack of knowledge, or if the blushing old man had misunderstood her and Shen Huan.

Next, UU read www.uukanshu.com and she took Shen Huan around the hall for a while.

Shen Huan found that there were a lot of things tasting the exhibition this time.

In addition to the "A Book on Huzhou General Affairs with Chang Yifu" from the Abe family, there is also a masterpiece by the great painter Xu Wei of the Ming Dynasty, which is worth hundreds of millions.

Of the other dozen paintings and copybooks, Shen Huan has seen two or three of them, but the two of the best ones, Shen Huan regretted not seeing them.

Last time in the treasure house of the Abe family, it was obvious that Shen Huan had emptied the Chinese calligraphy and paintings of the two large safes. How could there be fish that slipped through the net?

It seems that the Abe family is not honest, knowing what is called the Three Caves of the Rabbit.

I want to come to these two calligraphy and paintings, either in another unobtrusive corner, or in another treasure house.

Otherwise, how could Shen Huan miss it?

And this time the Abe family is willing to take out calligraphy and painting so generously, it proves their mind.

Not only the Abu family, Akira Odawara and Shiroji Kameda also produced a lot of treasures.

They are most proud of the paintings and copybooks of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and even the imperial edicts have been taken out, highlighting the richness of their collections and the high quality.

This makes it even more refined than last time, making people reluctant to leave.

Gradually, there were more people here, and it actually reached the scale of almost a hundred people.

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