I Know Everything

Chapter 1104: Not Shen Huan

     The night is hanging down.

  In the private room of a secluded Japanese-style izakaya, people sitting around a small table for seven or eight days.

   It is covered with tatami mats, and the various decorations and layouts are very similar to those in Japan, making people feel like they are back to Japan.

   Even the plates, food, taste, etc. here are all Japanese style.

   Therefore, the Japanese people are not restrained here.

  Riben people always like to come to an izakaya to relax with a beer. Working abroad, they are far from home, and they are more willing to find a restaurant with hometown atmosphere to eat.

   In fact, there are not many such izakayas in Huajing, the most are in Shanghai.

  Because there are more than 200,000 Japanese people working in Shanghai, including their families.

   At this time, the Japanese people sitting in this box are members of the three major collection families headed by the Abe family.

   They gather here, naturally not only for food and drink.

   More importantly, it includes their purpose of coming to China this time.

   Shinji Abe waved his hand and directly ordered: "Miyamoto, you can report the situation!"


A thin young man nodded, "This exchange exhibition lasted for 5 days, and a total of 3328 people came. We also obtained the surveillance video of the shareholder exchange meeting at the end of last year. A total of 7,932 people came. There were 2,755 people who came both times, which can be said to be a very high overlap ratio.

   But after we used computer technology to analyze and compare, we did not find any men similar to the clues provided by Mr. Kameda and Mr. Odawara, nor did we find any suspicious persons. "

   "If you do this, can you screen carefully?" Odawara Akira asked impatiently, "It depends on the computer?"

"Yes, computers are very reliable. We can compare them based on facial information and various behavioral characteristics." Miyamoto respectfully said, "This time we mainly aimed at the last time we watched "Su Shi The people who wrote Li Bai Shu Road Difficulty, and the people who also came to Yan Zhenqing's "On Huzhou General Affairs Book with Chang Yifu" this time."

   "It may not be that they will come this time, or it may not be the same group of people." Kameda Shioji shook his head.

"We are talking about no suspicious people here. What we are talking about is that we have not found anyone using cameras or hidden cameras to take pictures of precious paintings such as "A Discussion on Huzhou General Affairs Book with Chang Yi Fu", so that there are opportunities for fraud." Miyamoto said, " Through a special device, as long as someone does this, we will know."

   Akira Odawara's eyes lit up: "When you say this, does that mean that no one did this last time, so that it can be proved that Shen Huan made a fake and cheated us of our money?"

   Miyamoto shook his head: "We didn't have our special equipment to monitor it last time, so I'm not sure."

   "Then I want you to have a fart!" Akira Odawara immediately became angry.

   I spent so much money, spent so much energy, and got nothing. Isn’t this even more annoying?

   Shinji Abe gave a wry smile, "Don't worry, they still have some conclusions."

"Yes." Miyamoto didn't mean to be angry at all. He bowed his head and said: "We previously asked Mr. Kameda, Mr. Odawara, and Mr. Yasuo Kato who was in charge of receiving the liar, and so on. Through yours Describe, we made some behavioral characteristics of this person, such as speaking movements, walking posture, the way the eyes turn, etc... Do you remember?"


   Kato Yasuchi first said, "The walking style and appearance characteristics of the person simulated by your computer are all seven to eight similar."

"So we also followed Shen Huan this time, and took at least 12 hours of videos of his walking, talking, and various actions, and input them to the computer to compare with this simulator." Miyamoto Kan said freely. "As a result, the matching degree of computer software is only 17%, which is much lower than the medium fit value of over 30%."

   "According to what you said, that person is really not Shen Huan?" Kamedacheng said.

   "Yes, not Shen Huan." Miyamoto said, "We have used this software many times before, and the police have also used it. The chance of finding errors is very small."

   "Of course I know it's not Shen Huan." Akira Odawara, the most irritable here, said with a sneer, "No matter how idiot Shen Huan is, it is impossible for Shen Huan to go out on his own. If he is caught, it will be really fun!"

"In addition, we also started collecting various information about Shen Huan and tracking his whereabouts as early as February." Miyamoto said, "In the past two months, his life is very good. Regularly, there is no contact with any suspicious person at all, most of the contacts with him are company affairs contacts, or girls.

   We even investigated all the customers of the new private restaurant that Shen Huan opened, and we didn't find any suspicious identities. They were all ordinary people.

Everyone knows that Shen Huan is a very famous star in this country. Therefore, we also spent money to find a lot of entertainment gossip reporters and asked them about Shen Huan’s whereabouts and close contacts. Their feedback was that they were closest to Shen Huan. It's just a woman, nothing else.

  According to the above analysis of various conditions and the existence of facts, several experts in our firm have all come to the conclusion that your deception and theft cases should have nothing to do with Shen Huan. "

After    Miyamoto finished speaking, the atmosphere was deserted.

   Odawara Akira's face is the ugliest.

   He actually subconsciously thinks that Shen Huan is related to the big liar.

   But no matter from which aspect, Shen Huan had no need to do such a dangerous thing.

   So he knew in his heart that most of these doubts were fruitless.

   Now there are professional detective offices to do a lot of work. Both humans and computers have carried out large-scale data collection, news snooping, etc., and no suspicious places have been found.

   This proves that Shen Huan's suspicion is small.

   "Where was Shen Huan during the days when we were cheated and stolen?" Kameda Chengji suddenly asked this question.

"Because we hadn't followed up and monitored at that time, we couldn't find out." Miyamoto said, "We also asked the reporters in China, and they didn't have any news... But they said this is normal, because Shen Huan was not a social expert in the first place, and there would be no fixed time situation."

"Don't think about it, we should be looking in the wrong direction." After Akira Odawara figured it out, he waved his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We should find those famous antique scammers and start from them, or from They get news from them so that they will be more targeted! "

"Well, I think so." Shinji Abe said with a wry smile, "My father always thinks that it is a large gang, not a person who has always done things alone, Shen Huan. It seems that he is also very accurate! "

   Kameda Shioji also nodded at this time.


  Since Shen Huan has never been in contact with any suspicious people, and is just doing some daily things by himself, the possibility of him getting involved is very small.

   Such a skilled, bold, and terrifying group cannot be formed overnight.

   Shen Huan basically has no intersection with this circle. Just to make a little money, he loses himself, which is definitely not worth it.

   No matter how much more than 200 million US dollars is, many people will share it. How much can Shen Huan get?

   And Shen Huan took the next product endorsement, starting with tens of millions every year, so comfortable and comfortable to make money, isn't it more stable than making money with fear?

   As long as you regain your sense and look at it with the most normal mentality, you will have another feeling.

   or those criminals hiding in the dark, just want them to focus on Shen Huan and ignore the real enemy!


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