I Know Everything

Chapter 1112: 4 giants

     In the evening, Kobe, Iverson, and Howard hurried back to Los Angeles and rushed to Shen Huan’s villa.

  In the United States, taking a plane is as convenient as taking the high-speed rail in China.

   If you have a private jet, it is equivalent to owning your own high-speed rail line. You can leave whenever you want.

   Of course, this fee is also very high.

   The maintenance costs of private jets, crew salaries, airport docking fees, route application fees, etc., are all significant expenses.

   is basically the same as ordinary people watching Mercedes-Benz.

   Hundreds of thousands of Mercedes-Benz, in fact, half of Chinese families can afford it.

   But the problem is that after buying it, the expensive repair parts, maintenance costs, and serious depreciation will prevent ordinary people from buying this exquisite big toy.

   Kobe and the others came back, not by their own private jet, but by Little Buss.

   NBA bosses are very interesting, because the team is basically their property, so usually, they are quite private.

   is like going outside to play a game, usually players will not choose to take the airline plane, but take the boss's private plane.

   On the one hand, the comfort level is very high. After all, NBA players are big men over 2 meters at every turn. It must be difficult to take an airline plane.

  , on the other hand, is to save time to the maximum.

   How abnormal is the NBA game?

   Sometimes there are 3 games in 3 days, and they are in different cities.

   What should I do?

   After playing the game at night, I got on the bus and went to the airport, took a plane to the next city of the game, and went to bed in the early morning, then got up at noon for a recovery training and played the game at night.

   Then repeat.

   Think about it, with such a tight schedule, where is there such a suitable plane for you to use?

  If you have to wait for a flight, you will inevitably waste a lot of time on cumbersome procedures and waiting time for boarding and disembarking.

   There is no way to adapt to the NBA schedule where every second counts, unless you want to give up the results.

   Of course it is impossible to give up grades.

   So there is a large number of charter flights and private jets.

   Kobe and the others are playing in New York this time. Los Angeles and New York span the east and west of the United States. It takes 6 to 7 hours to fly by plane.

   In order to make the final game better, they chose to sleep in New York last night and only returned by plane at noon today.

   When they got home, the three of them ran directly to Shen Huan's villa.

  Although other players also want to visit the real big legs of the team, this first opportunity can only be given to the team’s three elders.

   Kobe’s wife asked someone to clean the room, lawn, etc. of the villa early, so that Shen Huan could feel the warmth as soon as he moved in.

   When Kobe and the three arrived, Wang Zhen opened the door for them.

   "Oh, really, you are getting more and more beautiful now. Is it the reason why love is nourished?" Iverson greeted Wang Zhen with a smile.

   "I think so." Wang Zhen smiled slightly, "I haven't seen you in a year, you still have the same style."

   Facing the compliment, Kobe can only nod his head.

  He is not sociable, even Wang Zhen is the same.

   Howard is even more shy, because he knew Wang was really Shen Huan’s woman before he came, so he can’t just joke.

   While several people were talking, the kitchen smelled of food.

   Kobe's nose moved, his eyes lit up, he turned and walked over.

   "Hi, Huan!" Kobe smiled brightly at Shen Huan who was busy in the open kitchen.

   "It's all here? Sit down, we'll have dinner right away!" Shen Huan raised his head and said.

"it is good!"

   Kobe and the three agreed and sat at the dinner table next to them.

   Howard also asked Kobe in a low voice, "Does Shen Huan eat like this every day? Does their Chinese have a secret recipe for eating food without increasing fat?"

"How is it possible? There are a lot of fat people in China." Iverson shook his head, "Shen Huan is one of the people I have met who is very self-disciplined. Maybe it is because I just arrived in the United States today and wanted to entertain us at home, so he made an exception. Right."

   "Alan is right."

  , Ji Yinmei, dressed as a cook, was busy bringing a few dishes over, and said smoothly: "Shen Huan has been eating nutritious meals for a month in China, and she insists on high-intensity exercise every day, and she is in very good physical condition.

   It’s just that I came to meet my good friends today, and he is about to start an arduous journey again, so he specially cooks and has a big meal with you! "

   "That's so embarrassing." Howard chuckled.

   He is tall and thinner. It doesn't matter if he eats some of these occasionally.

   Kobe and Iverson are the same.

  Although Kobe has always been very self-disciplined, the annual schedule lasts almost seven or eight months. It is impossible for all three meals a day to be nutritious, which is impossible for the most self-disciplined players.

"I tell you, Shen Huan's cooking is very delicious, not as spicy as ordinary Chinese food, and not too oily, but the taste is better than any big meal in the United States." Iverson said. This, I became interested, "When we went to Lin'an to play a game two years ago, he treated us, and I can't forget the taste now."

"Shen Huan's cooking skills have improved a lot compared to before." Wang Zhen took out a bottle of Moutai from his suitcase and shook it towards them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tonight is a drink. White water, or can I have some wine? "

   "It's the first time I have a party with Shen Huan in a few months. Of course I need some wine." Iverson never hesitated, "This is Maotai? Right?"


   "Then give us a drink!" Iverson waved his hand.

By the way, he also explained to Howard, “This kind of Chinese wine tastes a bit strange for the first time, but you will like it if you drink too much, and no matter how much you drink, your head will never hurt the next day. It’s not like whiskey. Like a cocktail, it makes you want to hit the wall with a headache."

   "Then I have to drink." Howard said with interest.

   Howard was very character when he was young, and now he has come to the Los Angeles Lakers, his character has changed a bit.

   Especially after Iverson and Kobe saved his career.

   He respects these two friends and the big brother very much.

   The same goes for the dinner table.

   When all the food was on the table, Shen Huan and the two girls also sat down, and he was the first to stand up holding the cup.

   "Everyone, in order to celebrate our meeting again, for the upcoming playoffs, let's make a toast!" Howard was full of pride, "our Big Four gather together, that is invincible in the world!!!"


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