I Know Everything

Chapter 1119: The last regular season

Soon it came to April 12, the last day of the NBA regular season.

There were 14 games on this day.

However, these games have no substantial meaning and will not change any of the Eastern and Western quarterfinals.

The Trail Blazers, who have played off themselves, seem to be a pity to the outside world, but they themselves don't think so. Instead, they played lightly and sent all the main players to fight the final game.

Although he can't make it to the quarterfinals of the Western Conference, but at the end of this season, it is only natural to dedicate a wonderful game to the fans.

In their away game with the New Orleans Pelicans, they scored a score of 123:135 in one breath, showing a solid show of their strength.

With their state in this game, in fact, there is no problem with getting the top eight.

The Grizzlies simply picked up a bargain.

Even though the bargain is very small, I met the first Golden State Warriors in the Western Conference and basically played four or five games.

But after all, this is the playoffs, and the Grizzlies have few chances to make the playoffs.

To scare the Portland Trail Blazers like this, Shen Huan and the Lakers certainly attracted more attention.

Especially in the final round of the regular season, it happened to be the Lakers vs. Warriors.

The battle between No. 1 and No. 2 in the West has attracted countless people's attention.

Even if they all know that for the first round of the playoffs, the main players of both sides will definitely not play much in this game, but they can't stop the enthusiasm of countless fans.

Before the broadcast, TNT’s viewership soared to 30 million.

When the camera saw Shen Huan, who was sitting behind the Lakers players, in just three minutes, another 10 million people flooded into the TNT signal statistics.

Shen Huan did not come alone.

Ji Yinmei is sitting on his left, and Wang Zhen is sitting on his right.

While the camera was showing to Shen Huan, it naturally also scanned the two women.

As the most famous narrator of the NBA, Barkley's fat face immediately showed a smile: "It seems that our Shen Huan life is still very comfortable underneath.

This Miss Ji came to the NBA last year and has been doing things under the banner of Shen Huan. As a result, I did not expect that after Wang Zhen came to the NBA for the second time, she would still dare to sit next to Shen Huan, wouldn't she be afraid of being beaten? "

"Comeon!" Kenny Smith said with a smile, "Chinese people are different from us Americans. The women over there are very gentle and listen to men. With Shen Huan's charm, is there a problem with them? Don't forget that Shen Huan has other women besides them!"

"That's what you said." Barkley said solemnly, "If it were me, I would be compliant with Shen Huan. I will do whatever he wants me to do!"

"Uh..." Kenny Smith made a retched expression, "Charles, you have successfully disgusted me!"

"Isn't it?" Barkley looked innocent, "Shen Huan can eat all men and women!"

"Fuck off!"

Kenny Smith didn't want to linger with him anymore, and quickly changed the subject, "You said that this game, why is Shen Huan coming over? I haven't received any news before!"

"I don't think he's here to spy on the enemy." Barkley also entered a state of discussion.

"Oh why?"

"With Shen Huan's strength, do we still need to consider these scumbags of the Golden State Warriors?" Barkley directed the dance. "No matter who it is, even if it is Durant, Thompson and Iguodala combined, There is no way to restrict Shen Huan! And if they are all defending Shen Huan, then old Kobe, old Iverson and Howard, who will restrict?

Even if the three of them are old, but according to their regular season state and that tough character, it is completely no problem to break the Warriors' main bench. "

"Hey, I don't agree with you. The Golden State Warriors this season is stronger! After all, Shen Huan hasn't played a game in a year, and it doesn't matter whether he can have the same form as last year!" Kenny Smith said. "The Golden State Warriors are strong and powerful. Maybe they can do miracles."

"Then let's wait and see!" Barkley said with disdain.

The basketball commentary is like this. You can't share the same point of view, you must oppose each other.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to fall to one side, and it would not arouse debate among fans.

There is no arguing, how can the ratings increase? How can the topic become hot?

So even if Kenny Smith felt that the Golden State Warriors couldn't struggle, he couldn't speak out.

Shen Huan sat in a chair and looked at the Golden State Warriors players who were warming up on the court with no expression on his face.

"Shen Huan, Durant is not easy to deal with." Ji Yinmei whispered, "At the age of 28, he has ushered in his peak for two consecutive years. Whether it is shooting or defense, he has achieved the top of the league. With his joining, the Golden State Warriors are even more powerful!"

"You can't say that. Others have improved, don't we?" Wang Zhen disagreed, "We also joined Howard! With Howard's defense, Shen Huan's offensive ability can be fully released! Golden State Warriors Three players can't block and follow Shen Huan at any time, and they have to accept Shen Huan's shooting score of at least 50 points. Is this acceptable?"

Wang Zhen has been in China this year, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about the NBA.

Especially after Shen Huan announced her return to the NBA, she did a lot of data collection and news watching.

Ji Yinmei was not angry, and smiled slightly, "Really, you are a bit layman. The NBA pays attention to the whole. If their Curry three-pointers and Durant's blue impact are played out, the game can be It has to be seen."

Wang Zhen also looked up at Ji Yinmei, and said with a smile: "So what? You know them, but do you know Shen Huan? Have you seen Shen Huan's dominance on the court with your own eyes? As long as you see, then you I won't say such a thing."

Ji Yinmei felt dumb.

She did not watch Shen Huan's game on the spot. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Compared with Wang Zhen, she lacked such an experience of accompanying Shen Huan for a season.

"This year's Golden State Warriors are still at the championship level." Shen Huan said at this time. "So Meimei is right. Don't take it lightly. Play every game with all your strength to get a satisfactory return. ."

When Shen Huan said this, Ji Yinmei's mood immediately improved.

She knows Shen Huan's character, she has never been ostentatious, except on the court, the rest of the time is very restrained.

Therefore, she is very pertinent to suggest, rather than blindly praise Shen Huan.

It seems that Shen Huan still prefers this set!




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