I Know Everything

Chapter 1123: Lively opening! !

April 15th, 8:30 pm in the United States.

The Ford Center Arena in Oklahoma City, the capital of Oklahoma, is already full of seats.

No, I can't be so gentle.

It should be said that "basically there is no place to stand."

Ford Center Arena, which originally had 19,600 seats, was sold by the Oklahoma City Thunder with 27,000 tickets.

There are really no gaps in the corners, and they are all full.

The lowest ticket price was sold to 10,000 in the name of "Shen Huan's return to the first game in the NBA".

This is already Jordan's first game ticket when he comes back for the second time.

And now the highest ticket price for the Oklahoma City Thunder has reached 500,000—there are seven such tickets, just behind the Lakers seat.

Basically, if it is not too bad luck, Shen Huan will sit in front of you.

When he rests or is free, you can still chat with him.

There is no doubt that the rich are not afraid to spend money. These 500,000 tickets were sold early.

Not only these, whether it is cheap or expensive tickets, they are all robbed on the Internet as soon as they are on sale.

CBS made a statistic. In such a game alone, the Oklahoma City Thunder's ticket revenue reached 430 million U.S. dollars!

This is the same fare as a robbery! !

Although 25%-45% of the league's ticket income has to be turned in, the rest is still blood earned!

But the actual fare is even more expensive!

The cheapest scalper ticket on the Internet has now sold for $15,000, and it is basically the rhythm of being robbed as soon as it comes out.

Now that the game is about to start in half an hour, there are thousands of fans holding signs and walking around the stadium, hoping to buy tickets.

Looking at this situation, the Thunder boss was both happy and sad.

This time the format is that the first two games are at the home court of the Thunder, the last three games are at the home court of the Lakers, and the last two games are divided into one home court.

If your Thunder team can compete with the Lakers for seven games before the end, and there are at least 3 games chance, then you can get 1 billion dollars just by selling tickets!

Even if 25%-45% is turned over to the alliance, is it not fragrant with the remaining six or seven billion dollars?

What could be more profitable than this?

But the problem is that the big result of the Thunder is that they only have the first two games, and basically cut off the sixth home game.

After all, wanting to fight the Lakers with Shen Huan to the sixth game is something that no team dare to dream of!

At this moment, he became wildly jealous of the Bass family of the Lakers.

Shen Huan will play at least 8 games in the Staples Arena in the playoffs.

Even if there is no gimmick of "Shen Huan returning to the first game of the NBA" in the future, 300 million won in each game is more than enough.

8 games is 2.4 billion US dollars in ticket revenue!

The Bath family is really lucky, they have found the money printing machine! !

Why wasn't the International Mathematical Olympiad that Shen Huan participated in in Oklahoma City?

In that case, Shen Huan came to our team for a trial and was given it by us. Then these honors and wealth are mine!


Not to mention the envy and hatred of Mr. Boss.

The lively noise inside the stadium almost overturned the top cover.

Shen Huan, who is doing warm-up exercises and shooting exercises, can cause countless fans to cheer and clap every time.

Even many fans of the Thunder couldn't help screaming.

Giving Shen Huan a compliment before the start of the game will not prevent them from cheering for their home team in the game.

The TNT team of this game sent three commentators in one go.

They are Barkley, Kenny Smith and O'Neal.

From the style of these three people, they are not serious tactical analysis masters.

Only add Van Gundy.

The three of them were already chatting loudly with excitement before the start.

"Tsk tusk, today this arena is about to burst!" Kenny Smith exclaimed.

"The fans inside are so crazy, it reminds me of the situation when I won the championship." O'Neal said with envy and hatred, "Shen Huan, this kid is so lucky! In an era without me, otherwise Shaq will Stop him!"

"Ha ha!"

Barkley grinned.

Staring at his huge bull eyes.

O'Neill was stunned at a glance, "Charles, what do you mean? Do you think I can't?"

"If you can, go down and compete with him now." Barkley raised his hand.

O'Neill didn't feel angry for a while.

I'm over 40 years old, how do you tell me to fight Shen Huan?

But he is not incapable of fighting back, "Come on, Charles, the two of us will practice first, and then I will find Shen Huan, how about?"

"Dream you!" Barkley sneered without fighting.

He had lost the previous few times, and this time he will definitely not seek abuse.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Kenny Smith quickly changed the subject, "Hey, hey, look! There are many celebrities besides the fans today!"

Barkley also took advantage of the situation and said, "Yes! I saw Nicholson just now! It's not easy for the elderly, they are all 70 years old, and they are running around watching football games!"

"He only watches the Lakers, and only sees Shen Huan's away game, okay?" O'Neal is still very familiar with this old gentleman. "He knows that he can sit on the court and watch the game in a few years, and he also knows Shen Huan. Maybe after this time, I will never come back again, so I have to watch when I crawl!"

"It's not just Nicholson, you see, there are Xiao Li and his new girlfriend, there are Oracle madman Ellison, and Zuckerberg and his wife who must die, Amazon's The boss Bezos is here too..." Kenny Smith ordered a lot of stars and rich people.

But O'Neal’s attention was not on them. He smiled and said: "You should look at the female star behind Shen Huan, are you familiar?"

"Elizabeth Olsen, Miley Cyrus, oh, and the famous Black Widow Scarlett..." Barkley had seen them a long time ago, and at this time he made the exaggerated expression that he saw." They all had scandals with Shen Huan! Miley Cyrus also kissed Shen Huan in public!"

"Let me say, Shen Huan must like Scarlett more...Wow, look! He and Scarlett are talking and laughing!" O'Neill was obviously jealous.

Although his body, figure and height are combined with Scarlett, it is completely the version of beauty, woman and beast, but this does not prevent the big shark of fraternity from like black widow.

"The last time Scarlett said that if she is 10 years younger, she will definitely conquer Shen Huan!" Kenny Smith said with a smile, "Although she is over 30 years old now, she is also the most charming. Age!"

"I agree!" O'Neill raised his thumb, "not just her, but the two girls next to her are also beautiful and distinctive, and I like them too!"

"If I go together, I don't know if Shen Huan can eat it." Barkley made a sentence.

"I think he can do it! Because Shaq is so invincible! Shen Huan has my shadow, so he can do it too!" When O'Neill praised Shen Huan, he never forgot to praise himself.

"He is much better than you. At least people dare to marry several, can you do it?" Barkley was not convinced by O'Neill. "He is a mathematics genius or a famous mathematician. How about you? Apart from playing ball, you What can you do?"

"I will kick your fart! And I won't kiss the ass." O'Neill retorted.


Kenny Smith next to him laughed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It's really common for the two to quarrel as soon as they meet.

Don't doubt it.

It's not the first time that this group of TNT's gangsters have been crazy and noisy in the show.

But every time the effect is very good.

For example, now, the number of viewers who listened to their comments with relish has reached more than 50 million, setting a record before the first round of the playoffs.

It's a good start!


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